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研究生(外文):Chen-Kun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Using Theory of Constraints to Discuss the Software Development Organization to Execute the Agile Transition Process – For Software Service Company
指導教授(外文):Chung-Yang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Agile Transition ProcessSoftware Development ProcessTheory of Constraints
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敏捷軟體開發(Agile Software Development)模式在近年來受到學界與軟體開發人員之間的廣泛討論,許多的軟體開發業者都期望其軟體開發團隊能夠從原有的軟體開發模式轉換成敏捷軟體開發模式,這樣的轉換過程被稱為敏捷轉型過程 (Agile Transition Process, ATP)。由於敏捷轉型過程並沒有標準或眾所周知的模型或框架,許多組織在進行這樣的轉型過程中往往面臨許多障礙、問題和挑戰。
本研究認為限制理論 (Theory of Constraints, TOC) 其強調打破流程限制、持續改進、改善組織績效的主張,或可協助軟體開發組織在執行敏捷轉型過程時檢視其過程中的限制與障礙,並且發展出適切之轉型歷程以協助組織成功地達成敏捷轉型之目標。故本研究以個案研究的方式,運用限制理論的思考流程框架,彙整個案公司在進行敏捷轉型過程中發生的不良效應,檢視敏捷轉型過程所面對的流程、人員、管理、文化、技術轉換過程中所發生的問題,並以思考流程的五種分析工具,針對不同的問題進行分析,找出適合的實務做法,以協助個案組織順利轉型至敏捷軟體開發模式。透過本研究過程,個案組織透過此轉換模式有效地改善其轉型問題,逐漸演變成具備能夠自我決策的敏捷軟體開發組織;本研究同時也透過限制理論的思考流程框架,建立出一套可供持續發展的敏捷轉型之轉換模式。

Agile software development model has been widely discussed among academics and software developers in recent years. Many software development enterprises expect their teams to transform their software development models from legacy to agile. This transformation process is called Agile Transition Process (ATP). Since ATP has no standard, recognized model, or framework, many organizations often face obstacles, problems, and challenges.
This research believes the Theory of Constraints (TOC), which aims to break flow constraints, can provide ongoing improvement, and to improve organizational performance, to help software development enterprises review their process limitations and obstacles, and eventually evolve appropriated transition models to achieve successful agile transitions. Therefore, through case studies, this research uses the thinking process framework of the theory of constraints to aggregate the undesirable effects occurred during the agile transition process of the case-study enterprises and inspects issues encountered in processes, personnel, management, culture, and technology transitions. This research then employs five thinking process tools to analyze issues respectively and finds the appropriate substantive approaches to assist enterprises to achieve painless agile transformations. Through this research process, the case-study enterprises effectively mitigated issues in agile transformations, and they were evolving to agile software development enterprises capable of self-determination. Via those case studies, this research can be a supportive model based on Thinking Process of Theory of Constraints for any software development organization hesitant to transform its development model from legacy to agile.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 敏捷軟體開發模式與傳統軟體開發模式之比較 5
2.2 敏捷轉型過程 11
2.3 限制理論 13
2.3.1 限制理論簡介 13
2.3.2 限制理論的思考流程 15
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究問題之定義與範圍 24
3.2 研究方法 25
3.2.1 質性研究 25
3.2.2 個案研究法 26
3.2.3 資料收集方法 28
3.3 研究架構 29
第四章 個案分析 31
4.1 個案介紹 31
4.1.1 個案公司介紹 31
4.1.2 個案背景描述 32
4.2 引用限制理論之改善過程 39
4.2.1 要改變什麼 39
4.2.2 要改變成什麼 50
4.2.3 如何造成改變 58
4.3 行動準則中所採用的敏捷實務 65
4.4 個案小結 70
第五章 研究結果 72
5.1 關鍵績效指標 72
5.1.1 關鍵績效指標之定義 72
5.1.2 結果與分析 74
5.2 訪談與分析 76
5.2.1 訪談程序 76
5.2.2 問題與結果 77
5.3 研究限制 83
第六章 結論與建議 84
6.1 研究結論 84
6.2 研究建議 85
參考文獻 87

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