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研究生(外文):Chien-Cheng Liao
論文名稱(外文):Application of Short Time Fourier Transform for Improving the FTP Phase Recovery in case of Local Large Phase Gradient
中文關鍵詞:條紋輪廓幾何法相位移法傅立葉轉換輪廓幾何法短時傅立葉轉換反向映射Papoulis-Gerchberg algorithm
外文關鍵詞:fringe pattern profilometryphase shift methodFourier transform profilometryShort Time Fourier Transforminverse mappingPapoulis-Gerchberg algorithm
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The propose of this paper is solving the problem that we can’t extract the precise phase at the high phase gradient when using the traditional Fringe Pattern Profilometry (FPP) and Fourier Transform Profilometry (FTP).With the idea of the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT), we can find the partial frequency of the fringe in the original, messy spectrum. Using the inverse mapping, the original, deform fringe-pattern could be translated to the relative phase of the reference plane according to the phase of the first filtering.
After the inverse mapping, we can use the Papoulis-Gerchberg algorithm to fill the areas which have no data, so it would help us to examine the precise which are found of the filtering in the frequency domain. If the data is not complete, we could reduce the analysis window which is used in the STFT. Keep repeating this step, until the precise which are modulated by the contour of the surface are eliminated.
The experimental results display the precise which are modulated by the contour of the surface of the high fringe-diversification in the traditional FTP could be find and restore successfully by using the inverse mapping and the P-G algorithm to search the position of the filtering repeatedly.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2研究相關文獻 2
1-3 研究動機 4
1-4 研究方法與論文架構 5
第二章 量測系統的相關研究 7
2-1.1 干涉原理 7
2-1.2結構光-條紋結構光 10
2-2 FPP法理論(Fringe Pattern Profilometry) 11
2-3相移法 14
2-3.1 三步相移法 16
2-3.2 四步相移法 17
2-3.3 五步相移法 17
2-4 FTP法(Fourier Transform Profilometry) 18
2-4.1傅立葉轉換基礎 18
2-4.2FTM法(Fourier Transform Method) 21
2-4.3窗函數 24
2-4.4頻率域的濾波 27
2-4.5消除載波頻率 31
2-4.6提取相位 33
2-4.7相位展開 33
2-5 FTP法的限制 36
第三章 改進FTP法理論 38
3-1 短時傅立葉轉換(STFT) 38
3-2 影像幾何轉換 50
3-2.1 正向映射 50
3-2.2 反向映射 51
3-3 消除物體調變相位 53
3-4 P-G演算法 57
3-5 其他影響相位的因素討論 61
3-5.1鏡頭畸變 61
3-5.2過飽和問題 62
第四章 實驗架設與結果 64
4.1實驗設備 64
4.2實驗結果 67
4.2.1 拍攝圖像分析結果 67
4.2.2 模擬圖像分析結果 72
第五章 結論與未來展望 80
結論 80
未來展望 82
參考文獻 84

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