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研究生(外文):Bianca Leiner
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Website Atmosphere, Nationality and Innovativeness on Consumers Responses:A Cross-Cultural Comparison
外文關鍵詞:Website AtmosphericsInnovativenessNationalityTaiwanGermanyTrustOnline Store PerceptionPerceived UsefulnessApproach/AvoidancePleasure and ArousalColorPrice
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本研究收集台灣與德國共703份有效樣本。此實驗結果顯示了顏色和價錢會對顧客的行為造成顯著的影響。同時,結果也指出顏色會對情緒的喚起度有顯著的效果, 本研究更進一步發現,暖色系與冷色系對兩個國家的顧客會有不同程度的影響。另一方面,價錢也會影響感知有用性與情緒的愉悅度。

With more than 4 billion websites on the World Wide Web it has become essential for companies, especially those who operate worldwide, to make their websites as appealing as possible for their customer base. This paper intended to provide some insight for companies who want to offer their products online to German and Taiwanese customers.
A total of 703 valid responses from participants of both countries were collected in this study. The experimental result revealed significant influence of color and price on the customers’ behavior intention. The results also indicated that not only does color have a significant main effect on arousal, but that warm and cool colors influence Taiwanese and German participants to different degrees. Additionally, price resulted in a significantly high level of Perceived Usefulness and Pleasure. We believe that this paper can give great insight to companies who wish to sell their products in one or both of these markets, which admittedly differ greatly from each other. We also hope to give some insight on what kind of preferences consumers in both markets have when it comes to website atmospherics.

摘要 i
2.1. Color 3
2.2. Price 5
2.3. Nationality and Culture 6
2.4. Innovativeness 9
2.5. Online Store Perception 10
2.6. Perceived Usefulness 11
2.7. Trust 12
2.8. Emotion 13
2.9. Approach/Avoidance 14
3.1. Research Framework 15
3.2. Experimental Design 17
3.3. Measurements 18
3.4. Pre-test 20
4.1. Participants 21
4.2. Manipulation Check 25
4.3. Reliability and Validity 27
4.4. ANOVA 31
4.5. Regression Analysis 35
5.1. Main Findings 37
5.2. Implications 40
5.3. Limitations 42
7.1. German Website 43
7.2. Taiwanese Website 49
7.3. Chinese Questionnaire 55
7.4. German Questionnaire 80

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