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研究生(外文):Cheng-Po Wang
論文名稱(外文):Rapid and Visible Blood Typing Devices
指導教授(外文):Chien-Fu Chen
外文關鍵詞:microfluidics devicethermoplasticblood typing detectionmicro mixermicro filter.
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本研究實現快速拋棄式比色血型檢測分析元件,主要係使用熱塑性塑膠環烯烴共聚物基材作為基底,並整合手動式幫浦、微型混和器和微狹縫過濾器於元件中,幫浦係採用市售螺絲或是加工過非尖銳的注射針筒,藉由螺絲轉動驅動來分別將抗體置入於元件中,以及抽取注射針筒產生之壓力,以驅動微流道內部血液的流動,與先前置放相對應抗體經由微混合器相互快速作用,讓血液中的紅血球產生凝集反應,再接著於利用紫外光臭氧表面改質處理與溶劑接合方式所產生一約2 μm高的狹窄微流道之微型過濾器前,凝集反應的紅血球細胞將會被過濾阻擋於狹縫前,在流道中形成一紅色線段,因此血型可以直接透過肉眼進行觀察。
本研究提出的檢測分析平臺已成功達到快速檢測、高靈敏度等特點,只需要1 μL的血液量,並在1分鐘內能夠觀察到血液凝集現象,以得知血型結果,此外,研究也進行稀有血型測式,包含A、B亞型血型、多血型、以及地中海貧血等,除了成功判斷不易診斷之弱凝結血液之血型外,也證實在微流到中可藉由凝結血液所形成之長度,獲得上述血液疾病的診斷依據,提供有別於既有的血液疾病診斷平臺外的一種判別方式。此外,紙張與玻璃試片反應也在此研究中同時測試血液凝結反應結果,以凸顯本塑膠基底血型元件之獨特性。

In this study, a disposable colorimetric detection platform for rapid blood grouping has been developed. A screw pump, low-aspect-ratio filters and micromixers are integrated in the polymeric chip system. Commercial available screw or syringe will be used as the pressure source to actuate the antibodies and blood flow in a microfluidic channel followed by rapid interacting through embedded chaotic micromixers. The coagulated red blood cells are then blocked at low-aspect-ratio filters fabricated using selective solvent swelling method and showed as a red line. The ABO and RH blood group tests can be directly observed by the naked eye without external equipment. As a result, the required amount of blood is only 1 μL, and unambiguous result can be obtained within one minute. In addition, weakly interacting blood groups such as A3 (subgroups of A), B3 (subgroups of B), and patients with Plethora or thalassemia are successfully verified in this study. Moreover, the length of blocked agglutinated red blood cell lines can be used as an indicator for these abovementioned blood diseases. Meanwhile, paper-based analytical device and glass slide method will also be tested for blood typing comparison in this study.

第一章 前言.................1
1.2.2高分子聚合物 ..............6
1.2.5晶片溶劑接合 ..............11
第二章 實驗材料與方法............17
2.1實驗藥品與材料 ...............17
2.3.5晶片溶劑接合 ................20
第三章 實驗結果與討論...................26
3.1 COP塑膠基材紫外光臭氧改質處理.........26
3.4 玻片法檢測...........................28
第四章 結論...............................32

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