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研究生(外文):Po-Wen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Breast Tissue Classification based on Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM-MRI) Histogram Analysis
指導教授(外文):Yen-Chieh Ouyang
口試委員(外文):Chein-I Chang
外文關鍵詞:magnetic resonance imagingintra-voxel incoherent motiondiffusion weight imagingdecision treehistogram analysis
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乳癌為全世界女性之重要疾病與死因,所以對於乳癌診斷與治療的研究是必須的,近年來,磁振造影影像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)逐漸取代傳統X光攝影及超音波檢測作為檢查乳癌的工具,磁振造影影像不但沒有放射線的問題,而且對於影像解析度及對比度上較為優異,但在乳房磁振造影檢查時,需注射顯影劑,顯影劑本身具有毒性,有些患者會對顯影劑過敏,因此,本論文提出利用近期發展的體素內不同調水分子運動(Intra-voxel incoherent motion, IVIM)擴散加權影像(Diffusion weight imaging, DWI)分析乳房組織。在這項研究中,許多算法將被使用。非監督式-自動目標生成過程(ATGP)、光譜角匹配法(SAM)與核限制能量最小化法(K-CEM)應用在偵測病灶範圍,對此範圍做定量分析。本研究主要運用決策樹(Decision tree)的方式,應用在整張影像上,針對IVIM各參數分別去分類,主要目的是為了針對較明顯的可疑病變區域,利用直方圖分析(histogram analysis)進而找出較佳的參數當作主要依據,如此一來,能提升偵測病灶位置的準確性,並從實驗結果中觀察是否有擴散的趨勢。此外,直方圖分析還被應用在各參數上區分各種病灶的類型。

Breast cancer is an important cause of death and disease for women in the world. It is required for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer research. In recent years, MRI is gradually replacing the traditional X-ray photography and ultrasound to detect breast cancer as an inspection tool. MRI is not only no radiation problem but also more excellent on the image resolution and contrast. However, when MRI use on breast examination, it must be injected the contrast agent. The contrast agent is toxicity, so some patients may have an allergy to contrast agents. Therefore, thesis presents breast tissue analysis of IVIM-MRI in recent evolvement. In this research, many algorithms will be used. Automatic target generation process (ATGP) and spectral angle mapper (SAM) with kernel-constrained energy minimization (K-CEM) applied to detect lesions range for quantitative analysis. The research use the decision tree to apply on the entire image for IVIM parameters to classify respectively. The main purpose of the suspicious lesion using histogram analysis identify preferred parameters as the main basis. As a result, not only can improve the detection accuracy of lesion location, but also observe whether there are trends in the spread of experimental results. In addition, the histogram analysis has also been applied to distinguish various types of lesions.

中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
CHAPTER 2 Background 4
2.1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 4
2.2 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) 4
2.2.1 Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) 5
2.3 Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) 6
2.4 Band expansion process (BEP) 8
2.5 Automatic Target Generation Process (ATGP) 8
2.6 Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) 9
2.7 Constrained Energy Minimization Approach 10
2.8 Kernel-Based Constrained Energy Minimization Approach 12
2.9 Decision Tree 15
CHAPTER 3 Breast tissue classification based on IVIM-MRI Method 16
3.1 Experimental Material 16
3.2 Pre-processing 18
3.2.1 Breast Region Segmentation 18
3.3 Lesion Region Detection 19
3.4 Quantitative Analysis 20
3.5 Define Breast Tissue Classification by Decision Tree 22
3.6 Histogram Analysis 24
CHAPTER 4 Experimental Results and Discussion 25
4.1 Real case of experiments 25
4.1.1 Mass 25
4.1.2 Non-mass 45
4.1.3 Normal Tissue 54
4.1.4 Cyst 59
4.2 Comparison of Tumor and Cyst 75
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion 77
Reference 78

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