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研究生(外文):Chun HaoChang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Energy Saving in Series Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle with Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motor/Pump Efficiency
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chang Shih
外文關鍵詞:Series hydraulic hybrid vehicleHydraulic components mathematical modelHydraulic hybrid vehicle energy saving efficiencyVariable Displacement Hydraulic Motor/Pump Efficiency
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Series Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles(SHHV) is an energy saving of new era which use hydrostatic circuit to replace tradition mechanical transmission, which allowed engine work in high efficiency region and recover vehicle’s kinetic energy during braking.Series Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles was use in Europe.EX:The UPS.In this article will measure Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motor Efficiency including Volumetric efficiency and Mechanical efficiency and use then.Base on 3.5 tons of small truck is used as background to analysis the hydraulic circuit structure of SHHV.By selecting the appropriate specification of hydraulic components and analyzing the mathematical model of hydraulic components, complete hydrostatic mathematic model of SHHV in different driving mode is established. Finally, the energy saving efficiency of SHHV will be discussed. From the simulation results, the fuel consumption of SHHV is about 40 to 50 percent less than traditional vehicle, and use self definition route to find different brake force efficiency, about 25 to 60 percent.
中文摘要 I
Extended Abstract II
誌 謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 X
符號說明 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 混合動力車簡介 1
1-2 可變量液壓馬達/泵及蓄壓器應用於串聯式液壓混合車節能分析 4
1-3 研究動機 8
1-4 研究目的 8
1-5 本文架構 9
第二章 可變量液壓馬達/泵效率實驗台架構介紹 10
2-1可變量液壓馬達/泵效率實驗台迴路設計 10
2-1-1定量液壓泵 13
2-1-2可變量液壓泵/馬達 14
2-1-3蓄壓器 14
2-1-4 比例流量閥 16
2-1-5 伺服閥 17
2-1-6 電磁閥 17
2-2可變量液壓馬達/泵實驗平台效率量測 17
2-2-1可變量液壓馬達/泵容積效率 18
2-2-2可變量液壓馬達/泵機械效率 21
第三章 串聯式液壓混合動力車系統數學模型及迴路控制模式 25
3-1液壓元件數學模型 26
3-1-1伺服閥 26
3-1-2可變量液壓馬達/泵 28
3-1-3蓄壓器 31
3-1-4比例流量閥 35
3-1-5單向閥 36
3-1-6伺服閥 37
3-1-7電磁閥 38
3-2串聯式液壓混合動力車行駛控制邏輯 39
3-3驅動模式液壓迴路數學模型 41
3-3-1正向/反向驅動(液壓泵供油) 42
3-3-2正向/反向驅動(蓄壓器供油) 44
3-3-3正向/反向煞車 46
3-3-4怠速停止/慣性滑行 47
3-4 車輛道路行駛數學模型 49
3-4-1行駛阻力分析 49
3-4-1-1空氣阻力 50
3-4-1-2滾動阻力 50
3-4-1-3傳動系統慣性 51
3-4-2行駛受力分析 51
3-4-2-1傳統車輛 51
3-4-2-2串聯式液壓混合動力車 52
3-5液壓迴路控制模式 53
3-5-1正向/反向驅動 53
3-5-2正向/反向煞車 54
3-5-3怠速停止/慣性滑行 55
第四章 串聯式液壓混合動力車之行駛模擬 57
4-1節能效益測試規則建立 57
4-1-1 NEDC速度曲線及自訂速度曲線 57
4-1-2節能效益評估 60
4-2串行駛模擬結果 61
4-2-1串聯式液壓混合車NEDC路線模擬 61
4-2-2串聯式液壓混合車NEDC節能效益計算 65
4-2-3使用高效率元件於串聯式液壓混合動力車之節能效益 66
4-2-4串聯式液壓混合車自訂路線模擬 70
第五章 結論與建議 75
5-1結論 75
5-2建議 76
參考文獻 77
附錄 79

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