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研究生(外文):Kuan-wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Integrating Communication Strategies Instruction into EFL Senior High Speaking Class
指導教授(外文):Huang, Sheng-hui
口試委員(外文):Shan-mao ChangChing-huang Wang
外文關鍵詞:Communication strategiescommunication strategies instructionspeaking class
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研究結果顯示(1) 實驗組在後測的口語表現上有顯著的進步。(2) 實驗組的口語溝通策略使用頻率也有提升。(3) 從學習日誌中顯示學生對口語溝通策略教學持有正向的態度。根據本研究的結果,研究者提供一些教學應用上之建議、研究限制、與可供日後相關研究參考的建議。

It has been a controversial issue whether communication strategies (CSs) instruction could improve learners’ foreign language speaking performance. Although previous studies favored the teaching of communication strategies, few empirical studies were conducted regarding the effects of CSs instruction in foreign language classrooms. This study aims to gauge the effects of integrating CSs instruction into English as a foreign language senior high class. Eight target communication strategies proposed by Lam (2005) were implemented in the instruction. Two classes from a public senior high school in central Taiwan participated in this study. One group received speaking class with CSs instruction while the other received speaking class without CSs instruction. The study lasted for 18 weeks. Three types of data were collected during the process of the study: the scores of participants’ speaking performance, the results of self-report communication strategy questionnaire, and participants’ learning diaries.
The findings reveal that (1) The experimental group significantly improved their speaking performance in the post-test; (2) The experimental group increased their frequency of CSs use; (3) Positive perceptions regarding the CSs instruction were found in the excerpts of learning diaries.

Finally, pedagogical implications, limitations of the study, and suggestions for further research were also reported.


Background and Rationale of the Study………………………………………….1
Purposes of the Study…………………………………………………………….6
Research Questions………………………………………………………………6
Operational Definitions of Terms……………………………………...…….......7
Significance of the Study……………………………………………...………....8

An Overview of Language Learning Strategies……………………………….....9
An Overview of Learning Strategies Training……………………………….…11
An Overview on Communication Strategies……………………………………12
Types of Perspectives in Communication Strategies…………..…….……14
Interactional Perspective……………………………………………..14
Psycholinguistic Perspective………………………………………....15
Psychological Perspective……………………………………………15
The Development of Communication Strategies……………………….....16
Taxonomy of Communication Strategies…………….….……..….....16
Studies on Effects of Communication Strategies Instruction..……...…..…26
Studies on Communication Strategies in Taiwan………………………….28
Use of Communication Strategies………………………...………….28
Effects of Communication Strategies Instructions……………….…..30
The Definition of Communication Strategies for the Present Study……………30
Communication Strategies Teaching Procedures……………………………….34
Quantitative Methods for Data Collection
The Oral Communication Tasks……………………………………...37
The Oral Communication Assessment Scale for EFL Students……...37
The Oral Communication Strategies Questionnaire…………………38
Textbook and Strategy Guided Sheet………………………………...39
Qualitative Method for Data Collection
Students’ Learning Diaries…………………………………………...40
The Lesson Plan………………………………………………………………...42
The Lesson Plan for Experimental Group…………………………………42
The Lesson Plan for Control Group……………………………………….42
Data Collection Procedures……………………………………………………..43
Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………45
Pilot Study………………………………………………………………………46
Results of the Pilot Study…………………………………………………47
Reflections and Modifications of Pilot Study…………………………….50

CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS……………………………………………..51
Quantitative Data Analysis…………………………………………….……………..52
The Effects of Communication Strategies Instruction on Students’ Speaking Performance…………………………………………………………………………….52
Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Speaking Performance……………......53
Students’ Speaking Performance between Groups after the Instruction………..54
Students’ Speaking Performance within Groups after the Instruction………….55
Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Overall Use of Communication Strategies…56
Summary of Quantitative Data Results………………………………………………57
Qualitative Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….57
Students’ Perceptions about Communication Strategies Instruction……………57
Improving Understandings……………………………...…………...59
Gaining More Time…………………………..………………………60
Summary of Qualitative Data Results………………………………………………..61
Summary and Discussion of the Major Results……………………………………...63
Effects of Communication Strategies Instruction on Students’ Speaking Performance..64
Effects of Communication Strategies Instruction on Students’ Communication Strategies Use...66
Students’ Perceptions about Communication Strategies Instruction……………67
Conclusions of the Study……………………………………………………………..69
Pedagogical Implications…………………………………………………………….70
Limitations of the Study………………………………….…………………………..72
Suggestions for Further Study………………………………………………….…….73
Appendix A Teaching Procedures…………………………………………...83
Appendix B Oral Communication Tasks for Pretest………………………...84
Appendix C Oral Communication Tasks for Posttest………………………..85
Appendix D Communication Strategies Questionnaire (Chinese Version)….86
Appendix E Communication Strategies Questionnaire (English Version)….89
Appendix F Communication Strategy Guide Sheet………………....………91
Appendix G Sample Learning Diaries……………….……………………...96
Appendix H Sample Lesson Plan for Experimental Group…………………97
Appendix I Sample Lesson Plan for Control Group……………..….….…98 Appendix J Sample of Consent Form (English Version)…………………..99
Appendix K Sample of Consent Form (Chinese Version)…………………101

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