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研究生(外文):Kuei-Wen Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Image-Based Amoebozoa Detection
外文關鍵詞:AmoebaMicroscopic analysisAmoeba detectionImage enhancementImage segmentationRegion shape confirmation
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我們所提出的方法主要分為兩個部分,第一部分是針對整張影像做處理,而第二部分是針對處理後的影像將其做區域標籤(Region Labeling),對切割不足的區域做處理。首先,將彩色影像轉為灰階影像,再對影像做對比強化及輪廓強化。將強化後的影像做二值化,再對此黑白影像做切割,對切割後的影像做區域標籤(Region Labeling),透過形狀判斷是否切割不足,若切割不足,便將此區域對應回原始的灰階影像,再將之做對比、輪廓的強化以及二值化。對此黑白影像做切割,以及雜訊的去除。最後剩下的部分即是阿米巴原蟲。

The amoeba can cause people to infect many diseases. For example, the famous amebic dysentery, each year estimated half a billion people worldwide infected with amoebic dysentery, 100,000 people died of amoebic dysentery. The diagnostic modality of amoebic diseases relies on pathologists use microscopy. However, this method is heavily impacted by human’s behaviors such as physical factors, mental factors, and professional knowledge, etc. That can lead to diagnostic errors, reduce diagnostic quality and efficiency. If the computer technique can assist pathologist to diagnose, that can improve diagnostic efficiency, accuracy and lessen the impact of human factors. Let pathologists obtain information about the diagnosis of the disease quickly, and in the treatment of the illness can be more focused. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an amoeba detection methods.
Our proposed method is divided into two parts. In the first part, we process the entire image. In the second part, we do Region Labeling against the processed images, then have further processing on those incomplete regions. First, we convert color images into grayscale images, enhance the images contrast and contour. Then we convert the images into binarization and segment the images. We process images after segmentation by Region Labeling and then confirm whether every region segment sufficiently through shapes. If not, this region corresponds to the original grayscale image, enhance the region contrast and contour. Then we convert the region into binarization, segment the region and remove noise. The remaining regions are amoebae.
In this paper, we use a total of 115 images, which contains 146 amoebae. We use Precision, Recall and F-Measure to evaluate the results of this paper. It can be seen our proposed method can detect amoebae, but the result is not as expected. So, we offer some challenges and difficulties in this paper.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related Works 5
2.1. Amoeba Image Characteristics 5
2.2. Histogram Equalization 6
2.3. Run-Length 6
2.4. Otsu’s Method 8
2.5. Mathematical Morphology 9
2.5.1. Dilation and Erosion 9
2.5.2. Opening 10
2.5.3. Region Filling 11
2.6. Region Labeling 12
2.7. F-Measure 16
Chapter 3. Amoeba Detection 18
3.1. Color Images Convert to Grayscale Images 19
3.2. Image Enhancement 20
3.2.1. Histogram Equalization 20
3.2.2. Gamma Correction 20
3.2.3. Run-Length 21
3.3. Image Binarization 22
3.4. Image Segmentation 23
3.4.1. Region Filling 23
3.4.2. Opening 24
3.5. Confirm Region Segmentation 24
3.5.1. The Ratio of Region Area and Region Perimeter Convert to Circle Area 25
3.5.2. The Ratio of Region Area and Region Maximum Distance Convert to Circle Area 26
3.6. Region Processing 26
3.7. Remove Small Regions 28
Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 30
4.1. Samples of Experiment 30
4.2. Result of Experiment 30
4.3. Challenges of Experiment 32
4.3.1. The Different Color Depth of Images 32
4.3.2. The Inconsistent Shapes of Amoebae 33
4.3.3. The Different Size of Amoebae Area in Images 34
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Work 35
Reference 37

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