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研究生(外文):Pang-Wei Li
論文名稱(外文):The Counting of Sciatic Nerves Stained with Osmium Tetroxide on Microscopic Images
外文關鍵詞:Osmium TetroxideThe counting of sciatic nervesImage recognitionCell counting
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As the technology is developing rapidly, the proportion of people who use 3C long time is increasing. Using 3C long times on chair may cause Sciatica. Sciatica has gradually become one of the diseases of civilization. Sciatic nerves repaired is one of the important issues of health care and research in recent years.
This study is aiming at the verification of more serious sciatic nerves repaired. When the sciatic nerve is broken, the broken sciatic nerve needs to rely on artificial methods to repair sciatic nerves. There are many artificial repaired methods. Every different artificial repaired method has different effects in different conditions. To judge the artificial repaired methods is good or bad by observing the number of sciatic nerves regenerated. The study of artificial nerve method needs a lot of images to experiment. Traditional calculation method by person takes many times to count the number of sciatic nerves. This study presents the counting of sciatic nerves that can help professionals judge the artificial nerve methods results. The system can reduce the time and the cost of computing on professionals.
This study uses the images that are sciatic nerves stained with Osmium Tetroxide. The sciatic nerves are observed more obvious under the optical microscope via Osmium Tetroxide stained. This study uses totally eighty-eight pictures of sciatic nerves stained with Osmium Tetroxide. This study uses Precision, Recall, F-measure evaluating methods and the traditional method for comparison. This study is better than the traditional method. It can be used to help medical workers determine the verification of artificially repaired methods.

Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related work 5
2.1. Otsu’s method 5
2.2. Run Length 7
2.3. Region Labeling 8
2.4. Mathematical morphology 11
2.4.1 Thinning 11
2.4.2. Spur 12
2.5. Genetic Algorithm 13
2.6. Evaluating method 13
Chapter 3. Counting method of sciatic nerves 15
3.1. Preprocessing 15
3.2. Strengthen the edge of sciatic nerves 17
3.2.1. Enhance image contrast 18
3.2.2. Reinforce the edge of sciatic nerves 18
3.3. Edge identification of sciatic nerves 19
3.3.1. Simplifying the edge of sciatic nerves 19
3.3.2 Rule of shape 22
3.4. Counting of sciatic nerves 24
3.5. Genetic-Based counting parameter 26
Chapter 4. Experimental Results and Discussion 28
4.1. Experimental Results 28
4.2. Problem and Discussion 30
4.2.1. Similar color to edge an inside of the sciatic nerves 30
4.2.2. Fracture edge of the sciatic nerves 31
4.2.3. Interfered by Background 32
Chapter 5. Conclusion 33
Reference 34

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