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研究生(外文):Hsu, Shuo-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Air Content Distribution Investigation Technology in Aquitard During Groundwater Remediation
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chih-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Cross-hole Ground Penetration RadarTime Domain ReflectometerAir Content Measuring
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In-situ bio-remediation is the current practice of groundwater contamination treatment, while in-situ electrolysis conducted to enhance biological repopulation is amongst the new bio-remediation techniques. This bio-remediation method mainly assist in creating both aerobic and anaerobic environments to boost the growth of microorganisms and hence the pollutant disintegration. Efficiency of this treatment is better assessed by investigating the air bubbles distribution within the aquitard instead of determining the disintegration degree of pollutants, since the former method provided faster and extensive bio-remediation profile delineation and evaluation.
Literature review revealed that dielectric constant measurement on multiphase material has high potential to measure the air concentration. This study hence designed an air content monitoring system involving time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technique, by developing a rod-shape probe with three conductor rods and utilizing frequency domain phase velocity (FDPV) analysis method. The aforementioned TDR method provided a quick and convenient qualitative air content measurement within monitoring wells. This study also proposed a time-lapsed cross-hole ground penetrating radar (GPR) in underground air content investigation and generated a two-dimensional profile of air content variation in saturated soils.
Laboratory tests demonstrated that both TDR technique and time-lapse cross-hole GPR are feasible in air content monitoring. TDR technique had a great potential in air content quantification within water mass by dielectric constant measurement, while time-lapse TDR monitoring can effectively monitor air content variation within saturated soil mass. Field measurement data showed that the detection radius of TDR exceeded the diameter of the monitoring well casing (2 inches PVC tube) and detected the backfill material layer. Although the result of quantitative measurement is unfavorable, this method can actually identify the presence of air bubbles within backfill layer as one of the on-site engineer mentioned that air bubbles existed in backfill layer easier than within monitoring well. Whereas the air content distribution measurement of time-lapse cross-hole GPR was inconclusive due to a failure in electrolysis operation, however this set of time-lapse monitoring data has achieved the aim of air content variation monitoring in soil.

Keyword: Cross-hole Ground Penetration Radar, Time Domain Reflectometer, Air Content Measuring

摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
一、 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 內容架構 3
二、 文獻回顧 4
2.1 水中溶氧量量測 4
2.2 氣泡量測方法技術介紹與評析 5
2.2.1 聲學與光學法 6
2.2.2 導電度法 9
2.2.3 電磁法 11
2.2.4 問題評析 14
2.3 滯水層氣體含量之介電度行為 15
2.3.1 混合物之介電度行為 15
2.3.2 時序性介電度量測概念 19
2.4 時域反射法介紹 21
2.4.1 時域反射法量測技術 22
2.4.2 視介電度分析法 24
2.4.3 導電度分析法 28
2.5 孔內透地雷達介紹與分析方法 30
2.5.1 孔內透地雷達 30
2.5.2 孔內透地雷達影像剖面之應用與分析流程 33
三、 研究方法 36
3.1 研究流程 36
3.2 氣水混合物介電度行為探討與TDR感測器設計 37
3.2.1 氣水混合物室內量測試驗配置 37
3.2.2 室內試驗儀器、材料 39
3.2.3 TDR 感測器量測定量驗證 42
3.2.4 TDR感測器設計考量與評估 44
3.3 介電度行為於滯水層(三相體混和物)之探討與應用 45
3.3.1 室內試驗儀器、材料與配置 45
3.3.2 時序性跨孔透地雷達之可行性評估 48
3.4 現地試驗之配置 54
四、 試驗結果與討論 59
4.1 TDR氣體含量量測之系統研發 59
4.1.1 視介電度分析方法於氣體含量量測之影響 59
4.1.2 感測器型式於氣體含量量測之影響 63
4.1.3 TDR感測器之原型設計與測試 66
4.2 氣水混合物之行為探討結果 70
4.2.1 單棒式三叉感測器製作與率定 70
4.2.2 單棒式三叉感測器於氣水混合物之行為 76
4.2.3 室內試驗氣泡量測結果 78
4.2.4 TDR之定量量測結果 79
4.3 現地試驗結果 82
五、 結論與建議 92
5.1 結論 92
5.2 建議 93
參考文獻 94

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