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研究生(外文):Yu-Lun Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Genotoxicity Assessment of Edible Oil Mixed with Herbicides Before and After High Temperature Processing
外文關鍵詞:edible oilheating processingherbicidegenotoxicity test
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雖然耐除草劑之基因改造黃豆作物可大量增加黃豆產量,然而,也因除草劑經常使用於耐除草劑基因改造作物種植,引發消費者對基因改造黃豆製成之食用油,是否也因此易有過量除草劑殘留及可能造成食用安全性的疑慮產生。因此,本實驗目的為探討食用油,如黃豆油,模擬人為混合添加除草劑後,經加熱前後油品的食用安全性。選用三種常用除草劑,包括嘉磷塞 (glyphosate)、固殺草 (glufosinate)及草脫淨 (atrazine)10 mg/ml分別人為加入黃豆油中,模擬食用油加熱方式為180℃、8小時/天/三次。取上清液作為實驗樣品,分析加熱後樣品之除草劑含量,另以微生物回復突變試驗、染色體變異試驗和小鼠周邊血液微核試驗等三項基因毒理性試驗,評估加熱前和加熱後之黃豆油是否具有潛在基因毒性作用。試驗結果,分析加熱前混合油品樣品之除草劑含量於嘉磷塞有8 ppm及固殺草有8.3 ppm。但經加熱後混合油品之除草劑含量於嘉磷塞和固殺草均未檢出。另外,於加熱油品比未加熱油品對於Sal. TA98、TA1535菌和中國倉鼠卵巢細胞(CHO-K1)均具有較強的毒性作用。以不具細菌毒性濃度進行微生物回復突變試驗,結果顯示,單純油品或含除草劑經加熱前後,不論有無經過S9肝酵素的代謝下,皆不會促使細菌產生回復突變性。小鼠微核試驗則以油品10 ml/kg及含除草劑劑量為100 mg/kg 餵食小鼠,經48及72小時後,分析周邊血液紅血球中微核發生率。結果顯示,單純油品或含除草劑之油品經加熱前後均不會增加小鼠周邊血液紅血球中微核發生率。CHO-K1細胞之染色體變異試驗則以50%以下細胞毒性的最高劑量為測試濃度,進行染色體的觀察,在不經S9肝酵素代謝下,唯不含除草劑之加熱黃豆油組12.5 μl/ml的濃度會造成染色體變異增加的情形。結果顯示,單純油品或人為混合添加除草劑油品經加熱前後在細菌及活體之基因毒理試驗結果皆為陰性反應。在細胞之染色體變異試驗中,僅於加熱後單純油品在未添加肝酵素代謝下染色體異常頻率增加,但經添加酵素代謝後,反應皆為陰性。總結上述結果表示,單純油品或人為混合添加除草劑油品經加熱前後並無致基因毒性作用。

Although herbicide-tolerant genetically modified soybeans have significantly been increasing in food production, the increasing usage of herbicide on them gives rise to some anxieties about herbicide residue on soybeans and its oil. The purpose of this study was conducted to assess the food safety of soybean oil before and after high temperature processing. Furthermore, three common herbicides including glyphosate, glufosinate and atrazine were 10 mg/ml, artificially and respectively mixed into soybean oil. The supernatants were conducted via in vitro Ames test, chromosome aberration and in vivo peripheral blood micronucleus assay for the genotoxicity test. The mixtures of soybean oil were divided into unheated and heated groups. According to the consumers’ habits on soybean oil usage, the heated groups were heated at 180℃, 8 hr/day for 3 days. The residual concentrations of glyphosate and glufosinate were respectively 8 and 8.3 ppm in the artificial mixtures of before heating groups. However, the concentrations of glyphosate and glufosinate were not detected in heated oil groups. Supernatants of oil were tested in three genotoxicity tests. The results revealed that the heated groups had stronger bactericidal toxicity to the Sal. TA 98 and 1535, and higher cytotoxicity to the CHO-K1 cells than unheated oil. Ames and chromosomal aberration tests were conducted under the concentrations of bactericide and cytotoxicity levels. Mice were single oral gavaged with 10 ml/kg or 100 mg/kg of herbicides artificially mixed with oil and were analyzed the ratio of micronuclei for 48 and 72 hours. Results revealed that all were negative reaction in the unheated oil and heated groups in Ames test with S9 or without S9 metabolism. In chromosome aberration assay, it was used at the highest concentration that caused less than 50% cytotoxicity. Only 12.5 μl/ml heated soybean oil but not heated oil mixed with herbicides showed significant increase of frequency of chromosome aberration in this assay without S9 metabolism. With S9, all groups showed negative result. In vivo, there was no significant increase of micronucleus in the peripheral red blood cells in the heated groups when compared with unheated groups.
In conclusion, soybean oil and/or artificially mixed with herbicides before and after high temperature processing exhibited to be negative in Ames test and in vivo assay. Though the heated soybean oil without herbicide was positive in chromosome aberration assay without S9, all groups were negative. In short, soybean oil and/or artificially mixed with herbicides before and after high temperature processing were safety in genotoxicity test.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖次 IV
表次 VI
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
 第一節 黃豆油加熱過程發生化學反應之毒性探討 3
 第二節 常用除草劑的概要 6
第三節 基因毒理安全性評估 9
第三章 實驗目的與實驗流程 14
 第一節 實驗目的 14
 第二節 實驗流程 14
第四章 材料與方法 15
 第一節 材料與配製 15
 第二節 檢測方法 18
第五章 結果 28
 第一節 除草劑檢測結果 28
 第二節 油炸油品質檢測結果 30
 第三節 微生物回復突變試驗 31
 第四節 染色體變異試驗 47
第五節 小鼠周邊血液微核試驗 57
第六章 討論與結論 61
參考文獻 66

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