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研究生(外文):Chin-Yin Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Bamboo Particle Content on the Physicomechanical Properties and Crystallization Kinetics of Layered Bamboo-Plastic Composites
外文關鍵詞:Layered bamboo plastic compositePhysicomechanical propertyStepped isostress methodNon-isothermal crystallization kineticCrystallization activation energy
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  本研究利用桂竹(Phyllostachys makinoi)刨屑、生物炭(Bio-char)與聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)作為試驗材料製備層狀結構竹材塑膠複合材(Layered bamboo plastic composites,BPCL),同時利用萬能強度試驗機、X-ray密度分析儀與示差掃描熱分析儀等儀器,探討複合材不同組成比例其物理機械性質及結晶動力學之影響。試驗結果顯示,利用配層比例1:3:1且表底層竹粒片添加量為40 wt%所製備之BPCL,具有較優異之物理機械性質。此外,BPCL心層中添加不同生物炭含量時,以添加量5 wt%者具有最佳之抗濕性與木螺釘保持力;而添加1 wt%者,則具有最佳之抗彎性質。另一方面,利用階段式等應力試驗法(Stepped isostress method,SSM)進行短期加速潛變試驗時,不同SSM試驗條件所繪製之各潛變主曲線(Master curves)間具有高度之一致性,且該結果顯示單層結構複合材之抗潛變性能較層狀結構者為佳。
  而在結晶動力學研究方面,本論文以非等溫結晶動力學(Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics)模式分析竹粒片與生物炭添加量對塑膠基質結晶行為之影響。由試驗結果可以得知,隨著竹粒片含量的增加,複合材中塑膠基質之結晶速率亦隨之增加。而添加生物炭於複合材中,則會阻礙PP分子鏈的結晶,使複合材中PP基質結晶速率呈現下降之趨勢。此外,由結晶活化能分析結果可以得知,當竹粒片添加量小於40 wt%時,其複合材之活化能小於純PP。然而,當添加量超過40 wt%時,其活化能則與純PP相似。此外,添加1及5 wt%生物炭於複合材當中,會使複合材之結晶活化能有所提高,而添加3 wt%生物炭時,活化能與未添加生物炭者間則無明顯之差異。

In this study, makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi) residue, bio-char and polypropylene (PP) were used as raw materials to manufacture the layered bamboo plastic composite (BPCL). The effects of bamboo/PP ratio and layering on physicomechanical properties and crystallization kinetics of BPCL were evaluated by universal testing machine, X-ray density profiler and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), etc. These results showed that the 3-layer BPCL with volume ratio 1:3:1 and surface/back layer with 40 wt% bamboo content exhibited the best physicomechanical properties. In addition, the BPCL with 5 wt% bio-char in core layer has the best moisture resistance and wood screw-holding strength, whereas the flexural properties of BPCL could be increased by adding 1 wt% bio-char in core layer. To predict the long-term creep behavior of BPCL, a short-term and accelerated creep testing method, termed the stepped isostress method (SSM) was used. The results indicated that the creep master curves constructed from the different SSM testing parameters have highly consistency. Moreover, the creep resistance of single layer BPC was better than that of BPCL.
With regard to crystallization kinetics analysis, the non-isothermal crystallization kinetic models were applied to investigate the effects of bamboo particle and bio-char content on the crystallization behavior of plastic matrix within the BPC. The results showed that the crystallization rate of PP increased with increasing the bamboo content of composites. In contrast, adding the bio-char into the composite, which hinder the rearrangement of PP molecular chains to crystal surface, could reduce the crystallization rate of PP in the composites. As for the crystallization activation energ, the crystallization activation energy of composites was smaller than that of neat PP, when the amount of bamboo was less than 40 wt%. Once the bamboo loading exceeded 40 wt%, however, the activation energy of composites was similar to neat PP. Furthermore, the crystallization activation energy of composite increased with the addition of 1 and 5 wt% bio-char into a composite, and there were no significant differences between the activation energy of composites with 3 wt% bio-char and the without one.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目次 vi
圖目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
一、成型方式對木材塑膠複合材性質之影響 4
二、竹纖維塑膠複合材之性質 6
三、階段式等應力試驗法之理論基礎 7
四、非等溫結晶動力學之理論基礎及應用 11
(一)非等溫結晶動力學理論 12
(二)非等溫結晶動力學應用於天然纖維塑膠複合材料結晶行為之探討 14
第三章 材料與方法 17
一、試驗材料 17
(一)桂竹粒片 17
(二)塑膠材料 17
(三)生物炭 17
二、層狀結構竹材塑膠複合材之製備 17
三、BPCL性質分析 20
(一)BPCL物理性質 20
(二)BPCL機械性質 21
(三)潛變試驗 22
(四)非等溫結晶動力學 23
(五)統計分析 24
第四章 結果與討論 25
一、層狀結構對竹材塑膠複合材之影響 25
(一)層狀結構對竹材塑膠複合材物理性質之影響 25
(二)層狀結構對竹材塑膠複合材機械性質之影響 27
二、添加生物炭對BPCL性質之影響 31
(一)添加生物炭對BPCL物理性質之影響 31
(二)添加生物炭對BPCL機械性質之影響 32
三、以階段式等應力法預測BPC之長期潛變行為 34
四、竹材塑膠複合材之結晶行為 39
(一)以非等溫結晶動力學探討複合材結晶行為 39
(二)以Avrami模式探討複合材內塑膠基質之結晶行為 45
(三)以Mo模式探討複合材內塑膠基質之結晶行為之探討 50
(四)竹粒片及生物炭添加量對複合材內塑膠基質結晶活化能之影響 53
第五章 結論 55
參考文獻 57

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