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研究生(外文):Chia-An Liu
論文名稱(外文):A thermal-fluid-structural multi-physics transient analysis, optimization and experimental study of a 3-axis vertical machining center spindle head
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tsang Lee
口試委員(外文):Chien-Hung Liu
外文關鍵詞:Machine toolsthermal deformationfinite element analysisthermal displacementthermal errorthermo-friendly concept
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This study investigated the thermal displacement characteristics of a domestic three-axis vertical machining center. First, the machining center was operated at different rotational speeds to explore the temperature variation and the thermal deformation of the structure. Based on the experimental measurements, a multi-physics simulation model was constructed, modified and validated. This model was then used to predict the thermal deformation, as well as to evaluate the critical positions of temperature monitoring and control. Moreover, a cooling fan was used to enhance the convective heat transfer of the spindle head. This study further proposed an adaptive thermal balance technology to manage the temperature distribution of the spindle head structure, mitigating its thermal displacement, and thus improving the machining accuracy. Previous studies to the same three-axis vertical machining center that were carried out in our group clearly pointed out that the temperature distribution of the ribs on the spindle head have significant influence to the thermal displacement, especially thermal bending. The optimal locations on the ribs for heaters to adjust the temperature distribution were determined by using optimization software. Experiments were conducted to verify the effects of the heaters at a variety of spindle speed. In addition, a correlation analysis to the temperature and thermal displacement of the cutting point was carried out. With the proposed adaptive thermal balance technology it has been shown that the thermal error of the machine tool can be effectively reduced without changing the structural design of the machine.

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的與動機 5
第2章 理論簡介 7
2.1 ANSYS運算理論 7
2.1.1 能量方程式 7
2.1.2 連續方程式 8
2.1.3 動量方程式 8
2.2 熱流耦合能量方程式 9
2.3 熱彈性力學方程式 9
2.4 線性迴歸分析 10
第3章 數值模擬及最佳化分析 12
3.1 數值分析 12
3.2 模擬流程 12
3.3 物理模型 14
3.4 邊界條件 15
3.4.1 馬達熱源 15
3.4.2 軸承熱源 16
3.4.3 皮帶輪熱源 19
3.4.4 自然對流邊界 20
3.4.5 強制對流邊界 21
3.5 網格收斂性 22
3.6 最佳化分析系統 25
3.6.1 最佳化流程 25
3.6.2 最佳化設定 27
第4章 實驗驗證 29
4.1 實驗架構 29
4.1.1 溫度量測系統 29
4.1.2 位移量測系統 30
4.1.3 適應式熱平衡技術 31
4.2 實驗流程規劃 32
第5章 結果與討論 35
5.1 模擬結果 35
5.2 實驗結果 44
5.2.1 主軸9000rpm實驗結果 45
5.2.2 主軸6000rpm實驗結果 51
5.2.3 主軸3000rpm實驗結果 56
5.3 實驗參數分析 61
第6章 結論與建議 65
Reference 67

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