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研究生(外文):Zhi-Hao Hong
論文名稱(外文):Combination of Iteration and Modified Tree Structure with Partial Transmit Sequence for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System
指導教授(外文):Hou-shou Chen
口試委員(外文):Guu-Chang YangHsin-Ying Liang
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In this paper, we proposed three methods of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system combined partial transmit sequence (PTS) with low complexity. In the PTS, as sub-blocks increase, the performance of reducing peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is getting better, but complexity grow exponentially.

The first method is to reduce the complexity of PTS by iteration, and uses the information obtained from last time to get better performance, so it can use less sub-blocks to get the same performance as PTS .The second method is to reduce much complexity by modified tree structure than RC-PTS. The last is to reduce complexity of tree structure by Fano algorithm, and changes the parallel form of tree structure into series form. In this method, we also add the threshold to let complexity lower.

Chapter 1 前言………………1
Chapter 2 簡介………………3
  2.1 正交分頻多工系統………………3
  2.2 峰均功率比值………………7
  2.3 部分傳輸序列………………10
  2.4 樹狀結構………………18
Chapter 3 結合疊代型及修改型樹狀結構之PTS………………25
  3.1 疊代型部分傳輸序列………………25
  3.2 修改型樹狀結構………………31
  3.3 結合法諾演算法與樹狀結構之部分傳輸序列………………34
3.3.1 ZJ 演算法………………34
3.3.2 法諾演算法(Fano Algorithm)………………39
3.3.3 修改型法諾演算法與樹狀結構結合之部分傳輸序列………………41
Chapter 4 模擬結果與討論………………48
  4.1 疊代型部分傳輸序列………………49
  4.2 修改型樹狀結構………………52
  4.3 結合法諾演算法與樹狀結構………………57
Chapter 5 結論………………60
參考文獻 ………………61

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