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研究生(外文):Mangwe Mancoba Christopher
論文名稱:添加Lactobacillus formosensis S215T 與Lactobacillus buchneri可提升甘藷莖葉之青貯品質並降低濃縮單寧對瘤胃發酵之抑制作用
論文名稱(外文):Lactobacillus formosensis S215T and Lactobacillus buchneri inoculants improve quality and reduce in vitro ruminal biological activity of condensed tannins in sweet potato vines silage
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Hsin-I
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-PingChen, Yuan-Kuo
中文關鍵詞:ensilingmicrobial inoculantaerobic stabilityin vitro ruminal fermentationfermentability
外文關鍵詞:ensilingmicrobial inoculantaerobic stabilityin vitro ruminal fermentationfermentability
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This study investigated the influence of two microbial inoculants; Lactobacillus formonensis S215T and Lactobacillus buncheri strain NCIMB 40788, on fermentative quality, chemical composition, aerobic stability, in vitro ruminal nitrogen degradability and in vitro ruminal biological activity of condensed tannins in sweet potato vines silage. Tai Nong 57 vines were wilted and ensiled in tightly sealed 600 mL plastic containers for 28 and 60 days after treatment (1) without inoculant (CON), (2) with Lactobacillus buchneri (LB) and (3) with Lactobacillus formonensis (LF), both inoculants applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g fresh weight. Wilted and inoculated sweet potato vines samples were analyzed before ensiling to characterize day 0 samples. Microbial inoculants and ensiling period affected all the chemical components measured. Ensiling period and inoculant interaction was not significant for all the chemical components, except water-soluble carbohydrates. Lactobacillus buncheri silage had more dry matter (DM) and crude protein losses than CON and LF silages. Inoculant, ensiling period, and their interactions were significant for all the fermentative parameters measured. Lactobacillus formonensis silage had lower (3.87) pH value and higher lactic acid (48.04 g/kg DM) concentrations than the other treatments. Lactobacillus buncheri silage had more acetate, hence was more aerobically stable than LF and CON silages. Lactobacillus formonensis silage was more aerobically stable than CON silage because it produced more propionic acid (7.04 g/kg DM). Ensiling increased in vitro ruminal N degradability, with microbial inoculated silages having the highest values at 28 and 60 days post ensiling than CON silage. In vitro ruminal biological activity of condensed tannins was lower after ensiling than before ensiling. Microbial inoculated silages were more effective in reducing the in vitro ruminal biological activity of condensed tannins than CON silage. This is the first study that reports the fermentative properties of the novel species Lactobacillus formosensis S215T and forms a basis of many studies to follow in exploring the strain’s potential use as a silage inoculant. Lactobacillus formosensis S215T was the most efficient strain in fermenting the water-soluble carbohydrates to produce lactic acid and reduce silage pH. The ability of this strain to improve both fermentability and aerobic stability in silages warrants further investigations.

2.1. Sweet potato utilization and characteristics 3
2.2. Ensiling 4
2.3. Microbial Inoculants 4
2.4. Silage quality indicators 5
2.5. Effects of ensiling of antinutririve value of forages 6
3.1. Study site and harvesting method 7
3.2. Study design and inoculant application 7
3.3. Chemical analysis and in vitro N degradability 8
3.4. Silage fermentation characteristics 9
3.5. In vitro gas production and ruminal condensed tannin bioassay 9
3.6. Aerobic stability 10
3.7. Statistical Analysis 11
4.1. Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal N degradability 13
4.2. Silage fermentation characteristics 15
4.3. In vitro gas production and ruminal condensed tannin bioassay 17
4.4. Aerobic Stability 22
5.1. Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal N degradability 27
5.2. Silage fermentation characteristics 28
5.3. In vitro gas production and ruminal condensed tannin bioassay 30
5.4. Aerobic stability 31
Table 1. Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal N degradability of microbial-inoculated sweet potato vines before (0 days) and after ensiling for 28 and 60 days 14
Table 2. Fermentation characteristics of sweet potato vines before ensiling (0 days) and after ensiling for 28 and 60 days 16
Table 3. Statistical significance (P values) of the effects of main factors [microbial treatment, ensiling period and polyethylene glycol (PEG) inclusion] and their interactions on cumulative gas production, fermentation parameters and in vitro ruminal produced volatile fatty acids 18
Table 4. In vitro ruminal fermentation parameters and gas produced by sweet potato vines silage as influenced by ensiling, microbial inoculants and polyethylene glycol (PEG) inclusion 19
Table 5. In vitro ruminal produced volatile fatty acids (VFA, Mm) from sweet potato vines silage as influenced by ensiling, microbial inoculants and polyethylene glycol (PEG) inclusion 21
Figure 1 a. Effect of microbial inoculants on the number of hours taken to reach 20C above ambient temperature on sweet potato vines silages ensiled for 60 days.Treatments1: CON: no inoculant, LB: Lactobacillus buchneri applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g, LF: Lactobacillus formosensis S215T applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g. abc: Bars with different letters differ (P < 0.05). Figures are presented with their standard error bars (n = 4). 23
Figure 1 b. Effect of microbial inoculants on change in pH after aerobic exposure of sweet potato vines silages ensiled for 60 days. CON: no inoculant, LB: Lactobacillus buchneri applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g, LF: Lactobacillus formosensis S215T applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g. Figures are presented with their standard error bars (n = 4). 24
Figure 1 c. Effect of microbial inoculants (CON: no inoculant, LB: Lactobacillus buchneri applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g, LF: Lactobacillus formosensis S215T applied to achieve 1 × 106 CFU g-1) change in yeast counts in sweet potato vines silages ensiled for 60 days after aerobic exposure. Figures are presented with their standard error bars (n = 4). 25
Figure 1 d. Effect of microbial inoculants (CON: no inoculant, LB: Lactobacillus buchneri applied to achieve 1 × 106 cfu/g, LF: Lactobacillus formosensis S215T applied to achieve 1 × 106 CFU g-1) change in yeast counts in sweet potato vines silages ensiled for 60 days after aerobic exposure. Figures are presented with their standard error bars (n = 4). 26

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