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論文名稱(外文):The purchase intention of consumer online apparel shopping
指導教授(外文):Huang, Lan-Ying
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ying-JiunHuang, Lan-YingPai, Fan-Yun
外文關鍵詞:apparel shoppinpurchase intentioneWOM
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The internet shopping is becoming the indispensablepurchasing model now. In recent year, the probability of consumers purchase clothes online is increasing. With the development of internet business model, the apparel industries in Taiwan pay more attention to the internet platform which can contact with consumers, for example the establishment of factors of website, commodity and word-of-mouth will affect the purchasing intention of consumers. In the past, many scholars had discussed the factors of consumers’ purchasing intention.
In the past, many scholars had discussed the factors of consumers’ purchasing intention and the word of mouth from internet.This main architecture of researchfocusing on the factor of quality of service, information, interaction, the apparel’s brand, store’s promotion, and apparel diversificationwhich will affect consumers’ purchasing intention and the word of mouth from internet by using statisticalanalysis. This research uses 352 valid questionnaires, using regression analysis to find out that factor of websitehas negative significant impact on the intention of purchasing clothes on the internet, the factor of commodity has positive significant impact om the he intention of purchasing clothes on the internet. The factor of website and the commodity factor of apparel brand has positive significant impact on the word of mouth from internet, the store’s promotion and apparel diversification from commodity factor has not positive significant impact on the word of mouth from internet. According to the research results, this research has some suggestions.

第一章緒論 1
第一節研究背景與動機 1
第二節研究目的 4
第三節研究流程 5
第二章文獻探討 6
第一節電子商務 6
第二節網路購物 9
第三節購買意願 12
第四節網路口碑 13
第三章研究方法 16
第一節研究架構 16
第二節研究假設 17
第三節操作型定義與衡量 20
第四節資料蒐集方法 27
第四章資料分析與研究結果 30
第一節一般敘述性統計分析 31
第二節信度分析 39
第三節因素分析 40
第四節效度分析 41
第五節相關分析 49
第六節迴歸分析 51
第七節假說檢定 54
第八節延伸分析 55
第五章研究結論與建議 60
第一節研究結論 60
第二節實務建議 63
第三節研究貢獻 64
第四節研究限制與未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 66
中文部分 66
英文部分 67
網路資源 75
附錄一、正式問卷 76

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