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研究生(外文):Yu-An Ma
論文名稱(外文):Development of the Cultural Strategy and Monitoring System of Microalgae
外文關鍵詞:MicroalgaeProcess optimumMicroalgae monitoring system
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主題二為建立整合吸收光譜與葉綠素螢光之微藻監測系統。吸收光譜與葉綠素螢光為微藻細胞兩個容易以非破壞性量測之光學特性,微藻監測系統分別以發光二極體、光二極體、微處理器等元件組成量測電路,並裝置於由三維列印機所製作之樣品槽中,以進行微藻溶液之光學特性量測。研究中以除草劑DCMU分別加入兩種微藻溶液中(Isochrysis galbana與 Nannochloropsis oculata),並以此新建置之監測系統觀察微藻光合色素組成與葉綠素螢光反應之變化,進一步評估系統之敏感性與可靠性。微藻監測系統獲致之結果顯示微藻經除草劑DCMU處理後,其光合色素在短時間內並未產生變化,而葉綠素螢光反應之最大螢光強度增加,且葉綠素螢光焠滅量減少。獲致之數據已能清楚顯示微藻細胞受除草劑DCMU之影響,阻斷光合作用電子傳遞之現象。

Microalgae can convert carbon dioxide into potential nutrients through photosynthesis, which can be extensively researched for practical applications. Suitable species and their cultivation conditions have been considered in most recently commercialized microalgae mass cultures. However, optimizing the operation parameters of the cultivation process influences variable cost. Through the optimization, commercialized microalgae mass cultures could involve employing current equipment to reduce costs and increase productivity. Moreover, during the mass culture process, measurement of biological variables could be directly used as an indicator for estimating the growth status of the cultures. The indicators could then facilitate the adjustment of the cultivation process as a reference, leading to an increase in productivity and quality of microalgae cultivation.
Therefore, this thesis involves two topics for considering these issues. Topic 1 of this thesis is “Model-based planning and optimization of the microalgae upscaling process.” In this study, the operating parameters of the upscaling process were planned, the minimum variable cost of the upscaling process was determined, and the error range of cell density in the final stage was evaluated. Three simulation case studies of the upscaling process were conducted to present the proposed process planning method. Each expenditure in the minimum variable cost was then obtained. This thesis addresses critical considerations of commercializing microalgae cultivation in subtropical regions.
Topic 2 of this thesis is “Development of integrated absorption spectra and chlorophyll fluorescence for a microalgae monitoring system.” Two easy and nondestructive measured optical properties, absorption spectra and chlorophyll fluorescence, were primarily used in this study. A light-emitting diode, photodiode, and microprocessor were integrated into the measuring circuit for the microalgae monitoring system. Additionally, the measuring circuit was installed in the sample chamber, which was constructed using a 3D printer for optical measuring. In this study, the herbicide DCMU was added to two microalgae suspensions (Isochrysis galbanaa and Nannochloropsis oculata). The composition of photosynthesis pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence responses were then measured using the new monitoring system to estimate their sensitivity and reliability. The result obtained from the microalgae monitoring system showed that microalgae suspensions treated using the DCMU did not alter the photosynthesis pigment, but led an increase in the maximum fluorescence intensity and a decrease in the amount of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching. The obtained data demonstrated the effect of microalgae treated with DCMU, which blocked electron transfer during photosynthesis.
The two topics in this thesis showed the high potential of an engineering method for microalgae mass cultivation. Furthermore, the stability of microalgae production technology may help producers in subtropical regions and may facilitate industrial microalgae mass production.

Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
摘要 iv
Contents v
List of figures viii
List of Tables x
List of Symbols xi
Chapter 1 Introduction of microalgae cultivation 1
Chapter 2 Short review 4
Inoculum development programmer for microalgae industrial cultivation 4
Optical sensor in microalgae cultivation 6
Absorption 7
Chlorophyll Fluorescence 11
Chapter 3 Model-based planning and optimization of microalgae upscaling process 15
Introduction 15
Base model experiments for upscaling process 16
Materials and methods 17
Experimental results for base model 18
Optimization of upscaling process planning 20
Variable cost evaluation 20
Process planning 24
Base model process experiment and process planning 27
Results and Discussion 29
Case 1: Intermediate-scale culture under low light intensity 29
Case 2: Intermediate-scale culture under high light intensity 34
Case 3: Intermediate-scale culture under high light intensity with number of culture days expressed as integers 39
Conclusions 42
Chapter 4 Development of integrated absorption spectra and chlorophyll fluorescence for microalgae monitoring systems 43
Introduction 43
Materials and methods 44
Design of the microalgae monitoring system 44
Absorption measuring module of microalgae monitoring system 46
Chlorophyll fluorescence measuring module of microalgae monitoring system 49
Experimental procedures 52
Statistical analyses 53
Results and Discussion 53
Absorption investigation 53
Relative fluorescence intensities of four algae concentrations 56
Diminishment of fluorescence intensity 59
O-J-I-P test 61
Changes of Fluorescence intensity versus algae concentration 63
Pulse amplitude modulate fluorimeter measurement 65
Conclusions 65
Chapter 5 Conclusions 67
Reference 69

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