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研究生(外文):Shu-Fang Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Communication MarketingPEST analysisintegrated marketingbusiness model
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The market scale of Communication Marketing industry in China grew from RMB 852 billion in the year of 2011 to RMB 3615.9 billion in the year of 2015. The Communication Marketing industry share of the total retail sales of social consumer goods in China reached 12% with the rapid growth of mobile commerce in 2015. That shows the "Communication Marketing” industry has already become a generally accepted consumption channel for consumers. Nevertheless, in the face of the Digital Age, fierce competition in the market, legal changes, and continuous innovation in all aspects of the industry chain, the challenge is how to maneuver virtual channel (online), entity channel (offline) and multiple channel allocation of resources to achieve optimal integrated business model in order to to bring the value of innovation for enterprise.
The main study object of research is the case company in China market. By which the core competitive abilities of beauty instrumental product series are TV shopping, e-commerce, and entity channels in the case company to constructe the business model of integrated marketing. The present study collects credible journals and references, official website, company profile, internal high level managers interviews, and other related information, also supplemented by industry experts in-depth interviews for case analysis. PEST analysis and integrated marketing model analysis are the main tool used to explore the general situation of the Communication Marketing industry and the case company background of marketing development of multiple channels integrated factors, and The Business Model Canvas as theoretical framework of the present study.
The research result shows that integrated concept and business model innovation has become the inevitable development trend of Communication Marketing industry, and for enterprises to bring the value of innovation; Mobile Commerce will become the most explosive force of the market, and when all sectors of the industry chain innovation energy continues to introduce new ideas, driving the growth of the market, at the same time, also challenging the adaptability of market mechanism and enterprise. However, a rapidly growing market must also bring fierce competition. Therefore, this study also suggest that in the future field of Communication Marketing industry should be focused on innovation in order to achieve research and development together; at the same time, the Communication Marketing industry should also pay attention to the consumers and the dissimilation market potentials, and to combine with key partners closely. Furthermore, the know-how of how to enhance the consumer repurchase intention by improving the perceived quality, and adjust channel layout and resource allocation proportion flexible mobility shall be important for enterprise.
The future research direction is recommended for operating results further data analysis and quantitative research. On the other side, there have been significant differences by the consumer groups according to the profile, it is also recommended on consumer preferences, consumer behavior, the satisfaction for service quality and repeat purchase intention for depth exploration, the practice of application shall be more specific and clearified.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 總體環境分析 6
第二節 整合行銷 9
第三節 商業模式 16
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 研究方法 25
第三節 研究對象 28
第四章 產業概況與個案分析 30
第一節 總體環境分析 30
第二節 產業分析 42
第三節 個案公司概況 63
第四節 個案公司商業模式 65
第五節 效益與創新價值分析 72
第五章 結論與建議 77
第一節 結論 77
第二節 建議 80
第三節 研究限制 83
參考文獻 84
一、中文文獻 84
二、英文文獻 85
三、網路資料 87
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