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研究生(外文):Wen-Tien Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Multicast-Tree Construction Algorithm for Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks
指導教授(外文):JiChiang Tsai
口試委員(外文):Jain-Shing LiuShih-Yi Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)Multicast routingTree structure
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群播(Multicast)在無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks, WMNs)上是一個重要的應用,基於無線網狀網路上之群播樹(Multicast Tree)結構,任一節點可以透過群播協定(Multicast Protocol)來發佈訊息給系統的所有成員,而且各節點的資訊也可以藉由該架構進行交換。尤其,於此樹架構中,各節點不僅可以傳送與接收資訊,也可以作為其他節點的中繼節點(Relay Node),以協助資訊在網路中的傳播。

本篇論文則提出一個無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks, WMNs)上建立群播樹(Multicast tree)的演算法,該群播樹可以根據節點間轉送封包的最新拓樸資訊進行逐步調整。此外,在所有可能的路由路徑中,最低權重的一條路徑將會被動態的選擇,以增進整體系統訊息傳送的效能。最後,我們也使用Parsec模擬軟體來進行模擬實驗,而實驗結果顯示,我們的演算法可以替系統中各節點找出高效率的路由路徑。

Multicasting in Wireless Mesh Networks is an important application. Based on a tree structure contained in the mesh network, a node can deliver packets to all other members of a multicast group via a multicast protocol. Also, information can be exchanged among nodes via such a structure. Particularly, in the tree structure, a node can not only send and receive information but also serve as a relay node of other nodes for propagating information over the network.

In this thesis, we propose an algorithm for constructing a multicast tree in a wireless mesh network. Such a multicast tree can be continually adjusted according to the latest topology information carried on packets propagated among nodes. Moreover, the routing path with the lowest weight will be dynamically selected to improve the efficiency of delivering packets. Finally, we also perform simulation experiments based on the PARSEC (PARallel Simulation Environment for Complex systems) simulation software. The experimental results show that our algorithm enjoys the ability to find a highly efficient path for each node in the system.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第1章 導論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 1
1.3論文架構 2
第2章 背景知識 3
2.1無線網路系統架構相關知識 3
2.2無線隨意網路 6
2.3媒體存取控制層 7
2.4無線路由相關特性 7
2.5無線路由協定 8
2.5.1主動式路由協定 8
2.5.2回應式路由協定 9
2.5.3混合式路由協定 13
第3章 無線拓樸模型 14
3.1無線傳輸技術 14
3.2 Peer-to-Peer Topology 16
3.3 Star Topology 16
3.4 Tree Topology 17
3.5 Infrastructure Topology 17
3.6 Mesh Topology 18
第4章 群播樹建立方法 20
4.1群播樹建立的訊息設定 20
4.2群播樹的運作 23
4.3權重的計算 24
第5章 模擬實驗 26
5.1開發環境 26
5.2 Parsec 環境安裝 27
5.3模擬環境 30
5.4實驗方法 30
第6章 實驗結果與分析 34
6.1 Child數目 34
6.2時間延遲 36
6.3跳躍數目 38
第7章 結論及未來展望 40
參考文獻 41

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