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研究生(外文):Li-Wei Luo
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of China-fir standing tree and wood qualities by the nondestructive techniques
外文關鍵詞:China-firNon-destructive testingTomography techniqueSawing yield
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結果顯示健全杉木之橫向應力波速介於1500 m/s 以上,徑、弦向的應力波速比值約在1.0左右,波速低於1300 m/s者則視為有缺陷疑慮之杉木,利用此方法可有效評估杉木腐朽率,R2值約0.86,而健全杉木橫向打擊共振法所測得之FD值則應高於240,然而敲擊時可能受到樹皮影響。由應力波斷面影像技術評估杉木內部空洞率與實際斷面腐朽空洞率間有良好之相關性,其R2值為0.90。另外,橫向應力波速與杉木抗彎強度、抗壓強度之R2值分別為0.80與0.77,顯示具有良好的相關性,此法亦可作為杉木強度評估之參考,斷面影像換算成各區域之平均波速以評估杉木圓盤之抗壓強度之間R2達0.77。製材率部分,本試驗所選之杉木總製材率約34%,其中健全杉木製材率約36-39%,腐朽杉木製材率不足30%,健全度對於製材率有明顯之影響。

The purpose of this study is that using the stress-wave tomography technique, tapping resonance method, the growth cone sampling and other non-destructive testing to evaluate the soundness of standing China-fir in Hui Sun Forest. And to explore the accuracy of this method, as well as non-destructive testing for the relevant mechanical properties of materials, for reference of China-fir plantation thinning in the future.
The results show that the transverse stress between healthy China-fir velocity 1500 m/s or more, and velocity less than 1300 m/s who is considered defective fir. Radial and tangential stress-wave velocity ratio was about 1.0. Using this method to assess the rate of decay of China-fir has excellent performance, R2 value about 0.86. The FD values measured by tapping resonance method should be higher than 240. However, the results may be affected by bark. Using stress-wave tomography technique to assess the rate of decay of China-fir has objective and accurate results, the correlation was about 0.90. In addition, with transverse stress wave velocity to assess MOR (Modulus of Rupture), can really accurately assess material changes in the nature of the premises R2 value about 0.8. Tomography average velocity of each area to assess the compression strength, the correlation was about 0.77. Finally, the sawing yield of overall China-fir about 34%. The sawing yield of healthy fir about 36-39%. The sawing yield of decay fir about 30%.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
一、針葉樹木材性質對波速之影響 4
二、非破壞性檢測技術於立木材質之評估 5
三、斷層影像技術應用於木材內部缺陷之評估 8
四、斷面影像方法選擇上之考量 16
第三章 材料與方法 18
一、試驗材料 18
二、非破壞試驗(Non-destructive testing, NDT) 18
(一)應力波暨斷面影像技術 18
(二)橫打擊共振法 21
(三)生長錐取樣 22
(四)相關性分析 22
四、力學性質試驗 22
(一)抗彎試驗 22
(二)抗壓試驗 23
第四章 結果與討論 26
一、非破壞試驗 26
(一)橫向應力波檢測 26
(二)橫向打擊共振法 27
(三)生長錐抗壓強度 32
(四)應力波斷層掃描 33
(五)應力波斷面影像於空洞率評估 37
二、力學性質試驗 39
(一)抗彎試驗 39
(二)抗壓試驗 41
三、空洞率對於製材率之影響 44
四、52年生杉木之材質分析 46
第五章 結論 51
建議 53
參考文獻 54

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