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研究生(外文):Sheng-Feng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:economy growthelectricity
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台灣為能源缺乏國家,自有能源匱乏高達百分之九十以上的能源皆需仰賴從國外進口。能源供給體系相對規模小而獨立 ,欠缺有的能源備援系統。基於民生需求、各產業發展、整體經濟發展、環境永續及社會正義之考量,臺灣需要投入更多的電力基礎建設,以支應電力需求的增加。我國長期平均電價偏低又欠缺節能誘因,未來應落實能源價格合理化,使電價合理反映內部與外部成本,以有效引導節能。
This research project utilizes the principle of System Dynamics to establish an interactive model that analyze the causal relationship between the economy growth and the electricity consumption in Taiwan. The purpose of the research is to develop a tool that could aid in the design of energy policies by the government through the use of a technique called Scenario Analysis for electricity demand and supply. This can be achieved through the use of the Interlock and Feedback characteristics featured in System Dynamics model.
A recent review of research literature on electricity supply and demand published by other countries shows that very few research has taken into consideration the differences in the nature of electric consumption among various industrial sectors. The absolute majority of the research literature are focusing on the verification of the relationship between the electricity consumption and the economic growth. It is for this reason that this research not only analyzes the relationship between the overall electricity consumption and the economic growth, but also attempts to explore further into the electricity consumption by dividing the general industries into 6 sectors: industrial, residential, service, transportation, agricultural, and energy. The relationship between the economic growth and the electricity consumption within each individual industrial sector has been explored so that a conclusion can be drawn whether the current energy structure and policy will meet the forecast of future economic growth. This research will provide a good reference for the responsible divisions in the government to make future energy and electricity development policies.
Through evidence-based analyses on the GDP growth and the electricity consumption, it is discovered that, in short term, the overall electricity consumption and the economic growth manifests a one-way causal relationship in which the electricity consumption is the cause and the economic growth being the effect; whereas, under longer term observation, it is evident that the economic growth has a one-way causal relationship to the electricity consumption. However, through a statistical standard deviation comparison and analysis, it can be demonstrated that the economic growth and the electricity consumption manifest a mutual causal relationship.
Generally speaking, the economic growth and the overall electricity consumption in Taiwan are of a by-directional causal relationship with mutual feedback.
In the industrial sector, the result shows that the increase in industrial electricity consumption will increase the GDP growth. Since the variation in the industrial electricity consumption will a direct impact on the economic growth, from the policy making standpoint, implementation of any electricity conservation policy must be reviewed with cautions. Emphasis shall be placed on measures and sequences to be taken in order to avoid any over-conservation that could have a adverse impact on the national economy.
In the residential and service sectors, this research uses the results from statistical standard deviation comparisons and analyses where the variations in electricity consumption are very slow and stable, and will not impact the economic growth. Therefore, it can be concluded that electricity conservation measures proposed for the residential and service sectors are a feasible policy tool to be implemented by the electricity management authority.
Taiwan is an energy deprived country, the dependency on imported energy is more than 90%. The scale of domestic energy supply is small, isolated, and lacks an energy backup system. In view of the domestic demand, industrial development, overall economic growth, environmental sustainability and social justice, Taiwan needs to invest more resources into the electrical infrastructure to meet the increase in the electricity demand. Taiwan's long term average electricity price tends to be low and there is a lack of incentive for the general industries to conserve energy. It is herewith recommended that the energy pricing structure be rationalized so that the electricity price reflects both the internal and external costs. This will effectively incentivize energy conservation for the entire industries in Taiwan.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 系統動態學之發展 4
第二節 系統動態學之特性 5
第三節 系統動態模型建置 6
第三章 台灣現況 9
第一節 經濟發展與電力需求之關係 9
第二節 台灣經濟與消費歷史變動趨勢 13
第四章 研究方法 20
第五章 實證討論 22
第一節 台灣電力消費需求結構 27
第二節 台灣經濟發展探討 30
第三節 總體經濟GDP成長率與各產業電力消費之變動關聯 35
第四節 台灣電力指標與經濟成長GDP之變動關聯 37
第五節 統計分析結果 45
第六節 全國電力供需預測 48
第七節 長期電源開發規劃 52
第八節 電價政策探討 55
第九節 本章小結 57
第六章 結論與建議 59
第一節 結論與建議 59
第二節 限制 61
參考文獻 62
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10. 台灣綜合研究院(2014),「主要國家經濟發展與電力需求成長之關係」。
11. 張景淳(2012),「我國電力供需平衡策略之權衡分析」,國立成功大學資源工程研究所碩士論文。
12. 張景淳、鄭詩妤(2014),「我國電力缺口因應策略之權衡分析」,國立成功大學資源工程研究所碩士論文。
13. 林受得、許志義(2007),「電力消費與經濟成長之因果關係-臺灣實證研究」,《臺灣銀行季刊》,第五十九卷第三期。
14. 財團法人中技社(2013),台灣能源及電力業之討戰與機會。
15. 台灣電力公司(2016),http://www.taipower.com.tw,「資訊揭露網頁」
16. Qihui Yang,Zuo Zhenpeng,’’System Dyanmicx Oroject : The case of Electricity in Shanghai’’
17. Mohammad Sakeh Owlia, Hossein Dastkhan, ‘’ An Application of System Dynamics in Electricity Supply System : Case of Yazd of Regional Electricity Company in Iran’’.
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