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研究生(外文):Chi-Te Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Hardware Accelerator for Motion Object Tracking
指導教授(外文):Ching-Han Chen
外文關鍵詞:Hardware AcceleratorObject TrackingDesign and Implementation
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Object tracking has been a popular application in computer vision, for example,public area surveillance, and robot vision, etc. Due to typical object tracking algorithm needs high-efficiency hardware resources to reduce the processing time, it is difficult to implement a real-time object tracking in resource-constrained embedded systems. In this paper, we design a parallel architecture object tracking hardware accelerators. The architecture of the accelerator contains Feature module, Prediction module, PSO tracking module and a top layer pipeline controller. Feature module constructs multi-feature joint sparse matrix by using grayscale statistics and Haar-like features, and uses them as the template of the tracking object. Then, estimates the searching scale. Finally, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used for tracking object’s movement. We adopt open source database to verify and test our modules. Experimental result shows that our system can satisfy real-time object tracking requirement. Comparing with previous research consequence, our system reduces 34% usage of hardware resource.
摘 要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2.1 多特徵聯合稀疏表示 4
2.2 定義搜尋空間 10
2.3 物件追蹤方法 11
2.3.1 卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filter) 12
2.3.2 粒子濾波器(Particle Filter) 15
2.3.3 PSO-based粒子群最佳化追蹤 17
2.4 物件追蹤硬體加速技術 21
第三章、運動物件偵測系統設計 26
3.1 系統架構設計 27
3.1.1 物件追蹤系統架構 30
3.2 離散事件建模 32
3.2.1 物件追蹤系統Grafcet建模 36
第四章、運動物件偵測硬體合成 48
4.1 物件追蹤系統硬體合成 49
4.2 特徵擷取模組 52
4.3 預估位置模組 53
4.4 PSO追蹤模組 55
4.4.1 初始化粒子位置與速度模組 57
4.4.2 更新粒子位置及速度並傳遞粒子模組 58
4.4.3 計算是否符合物件特徵模組 59
4.5 管線化控制器設計 60
4.6 PSO追蹤模組平行化設計 63
第五章、實驗結果與探討 66
5.1 實驗平台 66
5.2 驗證方法 68
5.3 系統驗證 68
5.3.1 多特徵聯合稀疏矩陣驗證 69
5.3.2 PSO追蹤驗證 70
5.3.3 物件追蹤系統驗證 71
5.4 實驗結果比較與分析 75
第六章、結論 77
6.1 結論 77
6.2 未來研究方向 78
參考文獻 79

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