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研究生(外文):Min Fang
論文名稱(外文):Influences of Fragrance Inhalation and Environmental Soundscape on Physiological and Psychological Effects
外文關鍵詞:FragranceEnvironmental SoundPhysiologyPsychology
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The purpose of creating a landscape garden design is to help people relieve their pressure from daily life and to promote physical, mental health, and well being. However, not many studies have been done in the past with regard to fragrant plants and common environmental sounds heard in the landscaped garden. Therefore, from the standpoints of fragrance (smell) and sound (hearing), this study tried to discuss physiological and psychological reactions using smell and hearing senses separately and simultaneously. The difference of effect caused by these two senses is also explored.
Plant flower scents and environmental sound including ginger flowers, magnolia and osmanthus flowers, sparrow bird, automobile and stream sound were used as stimuli in this study. Experiments were implemented using both separately olfactory and auditory stimulation and combined olfactory and auditory stimulation to understand respondents’ physiological and psychology effects. As a result, 15 experiments were carried out throughout the study period. The research processes included trial questionnaires for participants, pilot smell test trials, pilot sound test trials, and the final experiments. A control of no odor was also used along with ginger flowers, magnolia and osmanthus flowers. In the part of sound, sparrow bird, automobile and stream sounds were used. For combined trials, the treatments of ginger flowers + sparrows sound, magnolia + sparrows sound, osmanthus flowers + sparrow sound, ginger flowers +automobile sound, magnolia + automobile sound and osmanthus flowers + automobile sound were used.
The final experiments were conducted on weekends from March 14, 2013 to October 11, 2014 during winter break and the summer months at room H106 and room H108, Department of Horticulture, National Chung Hsing University. The sample size in each experiment is more than 30.
During the experimental, questionnaire was firstly given to respondents and then they were asked to sit quietly for 5 minutes. The questionnaire survey was also filled out by the same respondent after the experiment. Then, after 5 minutes sitting, the final questionnaire was completed. To measure the physiological value, a Taiwan-made biofeedback instrument -TD3 was used to record the subject''s brain waves (α wave, β wave, θ wave, δ wave), electrocardiogram (RR, HF, LF, LF / HF), and EMG. To measure the level of the psychological value, the PAD emotional scale with the 9 point of Likert scale was used.
In the first experiment, the results showed that smelling floral aroma (ginger flowers, magnolia, and osmanthus flowers) can make respondents’ sympathetic nervous system activity decreased, stabilize their emotions, and provide a steadily higher trend of pleasure. In the second experiment, the results revealed that hearing sounds (the sound of sparrows, automobile and streams) can make parasympathetic nervous system activity decreased, a reduction in the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system, relaxation of the body, a degree of calm and overall lower β wave activity. In the third experiment, the smell of ginger flowers, magnolia scented, and osmanthus flowers were firstly combined with sparrows sound which resulted in positive mental effects and more joyful emotions. Secondly the smell of ginger flowers, magnolia, and osmanthus flowers were combined with automobile sounds which resulted in more unpleasant emotions and making the spirit more intense.
Different floral scents were added to the sound of birds singing. The results indicated that with the ginger flower scent added to sparrow sound, it may cause sympathetic nerve system activity decreased, significantly resulted in a decline in a physical state of alertness, lower mental tension, and a significant increase in joy. With magnolia scent added to sparrow sound, it may make θ waves decreased and significantly resulted in a reduced state of sleepiness. With osmanthus flowers added to sparrow sound compared to just the fragrance alone autonomic nervous system activity significantly improved resulting in relaxation, physical and mental balance, and more motivation for action from increased muscle tension.
With automobile sound alone compared with ginger flower fragrance alone, there were significant differences. With the automobile sound, the parasympathetic nervous system activity decreased and the autonomic nervous system balance or sympathetic activity also reduced which means more depression, sadness and tiredness. Finally, the study provided suggestions for future researches and practical application in environmental design.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究貢獻 3
第四節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 情緒心理相關理論 6
第二節 情緒生理相關理論 10
第三節 氣味與嗅覺相關理論 14
第四節 聲音與聽覺相關理論 26
第五節 聽覺與嗅覺共感覺相關文獻 34
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 前導實驗 38
第二節 正式研究架構與規劃 44
第四章 實證研究結果與分析 60
第一節 庭園中常見植物花香味對於人體生心理之影響 60
第二節 庭園中常見聲音對於人體生心理之影響 65
第三節 庭園中植物花香味及環境音對於人體生心理之影響 69
第五章 結論與建議 80
第一節 結論與討論 80
第二節 景觀設計上之應用 85
第三節 未來研究之建議 86
參考文獻 87

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