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研究生:許 文 濃
研究生(外文):Wen-Nong Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Study on the preparation of Mg-Al alloy electrodes and their applications in efficiency improvement of hydrogen production
指導教授:施 登 士
指導教授(外文):Teng-Shih Shih
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic vibrationCast magnesium alloysElectrodeWater electrolysisPolarization impedanceLorentz Force
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本研究第二部份係以粉末冶金的方法,燒結不同成分的鋁鎂合金電極,作為電解水電極用。實驗結果顯示鎂鋁電極的電流密度大小依序如下:Mg < Mg-10wt%Al < Mg-25wt%Al < Mg-50wt%Al < Mg-75wt%Al < Mg-90wt%Al < Al 。純Al電極具有最佳的電解效果;但如果同時考慮電解效果及抗腐蝕之能力,則應選用Mg-Al(75 wt%)當電極材料為最佳。另外在電解的過程中,若加入超音波場可有效的提昇電解之效率,在30wt%KOH的電解液中,電流增加率大約為23.1%,使用FRA模組量測電化學阻抗頻譜(EIS)及曲線回歸,顯示超音波震盪均有效地改善電極間的極化阻抗,其中以降低電解時的濃度阻抗值約44-51%Ω最為顯著。最後,採用三組並聯電極組方式做實驗,研究相關水電解實驗參數。結果顯示三電極組的產氫量會比單電極組產氫量增加2.2~2.9倍數。最後本研究並探討外加磁場對電解水之影響,加入磁場會使得電解反應變快,若外加勞倫茲力往上之磁場,電極距離為5mm,電解液濃度為10wt%的條件下,可以得到最佳的電流密度差值約370 mA/cm2 。

The first part of this study is aimed to investigate the grain size refinement for magnesium and magnesium-aluminum (Mg-Al) alloys. Under the ultrasonic treatment, the cavitation bubbles were generated in the melt. Both degassing action and dispersion of inclusion imped the growth of crystal grains and result in the refinement of crystal grains of magnesium and magnesium- aluminum alloys. Therefore, the casting property of the metal and alloys was improved. Nevertheless, the mechanical properties of both magnesium and its alloys were decreased. The reason is due to lower vapor pressure of magnesium and zinc in the melt. We also found that casting method is not suitable for the preparation of Mg-Al alloy electrodes because their properties were difficult to control by this method.
In the second part of this study, power metallurgy was used to sinter the Mg-Al alloy electrodes with different compositions. The obtained electrodes were used for water electrolysis. The results demonstrate that the current density decreases as the following tendency: Mg < Mg-10wt%Al < Mg-25wt%Al < Mg-50wt%Al < Mg-75wt%Al < Mg-90wt%Al < Al 。 The Al electrode possesses the best electrolysis efficiency. However if both the anti -corrosion ability and electrolysis are considered, the Mg-Al (75 wt %) should be the best electrode material. During the electrolysis process, if the ultrasonic field was applied to the electrolysis cell, the electrolysis efficiency was greatly enhanced. The current increased about 23.1% in the 30 wt% KOH aqueous solution. The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) curves measured by Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) module and the regression curves showed that the polarization impedances between electrodes were effectively improved. The concentration polarization in the 30wt% KOH aqueous solution was reduced to 44-51% during the electrolysis process. Furthermore, three groups of parallel electrodes were used for the water electrolysis experiments. The results demonstrate that the hydrogen electrolysis cell using a multi-electrode(6 sheets) group is 2.2-2.9 time higher than that using a single electrode group. Finally, the magnetic field was also used to enhance the electrolysis reaction. The results show that the optimal current density is 370 mA/cm2 at electrode distance of 5mm and a 10 wt% electrolyte concentration with the Lorentz force up.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
謝 誌 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 研究背景 3
2-1鎂及鎂合金材料 3
2-1-1鎂金屬 3
2-1-2鎂合金及其命名 4
2-1-3鎂合金之保護性氣體 5
2-1-4合金元素對鎂合金的影響 7
2-1-5鎂合金之晶粒細化製程 9
2-2 超音波 10
2-2-1超音波空泡成核 12
2-2-2音波空泡的種類 13
2-2-3超音波設備 14
2-2-4超音波在冶金領域的應用 15
2-3 粉末冶金 16
2-4 氫能 19
2-5 電解理論 22
2-5-1電解水製氫之基本原理 22
2-5-2電解電壓 24
2-5-3電解質 25
2-5-4法拉第電解定律 27
2-5-5極化作用 27
2-5-6歐姆極化 28
2-5-7活性極化 28
2-5-8濃度極化 29
2-5-9電化學阻抗與等效電路 30
2-5-10勞侖茲力 33
2-5-11電極磁化效應 34
2-5-12離子輸送數 37
2-5-13效率 37
第三章鑄造鎂合金晶粒細化及電極研製之探討 39
3-1 前言 39
3-2 文獻回顧 40
3-3 研究目的 43
3-4實驗設備與步驟 44
3-4-1實驗設備 44
3-4-2實驗用品 46
3-4-3實驗步驟 47
3-5結果與討論 50
3-5-1超音波輸出功率(output power)和震盪時間(processing time)之影響 50
3-5-2超音波熔鍊對純鎂微觀組織的影響 53
3-5-3超音波熔鍊對鎂合金(AM60 & AZ91)微觀組織的影響 55
3-5-4超音波對純鎂及鎂合金機械性質的影響 58
3-5-5鑄造鎂鋁合金電極材料 59
3-5-6結論 60
第四章 粉末冶金法製作鎂鋁合金產氫電極及多電極之探討 61
4-1 前言 61
4-2 文獻回顧 63
4-3 研究目的 64
4-4實驗設備與步驟 66
4-4-1實驗設備 66
4-4-2實驗材料 68
4-4-3實驗架設 69
4-4-4實驗步驟 71
4-4-4-1鎂鋁合金電極水解產氫 71
4-4-4-2磁場水電解產氫 72
4-5結果與討論 73
4-5-1粉末冶金法製作鎂鋁合金產氫電極之探討 73
4-5-1-1鎂鋁電極的電解特性 73
4-5-1-2鎂鋁電極之電流-電壓曲線 74
4-5-1-3不同的電解液濃度下,超音波對 Mg-Al電極水電解效果之影響 75
4-5-1-4 Mg-75%Al電極產氫效益 78
4-5-1-5結論 79
4-5-2多電極組之水電解產氫行為之探討 80
4-5-2-1磁力作用下氣泡現象之觀察 80
4-5-2-2 IV分解電位的探討 84
4-5-2-3勞倫茲力的水電解效應及產氫量 86
4-5-2-4結論 89
第五章 總結論 90
參考文獻 92
作者簡介 99

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