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研究生(外文):Jie-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of micro/nano clays on cytotoxicity and acute toxicity of mice
外文關鍵詞:Micro/nano claysCytotoxicityAcute oral toxicityGenotoxicityMice
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黏土是一種產量豐富且價格便宜的無機礦物,由於其獨特的物化特性,其應用層面與領域相當多元。黏土奈米化後,其細小顆粒具有迥異新穎的物理特性,也因此應用於生物體時,潛在的傷害風險需進行評估。本研究的目的旨在評估微奈米化黏土 (TB、TBB1、TBI1) 與奈米矽片 (nanosilcate platelets, NSP) 對細胞 (NIH-3T3) 與小鼠之毒性。體外培養試驗結果顯示細胞形態上,500 µg/mL高劑量的微奈米黏土會抑制細胞生長。細胞凋亡試驗亦顯示100 µg/mL的微奈米黏土會輕微引發細胞凋亡,但是對細胞壞死沒有影響。添加活性氧 (reactive oxygen species, ROS) 清除劑 (N-MPG; n-2-mercaptopropionyl-glycine and PDTC; ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate)、NADPH oxidase抑制劑 (DPI; diphenyleneiodonium chloride and Apo; apocynin) 以及胞吞作用 (endocytosis) 抑制劑 (Cyto D; cytochalasin D) 探討其對細胞凋亡之結果顯示,NSP組在300 µM N-MPG處理下顯著地降低細胞凋亡,而TB和NSP組在2 mM PDTC處理下亦顯著地降低細胞凋亡。NADPH氧化酶抑制劑結果顯示微奈米黏土與10 µM DPI和30 µM Apo處理可輕微降低微奈米黏土誘發細胞凋亡,但對NSP誘發之細胞凋亡則沒有影響。微奈米黏土和NSP處理組在1 µg/mL Cyto D 處理下,都有顯著降低細胞凋亡。DPI和Cyto D的處理皆可顯著降低微奈米黏土與NSP所誘發ROS的產生。但是在添加Apo情況下,微奈米黏土與NSP組反而會促進ROS的產生。LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) 的釋放結果顯示微奈米黏土與NSP會引起小幅度細胞膜的損傷。微奈米黏土對細胞的SOD (superoxide dismutase) 活性沒有顯著影響。TB、TBI1與NSP對細胞的GSH (glutathione) 含量也沒有影響,但TBB1處理則會降低細胞的GSH含量。微奈米黏土與NSP在100 µg/mL會明顯影響粒線體膜通透性,造成膜電位損失,N-MPG處理無法減緩此膜電位損失,但是NSP添加N-MPG或Cyto D可減緩膜電位損失。DPI處理能降低NSP誘發的caspase-6活性。Caspase抑制劑zVAD.fmk處理,其會輕微降低NSP誘發細胞凋亡和壞死的比例。N-MPG與PDTC對NSP誘導NIH-3T3細胞的HSP70表達沒有顯著影響。單獨NSP或在添加N-MPG、DPI與Cyto D下對NIH-3T3細胞的gelsolin表達與JNK活化也是沒有明顯影響。小鼠每天口服微奈米化黏土、經14 天後結果顯示體重、採食量行為及肝腎病理組織切片在TB、TBB1、TBI1處理組與對照組之間沒有顯著的差異。微核化 (micronucleus, MN) 試驗顯示在測試的濃度中並不會誘導紅血球細胞微核化。口服急性毒性B6小鼠的LD50值大於4 g/kg。總體而言,本研究顯示微奈米化黏土在體外培養的細胞具有輕微細胞毒性,但是在活體內幾乎是無顯著動物毒性與基因毒性。

Clay is an abundant and inexpensive inorganic mineral. As nano clays show unique physicochemical properties, it has been applied in a variety of fields. The novel physical properties of nano clays draw serious concerns by the public for its biosafety when applied to the organisms, and thus it is critical to evaluate its toxicity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity and acute toxicity of micro/nano clays (TB, TBB1, TBI1) and nanosilcate platelets (NSP) in mice. In vitro morphological observations showed that high doses at 500 μg/mL micro/nano clays resulted in cell growth arrest and 100 μg/mL micro/nano clays slightly caused cell apoptosis, but had no significant effect on necrosis. ROS scavenger (N-MPG and PDTC), NADPH oxidase inhibitor (DPI and Apo) and endocytosis inhibitor (Cyto D) were used to investigate the mechanisms of cell apoptosis induced by micro/nano clays. 300 μM N-MPG treatment significantly rescued cell apoptosis induced by NSP, and 2 mM PDTC treatment also significantly ameliorated cell apoptosis by TB or NSP. 10 µM DPI and 30 µM Apo also slightly ameliorated apoptosis by TB, TBB1 and TBI1, but had no effect on apoptosis induced by NSP. Treatment of Cyto D at 1 µg/mL significantly rescued cell apoptosis induced by micro/nano clays or NSP. Both DPI and Cyto D treatment significantly suppressed ROS generation induced by micro/nano clays or NSP, but Apo treatment exacerbated ROS production. Analysis of LDH release suggested that micro/nano clays and NSP could damage cell membranes and lead to a slightly higher LDH activity. TB, TBI1 and NSP had no significant effect on cellular GSH content, but TBB1 significantly reduced GSH content. Neither micro/nano clays nor NSP exerted an effect on SOD activity. Micro/nano clays and NSP at 100 μg/mL significantly caused mitochondrial damage leading to membrane potential loss and treatment of N-MPG failed to rescue the mitochondrial membrane potential loss by micro/nano clays, but NSP add N-MPG or Cyto D treatment significantly rescued the mitochondrial membrane potential loss. Treatment of DPI significantly suppressed caspase-6 activity induced by NSP. Furthermore, treatment of zVAD.fmk, a caspase inhibitor, ameliorated cell apoptosis and necrosis induced by NSP. N-MPG and PDTC treatment failed to affect HSP70 expression by NSP. N-MPG, DPI or Cyto D exerted no effect on gelsolin expression and JNK activation induced by NSP. In acute toxicity of mice with daily oral administration of micro/nano clays for 14 days, body weight and feed intake and histopathology were not different between micro/nano clay treated and control groups. Micronucleus analysis suggested that there was no significant micronucleus formation in the erythrocytes induced by micro/nano clays at various concentrations. Results from the acute toxicity study suggested that micro/nano clays have a lethal dose (LD50) greater than 4 g/kg body weight and further tests suggested that micro/nano clays of LD50 is greater than 4 g/kg body weight for male and female B6 mice. In conclusion, results from this study suggested that micro/nano clays showed slight cytoxicity, but had no significant acute toxicity and genotoxicity in living animals.

六、細胞凋亡 (apoptosis)18
(一)經由胱天蛋白酶活化引起之細胞死亡 (caspases-dependent cell apoptosis)19
(二)不經由胱天蛋白酶活化引起之細胞死亡 (caspases-independent cell apoptosis)24
(一)活性氧類物質 (reactive oxygen species, ROS) 的種類26
(二)活性氧類物質 (reactive oxygen species, ROS) 形成的途徑27
(三)氧化壓力 (oxidative stress)29
八、活性氧類物質清除劑 (reactive oxygen species scavengers, ROS scavengers)33
(一)N-2-mercaptopropionyl-glycine (N-MPG)33
(二)Ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (PDTC)33
九、NADPH氧化酶抑制劑 (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase inhibitor)34
(一)Diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI)34
(二)Apocynin (Apo)35
十、胞吞作用抑制劑 (endocytosis inhibitor) -Cytochalasin D (Cyto D)35
四、細胞凋亡 (Annexin V apoptosis) 分析38
五、活性氧類物質清除劑 (ROS scavenger)、NADPH氧化酶抑制劑 (NADPH oxidase inhibitor) 與胞吞作用抑制劑 (endocytosis inhibitor) 於細胞凋亡中之作用39
六、NADPH氧化酶抑制劑 (NADPH oxidase inhibitor) 與胞吞作用抑制劑 (endocytosis inhibitor) 於ROS的檢測分析40
七、乳酸脫氫酶 (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) 活性分析41
八、超氧化物岐化酶 (superoxide dismutase, SOD) 活性分析41
九、穀胱甘肽 (glutathione, GSH) 含量分析42
十、粒線體膜電位 (mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP) 分析43
十二、Casepase-independent apoptosis分析45
十三、西方吸漬法分析Heat shock protein 70、Gelsolin、JNK蛋白45
十五、體內微核化試驗 (micronucleus assay in vivo) 以及肝腎組織學47
十六、掃描式電子顯微鏡 (scanning electron microscopy, SEM) 之觀察48
十七、統計分析 (statistical analysis)49
五、微奈米黏土與NSP對NIH-3T3細胞的粒線體膜電位 (mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP) 之影響78
六、微奈米黏土與NSP對NIH-3T3細胞的乳酸脫氫酶 (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) 活性之影響82
七、微奈米黏土對NIH-3T3細胞的超氧化物岐化酶 (superoxide dismutase, SOD) 活性之影響84
八、微奈米黏土與NSP對NIH-3T3細胞的穀胱甘肽 (glutathione, GSH) 含量之影響85
十一、NSP對NIH-3T3細胞的熱休克蛋白70 (heat shock protein 70, HSP70) 活性之影響91
十四、NIH-3T3細胞暴露於微奈米黏土的掃描式電子顯微鏡 (scanning electron microscopy, SEM) 觀察94
十六、微奈米黏土處理48小時之後,微核化嗜多染紅血球 (micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes, MNPCEs) 的頻率100
一、微奈米黏土與NSP對小鼠纖維母細胞 (NIH-3T3) 的細胞毒性106

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