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研究生(外文):Tzu-Mao Feng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Laser Phase Shift Interferometry for the Surface Profile Restoration
外文關鍵詞:Phase shiftinglaserprofile restoration
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研究結果為量測KNT 2060/01試片的R2凹槽,布滿3-5條的干涉條紋圖使用均值濾波後去執行還原結果能有90%的還原效果,而同樣的方法量測鋼球也讓Laser光源原本只能還原到5000nm提升到與LED相近的還原效果5500nm,但以整個還原的輪廓與實際的輪廓相較來說,雷射相移干涉術的還原效果仍然沒有LED光源來的好,主因是數位影像處理的方式仍然無法完全的消除光斑,因此若是能在光學架構中做改善,直接的消除光斑應該會擁有較好的還原結果。

Phase shifting interferometry is a common measurement technique to reduce the surface profile. The random phase interferometry can overcome the environmental vibration and suit for measurements on the factory. It often completely reconstructs surface with the LED light, because of low coherence can’t exist speckles. But the range of the LED light source measuring depth only a few micrometers. If you want to enhance the measurement range, you must be replaced with laser but incompletely restore profile caused by speckles.
In order to improve the impact on the contour of reconstruction, using image processing with Matlab to test the contrast stretching, the order of phase unwrapping and filters for improving the results of contour.
Experiments carried out at a uniform background laser light and the high pixels CCD, measuring different grooves and steel ball to rebuild surface, the best way to improve results of reduction is mean filter.
After the experiments, A frame is full of three to five fringes with mean filter will achieve reduction result of 90%, and then steel ball reconstruct the depth of surface to 5000nm by laser light and 5500nm the same as the reduction of LED by the improved method. But for entire contour, The LED is better than the laser to measure the surface profile, the main reason is using image processing can’t entirely eliminate speckles. Therefore, if you attempt to improve the optical architecture, the direct elimination of speckles should have a better result.

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 前言 - 1 -
1.2 研究動機 - 1 -
1.3 研究之進步性與目標 - 2 -
1.4 論文架構 - 2 -
第二章 文獻回顧 - 4 -
2.1 相位取出 - 4 -
2.2 隨機相位移演算法 - 10 -
2.3 誤差的原因與改善方法 - 12 -
第三章 數位干涉顯微鏡理論基礎 - 17 -
3.1 數位干涉顯微鏡系統 - 17 -
3.2 基本干涉原理 - 18 -
3.3 相移干涉術 - 20 -
3.4 各式等間距相位移演算法 - 21 -
3.4.1 三步相位移法 - 22 -
3.4.2 四步相位移法 - 23 -
3.4.3 Carre''演算法 - 23 -
3.4.4 五步相移演算法 - 24 -
3.5 隨機相位移演算法【15】 - 24 -
3.6 相位展開 - 29 -
第四章 系統規格與元件設計 - 32 -
4.1 本實驗之顯微鏡系統 - 32 -
4.2.1 顯微鏡之規格 - 34 -
4.2.2 照明光源 - 37 -
4.2.3 CCD - 42 -
4.2PI 位移平台 - 44 -
4.3 實驗系統架構 - 44 -
第五章 雷射光源量測物體表面還原測試與結果 - 46 -
5.1 雷射光之干涉圖 - 46 -
5.2 輪廓還原 - 50 -
5.3 影響輪廓還原的因素 - 54 -
5.3.1 光斑的影響 - 54 -
5.3.2 干涉條紋寬度的影響 57
5.3.3 解纏的影響 58
5.4 雷射光源還原表面輪廓之改善 59
5.4.1 調整pixel光強與CCD截取的像素大小 59
5.4.2 相位展開之順序 60
5.4.3 濾波器濾雜訊 67
5.5 使用鋼球量測作改善之驗證 74
5.5.1紅光LED量測鋼球並還原 75
5.5.2 紅光Laser量測鋼球並還原 77
5.6 紅光LED與紅光Laser高深度量測實驗 83
第六章 結論與未來展望 90
6.1 研究結論 90
6.2 未來展望 91
參考文獻 92

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