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研究生(外文):Ting-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Production of laccase from Lentinus sp. and effects of laccase treatment on properties of paper.
外文關鍵詞:Corrugating medium paperenzymatic treatmentlaccaseLentinus sp.mechanical pulpmediatorstraw
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隨著紙漿需求量增加,用於造紙原料的木材原生漿及回收漿需求量亦隨之提升,木材原生漿有價昂及環境等疑慮,而回收漿之性質隨回收次數增加而降低,需尋找替代之原料,因此本研究以非木纖維之農業廢棄物稻草為原料製備紙漿。傳統製漿工業以化學製漿法為主,其廢水對環境較不友善且收率較低,本研究擬探討以機械製程進行稻草機械漿的製備,並生產香菇菌屬真菌Lentinus sp.漆酶,探討漆酶處理對紙張性質的影響。
試驗主要分三部分:(1)Lentinus sp.的培養及漆酶的生產、(2)紙漿漆酶處理對紙漿及紙張性質的影響、及(3)稻草機械漿紙張性質的最適化。真菌培養及漆酶生產分別以三角燒瓶及醱酵槽進行。紙漿及紙張性質測定包含紙漿之組成分如卡巴值、木質素含量;紙張之強度性質如環壓指數、斷裂長度及破裂指數;纖維間的結合性如厚度、密度、光散射係數;及纖維強度之零跨距抗張指數等。
試驗結果顯示Lentinus sp.真菌在pH 4.5條件下培養有最佳的漆酶生產效率,培養至第13天可生產漆酶活性24.5 U/mL。並檢討出紙漿漆酶酵素處理處理的最適條件為50℃、pH 4.7及添加1.5%水合紫脲酸(Violuric acid monohydrate)做為中間介質。

The demand for pulp is increasing. Such a marked increase has been the result of the demand of wood virgin pulp and recovered pulp. During the price of wood virgin pulp and fibres cannot be recycled indefinitely, it needs to search an alternative to these source. Thus, in this study, agriculture residues, straw is used for source of pulp. Chemical pulp process is the main process of traditional pulp industries. During the effluent of chemical pulp process is not environmentally friendly, this study used a mechanical process to producing mechanical straw pulp. This study also cultivated Lentinus sp. for producing laccase which used for increasing pulp and paper properties.
This study is divided into three parts: (1) Cultivation of Lentinus sp. and producing of laccase (2) The effect of Lentinus sp. laccase treatment on pulp and paper properties. (3) The optimization of mechanical straw pulp paper properties. Cultivation of Lentinus sp. is implementing in flask or fermenter. Measurement items of pulp and paper included kappa number, lignin content, crush index, breaking length, zero-span tensile index, bursting index, thickness, apparent density and scattering coefficient.
The results show that an initial pH of 4.5 was the best for optimal growth and laccase production by Lentinus sp. The optimal temperature of laccase treatment is 50℃. The optimal pH of laccase treatment is 4.7. Additional 1.5% violuric acid monohydrate as mediator.
Laccase-mediator system treatment decreased lignin content of pulp effectively. Lignin content of mechanical straw pulp and unbleached softwood kraft pulp decreased 4.0 and 22.5%, respectively. But enzymatic treatment of laccase have no effect on decreasing energy of beating of mechanical straw pulp. And the strength properties of paper a little less. Crush index, breaking length and zero-span tensile index of mechanical straw pulp decreased 25.5, 18.9 and 30.7%, respectively. And Crush index, bursting index and breaking length of unbleached softwood kraft pulp decreased 6.8, 12.5 and 9.7%, respectively.
The results show that thickness, bulk and properties of structure(formation, air permeance, crush index and stiffness) of mechanical straw pulp is remarkable. But the properties of tensile and bursting are rather poor. Thus, the C. S. F. of this mechanical straw pulp should less than 200 mL when it apply to the production of liner board and corrugating medium paper. And it is unsuitable for use it alone. It should mixed with unbleached chemical pulp or recovered pulp from corrugated board. The properties of mechanical straw pulp which mixtures 40% unbleached softwood kraft pulp complied with CNS standard.

Abstract iii
目次 v
圖目次 x

第一章 緒言1
第二章 文獻回顧4
(一)裱面紙板(Liner board)12
1. 牛皮裱面紙板(Kraft liner;K liner)12
2. 次級裱面紙板(Jute liner;J Liner)13
3. 耐水裱面紙板及撥水裱面紙板13
4. 白色裱面紙板13
(二)瓦楞芯紙(Corrugating medium paper)13
1. 一般瓦楞芯紙13
2. 強化瓦楞芯紙13
1. 漆酶的作用機制16
2. 漆酶的來源17
3. 真菌漆酶的性質18
4. 真菌漆酶的生產19
5. 真菌漆酶在生物科技上之應用20
6. 漆酶中間介質系統在脫木質素反應上的應用22
第三章 材料與方法26
1. Lentinus sp.的培養26
2. Lentinus sp.產漆酶活性之測定26
3. 紙漿之Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理27
4. 醇苯抽出物測定27
5. 全纖維素測定27
6. 酸不溶性木質素含量測定27
7. 卡巴值27
三、Lentinus sp.漆酶的生產27
(一)Lentinus sp.的小量培養(三角燒瓶)27
(二)Lentinus sp.的大量培養(醱酵槽) 28
1. 母液的培養28
2. 醱酵槽培養28
1. 含水率測定31
2. 灰分含量測定31
3. 醇苯萃取物含量測定32
4. 全纖維素含量測定32
5. 酸不溶性木質素含量測定33
6. 酸溶性木質素含量測定33
1. 卡巴值的測定34
2. 游離度的測定35
1. 厚度的測定35
2. 環壓強度的測定36
3. 破裂強度的測定36
4. 抗張強度的測定37
5. 零跨距抗張強度的測定37
6. 光散射係數的測定38
第四章 結果與討論 40
一、Lentinus sp.的培養及漆酶的生產40
二、Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理的最適條件評估43
(一) Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理之最適處理pH的評估43
(二) Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理的最適溫度評估44
三、Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理對稻草機械漿磨漿動力的影響45
(一)Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理對紙漿木質素含量的影響47
(二)Lentinus sp.產漆酶處理對手抄紙性質的影響48
第五章 結論 55
第六章 參考文獻57

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