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研究生(外文):Ching-Fu Tien
論文名稱(外文):Correlations of temperature and humidity on the light guide plate in the liquid crystal display backlight module
外文關鍵詞:LGPPMMAFoamCompression Force Deflection
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薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器本身擁有厚度薄、質量輕與高亮度等多項優點,如何得到更好的顯示效果,開發高亮度、高均齊度、省電及輕薄的背光模組系統是很多工程師的目標。由於背光模組內的冷陰極螢光燈管 (CCFL) 或高效率發光二極體 (LED) 於長時間點亮驅動狀態下,其燈管或LED本身所產生的溫度將會影響背光模組內的微光學結構產生微變形,進而導致輝度不均與畫面顯示異常等現象。其中的導光板大部份皆以 PMMA (聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)為材料製作,然而此材料又容易受溫度與濕氣影響造成尺寸變異,進而影響顯示畫面異常。考量現行的液晶電視顯示器以42”電視銷售為大宗,故本研究會以42” 大小的導光板為主要研究尺寸。
第二部分的探討導光板PMMA 因吸熱、吸濕膨脹產生應變相對會有應力產生,針對應力、應變關係找到對應的彈性緩衝材料-高密度泡棉,除了可固定導光板在背光模組對的位置之外,又可吸收因導光板、受熱、吸濕膨脹的應變量,可防止導光板變形造成拱翹、變形,導致 MURA (顯示畫面異常)。

Thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) itself has a thin, light and high brightness and many other advantages, How to get better display, development of high-brightness, high-uniformity, saving and thin backlight system is the goal of many engineers. Because of the cold cathode fluorescent (CCFL) or high-efficiency light-emitting diode (LED) backlight module in the long light-driven state, the temperature of the lamp or LED will affect the micro-optical structures deformation, resulting in uneven brightness and screen display abnormal behavior. Wherein the light guide plate main material is PMMA (Poly-methyl Methacrylate), however, this material is also easily affected by temperature and humidity impact the size variation. Consider the current LCD TV monitors with 42 "TV sales as the main dimensions, this study will be 42 "size light guide plate as the main dimensions.
This study was divided into two parts do investigate, the first part focused on the light guide plate material properties study. Experimentally that, the light guide plate absorption rate and size of the expansion really affected by temperature and humidity, In particular, a greater impact with humidity. Experiments were first guide plate for temperature and humidity to find the coefficient of thermal expansion and water absorption. The second part of the study guide plate PMMA due to heat, moisture expansion strained, to find the corresponding for stress, strain relation between elastic cushioning material (high-density foam), In addition to the light guide plate in the backlight module fixed to the outside position, and can be absorbed by the light guide plate, heat, moisture expansion should be variable, to prevented light guide plate deformation.

第一章 緒論...................................................1
1.1 前言......................................................1
1.2 研究動機..................................................4
第二章 導光板在LCD 顯示器內的應用.............................8
2.1 前言..................................................8
2.2 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器模組總成簡介......................9
2.3 導光板原理與應用.....................................12
2.4 導光板原材料特性.....................................24
2.5 導光板與顯示品質的關係...............................26
第三章 導光板高溫高濕測試實驗................................30
3.1 前言.................................................30
3.2 導光板吸熱、吸濕物理現象.............................30
3.3 導光板吸熱、吸濕實驗.................................31
3.5 導光板是濕度影響之尺寸變化實驗.......................44
3.6 導光板受熱吸濕尺寸變化實驗之結論.....................51
第四章 固定並吸收導光板高溫高濕膨脹量之材料..................54
4.1 前言.................................................54
4.2 發泡塑膠材料簡介.....................................56
4.3 高發泡緩衝材料實驗....................................63
4.4 高發泡緩衝材料與導光板膨脹之關聯性與應用..............67
第五章 結論與未來展望.........................................75

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