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研究生(外文):Yun-Sheng Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Afforestation on Soil and Soil Solution Nutrient Dynamics in Agricultural Land
外文關鍵詞:land useafforestationsoisoil solutionnutrient
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本研究目的為了解大梨山地區回收造林數十年後,造林地是否有如天然林等森林生態系,具有調控養分離子、吸附並減少養分離子流失與增加環境中養分離子庫含量等功能。從2014年3月到2015年12月,每月收集梨山地區畢祿溪、晉元溪與有勝溪三個集水區中高山菜園、果園、天然林與造林地等不同土地利用的土壤水進行比較分析。畢祿溪、晉元溪與有勝溪三個集水區在土壤養分含量與土壤水離子濃度中都呈現有勝溪 > 晉元溪 > 畢祿溪的現象,而在所有樣區當中,天然林陽離子交換容量(cation exchange capacity, CEC)較高,有機質累積量較多,與其他樣區相比有較高的養分留存能力,且土壤含水率有明顯分層。
菜園和果園用地在回收造林後,土壤水 NO3 濃度有先降後升的現象,推測是由於造林初期,停止施肥、氣溫低與土壤 CEC 的降低使 NO3 濃度迅速減少,而在林相恢復後,有機質的分解、微生物活性增加與硝化作用速率提升,使土壤水 NO3 濃度再度增加,此外,梨山地區因為長期的農業活動與過量的施肥,導致過剩的養分離子在深層土壤中累積,加上農作物與造林初期的苗木根系發展不完全,對於水分的吸收效率較低,使多數淺層土壤中的土壤水,隨重力向下移動,增加停留於土壤中的時間,並溶解出因長期施肥而累積於深層土壤的養分,導致土壤水養分離子濃度在深層高於淺層。

In order to see whether or not after over a decade of afforestation at Lishan, Taiwan, the silvicultural stands has the ability to regulate nutrients, absorb ions, reduce nutrient loss, and increase environmental nutrient pool as a natural forest, we collect and analysis soil and soil water samples from three watersheds in Lishan, which were Bi Lu, Jin Yuan, and You Sheng. Results showed that comparing the three watersheds, soil and soil solution nutrients has a trend of You Sheng > Jin Yuan > Bi Lu, and of all land types, natural forest had the highest cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic matter, and can preserve more nutrients, also by the results of soil volumetric water content, the nature forest show a more improve and sound developed root system, which leads to a significant low water content at the deep soil.
The chemistry characteristic of soil and soil solution show a significant impact of fertilization in the agricultural land of Lishan, and the nutrients in soil solution show an agricultural polluted composition (CaSO4、CaCl2). Among agricultural lands (orchard and vegetable fields), due to cultivation process, showed a totally different result after afforestation. The concentration of soil solution quickly decreased after afforestation at former vegetable fields, but as a result of enduring cultivation, though the composition of soil solution showed no sign of agricultural pollution (Ca(HCO3)2), it is nothing near the composition of soil solution in natural forest (Ca(HCO3)2、Mg(HCO3)2、NaHCO3) and did not restore even after 11 years. Intern of former orchard lands, though pollution from farming is not as strong as vegetable fields, the pollutants seems to stay in the environment for a fairly longer time before the composition of soil solution restore to an unpolluted form, but compared to former vegetable fields, silvicultural land of former orchards had a composition much similar to natural forest.
The concentration of NO3 in soil solution showed a decreased trend at the early stage of afforestation and increased as the stand development. Due to the stop of fertilizing, low temperature and the decrease of CEC at the early stage of afforestation, and as the stand development, the accumulation of organic matter increased the activity of microbe, causing an enhance of nitrification. And furthermore, owing to years of excess fertilization, great amount of excessive nutrients accumulated in the deep soil, moreover the root system in vegetable fields and early stage afforestation lands are not yet fully developed, causing a large proportion of soil solution moving downward due to gravitational force, and increased the residence time in soil. The accumulated nutrients in the deep soil are then dissolved into soil solution for the longer period of residence time and causes the higher concentration of nutrients compare to the topsoil.

謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 4
一、農業活動對環境之影響 4
二、森林生態系的養分循環與留存 7
(一)森林土壤 7
1.土壤固態基質 7
2.土壤液態基質 8
(二)森林對養分的吸收 8
(三)森林生態系養分內循環 9
三、造林對土壤環境之影響 12
參、材料與方法 13
一、樣區介紹 13
(一)試驗地概況 13
1. 畢祿溪集水區 15
2. 晉元溪集水區 16
3. 有勝溪集水區 16
(二)試驗地區土壤型狀態 18
二、樣區架設與資料收集 19
(一)土壤水 19
(二)土壤 19
(三)土壤含水率 19
三、樣本分析 21
(一)水樣檢測與分析 21
1. 酸鹼值、電導度及總溶解固體 21
2. 無機陽離子與無機陰離子 21
3. 碳酸氫根離子 22
4. 溶解性有機碳與溶解性總氮 22
(二)土壤性質分析 23
1. 土壤酸鹼度測定 23
2. 土壤有機質含量測定 23
3. 土壤置換性陽離子濃度測定 23
4. 土壤陽離子交換容量測定 24
5. 土壤置換性養分潛力指數 25
6. 土壤總氮測定 25
肆、結果 26
一、土壤化學性質空間變異 26
(一)土壤 pH 值 26
(二)土壤有機質含量 28
(三)土壤 CEC 28
(四)土壤置換性陽離子 30
(五)土壤全氮量 32
(六)土壤置換性養分潛力指數 33
(七)土壤化學性質相關性分析 34
二、土壤水化學性質 35
(一)土壤水 pH 值 35
(二)土壤水電導度與總溶解固體 36
(三)無機陰離子及陽離子 39
1. 離子間差異 39
2. 各集水區樣區間差異 43
(1.)無機陰離子 43
(2.)無機陽離子 53
(四)土壤水溶解性有機碳與總氮 56
三、土壤水化學性質時間變異 57
(一)土壤水電導度 57
(二)無機陰陽離子 60
1. 菜園地 60
2.菜園回收地 62
3. 果園回收地 63
4. 天然林 64
四、土壤水三角形水質圖解法 77
(一)畢祿溪集水區 78
(二)晉元溪集水區 80
(三)有勝溪集水區 82
五、土壤含水率 84
伍、討論 86
一、回收地造林對土壤與土壤水化學的影響 86
(一)酸鹼度 86
(二)置換性養分含量 87
(三)氮循環 89
(四)水化學優勢度組成 91
二、回收地造林對不同深度土壤與土壤水的影響 92
陸、結論 96
柒、參考文獻 98

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1. 余瑞珠、王亞男、蕭英倫、林法勤、柯淳涵(2009)人工造林與天然林對溪流水質之影響。中華林學季刊 42 (4) :529-539。
2. 林俊義(2005)永續農業之理念與發展策略。合理化施肥專刊 1-14。
3. 夏禹九、金恆鑣、洪富文、黃正良、王立志、劉瓊霦(1994)植生型與施肥作業對濱岸帶土壤水化學性質的影響。林業試驗所研究報告季刊 9(1):39-50。
4. 郭鴻裕、朱戩良、劉滄棽、劉禎祺、江志峰(1999)本省農田土壤劣化問題之檢討與改進。台灣省農業試驗所技術服務 37(3):11-16。
5. 彭宗仁、董奇矗、陳琦玲、范家華、朱戩良、林毓雯、劉滄棽(2008)南投名間農業區與城鎮區地下水水質特徵比較。中華水土保持學報 39(3):241-253。
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