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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Ko
論文名稱(外文):A Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus Introduction through Importation of Deboned Beef from Kinmen to Taiwan Main Island
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chin Chang
口試委員(外文):Chin-Cheng ChouCheng-Yao Yang
外文關鍵詞:quantitative risk assessmentfoot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)deboned beefKinmenTaiwan Main Island
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Importation of cloven-hoofed animals or their products from a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) -infected zone is considered as a potential route of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) introduction to a FMD-free zone. Two FMD-infected cattle were identified in Kinmen in 2015 and there have been no FMD cases in Taiwan Main Island since 2013. Therefore, this study constructed a quantitative risk assessment model to estimate the risk of FMDV introduction through deboned beef from Kinmen to Taiwan Main Island. The model considered prevalence of FMD in Kinmen, effectiveness of the surveillance system and quarantine, contamination or infection while transporting animals, ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections, cross-contamination during slaughtering and survival of FMDV during beef transportation. The result of the risk assessment model indicated that under the current strategies for FMD control, the risk of FMDV introduction through deboned beef importation from Kinmen to Taiwan Main Island was 1.63×10-4 (the 95th percentile value: 5.02×10-4), a low but non-negligible risk. Sensitivity analysis showed that a cattle accidentally contaminated or infected with FMDV during transportation was the most influential factor on the estimated risk. What-if scenarios were further applied to identify the most effective measure to limit the risk of FMDV introduction to the acceptable level (10-6). When disinfecting vehicles and cattle was conducted effectively (minimizing the risk of acquiring FMDV during transportation from the most-likely value of 10-4 to 10-6), the median of the final risk was 8.59×10-7 (the 95th percentile value: 1.17×10-6). Moreover, beef maturation could reduce the final risk to 8.31×10-261 (the 95th percentile value: 9.90×10-108), a negligible risk. Further cost-benefit analysis will need to be conducted to find the most practical way to control FMDV introduction from an infected zone.

List of Tables....................................................................................................................vi
List of Figures.................................................................................................................vii
List of Abbreviations......................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1 Introduction…………................................................................................1
Chapter 2 Literature Review.......................................................................................2
2.1. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)....................................................................................2
2.1.1. Etiology...............................................................................................................2
2.1.2. Serotypes and topotypes......................................................................................3
2.1.3. Susceptible species..............................................................................................4
2.1.4. Transmission.......................................................................................................5
2.1.5. Incubation period................................................................................................6
2.1.6. Clinical signs and lesions....................................................................................7
2.1.7. Carriers................................................................................................................8
2.1.8. Diagnosis.............................................................................................................9
2.1.9. Control and prevention......................................................................................10
2.2. Risk analysis...............................................................................................................12
2.2.1. Import risk assessment......................................................................................13
2.2.2. Components of import risk assessment.............................................................13
2.2.3. Methodology of import risk assessment...........................................................14
2.3. FMDV associated with meat trade..............................................................................14
2.3.1. O.I.E. recommendations................................................................……………15
2.3.2. FMDV survival and deboned beef................................................................16
2.3.3. Pork, sheep meat and goat meat........................................................................17
2.4. FMD in Kinmen Island...............................................................................................18
2.4.1. Epidemics of FMDV serotype O in 1999 and 2012..........................................18
2.4.2. Epidemic of FMDV serotype A in 2015...........................................................19
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods…...............................................................................21
3.1. Background and model construction...........................................................................21
3.2. Model calculation........................................................................................................22
3.2.1. Probability of a FMDV-infected cattle from any herd in Kinmen (p1)............22
3.2.2. Sensitivity of detecting a FMDV-infected cattle by the surveillance system and quarantine (p2)................................................................................................23
3.2.3. Probability of a cattle contaminated or infected with FMDV during transportation (p3)...........................................................................................25
3.2.4. Sensitivity of ante-mortem inspection for FMDV infection (p4 and p5)..........26
3.2.5. Cross-contamination risk during slaughtering..................................................27
3.2.6. Sensitivity of post-mortem inspection for FMDV infection (p6).....................28
3.2.7. Survival probability of FMDV in beef during transportation (p7)...................28
3.2.8. Overall risk of FMDV introduction through deboned beef importation from
Kinmen to Taiwan Main Island (P).................................................................29
3.2.9. Total number of consignments in a year (n)......................................................29
3.2.10. Annual risk of at least one consignment carrying FMDV (P_annual)...........30
3.3. Output simulations......................................................................................................30
3.4. Sensitivity analysis......................................................................................................30
3.5. What-if scenarios........................................................................................................30
3.5.1. Role of decontamination before transporting animals to a slaughterhouse......31
3.5.2. Cross-contamination control during slaughtering………………………….…31
3.5.3. Maturation as an option to mitigate the import risk…………..………………31
3.5.4. Different setting of FMD prevalences in Kinmen…………..……………….33
Chapter 4 Results........................................................................................................34
4.1. Overall risk of FMDV introduction through deboned beef importation from Kinmen to Taiwan Main Island (P)...........................................................................................34
4.2. Annual risk of at least one consignment carrying FMDV (P_annual).......................34
4.3. Sensitivity analysis......................................................................................................34
4.4. What-if scenarios........................................................................................................35
4.4.1. Role of decontamination before transporting animals to a slaughterhouse......35
4.4.2. Cross-contamination control during slaughtering.............................................35
4.4.3. Maturation as an option to mitigate the import risk..........................................35
4.4.4. Different setting of assumed FMD cases in Kinmen........................................36
4.5. Effect of p_surv and t1 on P.......................................................................................36
Chapter 5 Discussions.................................................................................................37
5.1. Model construction.......................................................................................................37
5.2. Disinfection methods before transporting animals.......................................................38
5.3. FMDV survival.............................................................................................................39
5.4. Cross-contamination.....................................................................................................40
5.5. Surveillance system and quarantine..............................................................................41
5.6. Prevalence of FMD in Kinmen in 2015........................................................................41
5.7. Carriers..........................................................................................................................41
5.8. Vaccine and vaccination................................................................................................42
Chapter 6 Conclusions...............................................................................................44

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