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研究生(外文):Zheng-Rong Lin
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Stand Characteristics and Establishment of Growth and Yield Models for Taiwania(Taiwania cryptomerioides)Plantations
指導教授(外文):Tian-Ming Yen
口試委員(外文):Joou-Shian LeeChao-Huan WangWan-Yu Liu
外文關鍵詞:Taiwania(Taiwania cryptomerioides)PlantationsPermanent sample plotsGrowth and yieldCorrelation analysisRegression analysis
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本研究目的在於探討大尺度範圍之臺灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides)人工林之生長收穫,以林齡、地位與林分密度作為主要變因,進行林分性態值與其變化量之分析,並將各樣區之樣木依胸徑大小均分為四種徑級進行分析,以瞭解其與林分整體之關係。本研究資料來自林務局永久樣區調查資料,從其中萃出 32 筆臺灣杉人工林樣區資料進行研究,共歷經兩次調查(相隔 4-6 年)之資料。三種主要變因與林分性態值之相關分析結果顯示,胸徑與地位及林分密度呈正相關,但在徑級Ⅰ並無顯著相關,且在徑級Ⅱ僅與林分密度呈正相關;樹高與三種因子皆呈正相關;蓄積量與三種因子皆呈正相關,僅在徑級Ⅰ與林齡無顯著關係;存活株數與林分密度呈正相關,且在徑級Ⅲ和Ⅳ亦與林齡呈正相關。林分性態值之變化量相關分析結果顯示,胸徑生長與林齡及林分密度呈負相關,但在徑級Ⅰ和Ⅳ僅與林齡呈負相關;樹高生長和三種因子呈負相關,但在徑級Ⅰ與地位無相關,而在徑級Ⅱ與林分密度無相關,而在徑級Ⅲ和Ⅳ僅與地位呈負相關;材積生長量與林分密度呈正相關,但在徑級Ⅰ僅與林齡呈負相關,在徑級Ⅱ則無顯著相關;材積生長率和林齡及林分密度呈負相關。存活株數變化量無顯著相關。存活株數變化率僅在徑級Ⅱ和Ⅳ與林分密度呈正相關。本研究以 ANOVA 進一步探討四種徑級林分性態值之變化量差異,結果顯示,胸徑生長量在相鄰徑級並無顯著差異,但與相鄰外的徑級呈顯著差異,其生長量隨著徑級提升而增加;樹高生長量之間並無明顯差異;材積生長量在徑級Ⅳ大於徑級Ⅲ,此兩者皆大於徑級Ⅰ和Ⅱ(徑級Ⅰ與徑級Ⅱ無顯著差異);材積生長率之間並無明顯差異。存活株數變化量於相鄰徑級並無顯著差異,而徑級Ⅰ明顯大於徑級Ⅲ和Ⅳ;存活株數變化率僅在徑級Ⅰ明顯大於其他徑級。而收穫量與林齡、地位與林分密度之回歸模式分析結果以Perala(1971)模式優良於其他九種模式(R2adj = 0.994, RMSE = 21.583 m3 ha-1)。

The purpose of this study was to analyze the growth and yield of Taiwania(Taiwania cryptomerioides) plantations with a large-scale study areas. Moreover, four diameter at breast height (DBH) classes according to tree sizes were classified for each stand, namely DBH classes I, II, III and IV. A total of 32 permanent sample plots with two repeated measurements (4-6 years) were obtained. Correlation analysis was used to analyze stand characteristics with the three factors. On DBH, it was positively correlated with site and stand density, except for DBH-class I and stand density on DBH-class II. In tree height, it was positively correlated with all three factors. The pattern of growing stock was similar to tree height, except for age on DBH-class I. In the number of survival trees, it was positively correlated with stand density, and it was also positively correlated with age on DBH-class Ⅲ and Ⅳ. The relationship between three factors and the change values of stand characteristics based on the correlation analysis showed that, in diameter growth , it was negatively correlated with age and stand density, except for stand density on DBH-class Ⅰ and Ⅳ. In tree height growth, it was negatively correlated with all three factors, except for site on DBH-class Ⅰand stand density on DBH-class Ⅱ. However, it was only negatively correlated with site on DBH-class Ⅲ and Ⅳ. In volume growth, it was positively correlated with stand density, except for DBH-class Ⅰ and Ⅱ. Besides, it was positively correlated with age on DBH-class Ⅰ. In volume growth rate, it was negatively correlated with age and stand density. In the number of survival trees changed, it was no significantly correlated with any factor. In the rate of survival trees changed, it was no significantly correlated with any factor, except for stand density on DBH-class Ⅱ and Ⅳ. Analysis of variance(ANOVA)was used to differe DBH classes in different terms. In the DBH growth, the trends showed that the larger the DBH classes was, the larger DBH growth become, except for side DBH classes. In the volume growth, the trends showed that the larger the DBH classes was, the more the volume growth become, except for DBH-class Ⅰ to Ⅱ. In the number of survival trees changed, the trends showed that the larger the DBH class was, the less the number of survival trees changed, except for DBH-class Ⅰ to Ⅱ and DBH-class Ⅱ to Ⅲ. In the rate of survival trees changed, the trends showed that the larger the DBH class was, the less the rate of survival trees changed, except for DBH-class Ⅱ to Ⅳ. The simulation results showed that Perala(1971)model(R2adj = 0.994, RMSE = 21.583 m3 ha-1)was superior to other nine yield models.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iv
表目次 v
圖目次 vi
第一章 前言 1
第二章 前人研究
第一節 人工林的生長收穫 3
第二節 林分生長收穫模式 9
第三節 臺灣杉人工林生長收穫之文獻回顧 11
第三章 研究材料與方法
第一節 研究區域與對象 15
第二節 研究材料 15
第三節 研究流程與方法 20
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 林分性態值分布 32
第二節 四種徑級之性態值分布 41
第三節 林分不同徑級生長之分析 50
第四節 相關分析 55
第五節 回歸模式 61
第五章 結論與建議 65
引用文獻 67
附錄一 72

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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 李久先、顏添明 (1996) 三種生長模式在紅檜人工林生長適用性之探討。中華林學季刊 29(2):3-14。
2. 李久先、顏添明(1994)人工林林分生長之探討-疏伐對林分結構及其生長的影響。國立中興大學實驗林研究報告 16(1):103-113。
3. 邱志明、林振榮、唐盛林、王松永(2008)應用鑽孔抵抗法推估六龜地區臺灣杉不同疏伐處理之碳貯存量。中華林學季刊 41(4):503-519。
4. 孫義方(2007)人工林生態系經營整合研究之重要性。林業研究專訊 14(1):2-3。
5. 許博行、顏添明(2005)惠蓀林場42種原生樹種幼齡期生長量分析與生長模式之探討。中華林學季刊 38(3):323-335。
6. 陳麗琴、黃進睦(1999)六龜試驗林臺灣杉人工林不同栽植密度胸高斷面積生長收穫模式比較。臺灣林業科學 14(3):345-349。
7. 陳麗琴、黃進睦、林俊秀、邱祈榮(1997)六龜試驗林臺灣杉人工林蓄積量及生長估測之研究。臺灣林業科學 12(3):319-327。
8. 陳麗琴、黃進睦、張添榮、洪富文(1996)栽植密度對六龜地區臺灣杉生長之影響。臺灣林業科學 11(1):1-11。
9. 黃凱洛、王兆桓、顏添明(2011)臺灣主要四種針葉樹人工林地位指數建立之研究。中華林學季刊 44(4):553-566。
10. 劉浚明、鍾旭和(1991)臺灣杉生長與收穫之試驗研究。中華林學季刊 24(4):9-14。
11. 劉慎孝(1946)不同林齡立地品位變化之研究。中華林學季刊 1(2):166-173。
12. 劉業經、鄭宗元、賀主伯、歐辰雄、朱成本、呂金誠(1985)臺灣杉種源之研究。中華林學季刊 18(1):1-8。
13. 鄭智馨、洪志祐、黃于軒、李俊佑、陳秋萍、白創文(2014)溪頭臺灣杉人工林之林分特性與發展。中華林學季刊 47(2):155-168。
14. 顏添明(2013)活化人工林經營:提升林分品質與效益。林業研究專訊 20(6):12-14。
15. 羅卓振南、鍾旭和、邱志明、周朝富、羅新興(1991)疏伐與修枝對臺灣杉人工林生長之影響。林業試驗所研究報告季刊 6(2):155-168。