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研究生(外文):ZU-HAO SYU
論文名稱(外文):Study of flow characteristics in the gap and downstream of tandem half cylinders by proper orthogonal decomposition method
外文關鍵詞:Tandem half cylinderProper orthogonal decompositionSelf-sustained oscillationsPeriodic blowing/suction
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The study investigates the flow characteristics in the gap between and downstream of two half cylinders arranged in tandem at the Reynolds number 1,000, based on the cylinder diameter. The particle image velocimetry is employed to measure the flow field and the proper orthogonal decomposition method is used to analyze the coherent flow structures. It is found that in the downstream region, the flow structures are the Karman vortex-street. The strength of circulation and the frequencies decreases mildly as the gap increases. However, in the gap region, four kinds of flow characteristics are categorized. As S/D=0.1~0.9, the flow in the gap exhibits periodic blowing/suction at the same frequency as that in the wake. This frequency is higher than that behind a single cylinder of the same diameter and the circulation strength is the strongest. For S/D=1.0~3.5, the fluctuating amplitudes are larger near the trailing-edge than that near the leading-edge of separating shear-layer across the gap. As the gap increases, this frequency in the gap decreases and the coherency of the periodic blowing/suction becomes less pronounced. The characteristic frequencies in the gap and in the wake are the same and also greater than that behind a single cylinder of the same diameter. For S/D=4.0~4.5, the vortex structures along the upper and the lower separating shear-layers are symmetric. For these gaps, the characteristic of self-sustained oscillations is found and no periodic blowing/suction is detected in the gap. The characteristic frequency in the gap is about 1.6 times that in the wake. For S/D=5.0, multiple characteristic frequencies are detected, representing that the flow structures in the gap switches between the self-sustained oscillations and the shedding vortex streets.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 x
符號表 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機及目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 渦流流量計之應用實例-單一鈍體 2
1-2-2 渦流流量計之應用實例-縱列鈍體 3
1-2-3 適當正交分解方法 6
第二章 實驗設備與數據分析方法 8
2-1低速循環水槽 8
2-2 三維精密移動平台 8
2-3 實驗架構和模型 8
2-4 質點影像測速儀系統介紹 9
2-5 具有特徵頻率的速度擾動量振幅分析 11
2-6 剪力層分析 11
2-7 開縫出口方向速度分析 12
2-8 環流量分析 13
2-9 適當正交分解法(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition)[2] 14
2-10 間距上方之水平方向力量計算 16
第三章 實驗結果與討論 18
3-1 單一圓柱與單一半圓柱之流場結構探討 18
3-2適當正交分解與相位平均法差異 18
3-3縱列半圓柱間與下游流場結構特性探討 19
3-3-1 不同間距對縱列半圓柱間流場影響 19
3-3-2 縱列半圓柱之頻率分析 21
3-3-3 縱列半圓柱間距中流場特性探討 21
3-3-4 縱列半圓柱尾流流場結構特性探討 23
第四章 結論 25
參考文獻 27

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