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研究生(外文):Bo-Shiuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Human Following Based on Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy theoryGenetic Fuzzy Logic ControllerHuman Following
  • 被引用被引用:5
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輪型機器人是近年來最常被使用的一種機器人移動方式,尤其是應用於農業的機器人系統,有別於雙足機器人,輪型機器人有較高的靈活性以及較低的技術門檻。而在農用機器人的應用中,搭載機械手臂具備輔助相關農事及運搬作業等功能之輪型機器人,一直是解決勞力不足甚至邁向無人化生產極富潛力的技術選項。因此本研究將以實驗室前輩所研發之R7-M2 I型機器人為雛形,除進行機構改良外,並置入Human-Following功能,期望提升機器人自主跟隨以及負載循跡之能力,以滿足各式農業生產模式、降低農民勞動力負荷並提升工作效率之性能需求。

In recent years, wheeled mobile robots are the most popular mobile robots, especially in agricultural field. As a wheeled agricultural mobile robot, it is said to be more flexible and easier-controlled when compared with biped robots. When the robot arms mounted, wheeled mobile robots are supposed to be the solutions of labor-lack or unmanned farm. Therefore, in this research, based on robot R7-M2 I which was built by senior researcher Luo, a human-following algorithm was developed and integrated into the reconstructed R7-M2 I as robot L1-M4 II, that is expected to reduce the heavy burdens but promote the efficiency for farm works simultaneously. A scanning laser rangefinder and one three-axis gyroscope were configured to be feedback signal sources in this thesis. With LabVIEW codes, the feedback signals were recorded and analyzed as the reference signals of the on-off controller, the fuzzy logic controller and the genetic fuzzy logic controller, the three types of competitive controllers, for establishing human following behavior. 15sets of obstacle free and obstacle-included human-following path experiments were conducted to evaluate the validity and performance respectively. The validity of human-following was assessed numerically by total step counts of every step motor (served as the index of power cost), C.V of velocity of each step motor (served as index of stability of robot movement) and mission-completed displacement (served as index of effectiveness of robot movement). The results induced from 90 experiments show that the human following behavior controlled by a genetic fuzzy logic controller for wheeled mobile robots is feasible and at the same time the genetic fuzzy logic controller, with characteristics of more stability, better human-following performance, but less power cost, is the best choice among the three competitive controllers.

目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 雷射測距儀的原理與特性 6
2.2 模糊理論 8
2.3 基因演算法 11
2.3.1 基因演算法理論 12
2.3.2基因演算法文獻探討 15
2.4基因模糊控制理論 17
2.4.1基因演算法融合模糊理論 17
2.4.2基因模糊文獻探討 18
第三章 實驗設備 20
3.1 實驗器材 20
3.1.1控制元件Arduino 20
3.1.2三軸複合羅盤 22
3.1.3 雷射測距儀 24
3.1.4 步進馬達 27
3.1.5 馬達驅動模組 28
3.1.6 穩壓晶片 31
3.2 L1-M4 II型機器人 34
3.3 LabVIEW 35
第四章 控制策略設計 37
4.1 控制流程 37
4.2 模糊控制轉彎 38
4.3 模糊控制避障 40
4.4 直線跟隨控制策略 42
4.4.1 直線跟隨---傳統控制法 42
4.4.2 直線跟隨---模糊控制法 42
4.4.3 直線跟隨---基因模糊控制法 44 訓練模式概述 44 訓練模式細部設計 47 執行模式 51
第五章 實驗方法 52
5.1實驗路線設計 53
5.2 控制策略 56
5.3 成效判別依據 56
第六章 實驗結果與討論 58
6.1 路線規劃及實驗範例 59
6.2 第1~15組實驗結果 73
6.3 第16~30組實驗結果 76
6.4 第1~30組實驗結果綜合分析與討論 78
第七章 結論與建議 80
7.1 結論 80
7.2 建議 80
參考文獻 82

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