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研究生(外文):Chen, Hsiang-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Direct Correction and Metalinguistic Feedback on EFL College Students’ Accuracy of Type III Conditionals
指導教授(外文):Kung, Hui-i Amy
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shan-maoTsai, Ya-ChinKung, Hui-i Amy
外文關鍵詞:written corrective feedbackdirect correctionmetalinguistic feedbackEFL writingconditionals
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This study investigated the effects of two specific types of written corrective feedback (WCF), direct correction (DC) and metalinguistic feedback (MF), on Taiwanese EFL college students’ accurate use of Type III conditionals in a revised draft and new writings. Fifty-three freshmen from a university in central Taiwan participated in this study and were assigned to a DC group (n = 18), an MF group (n = 17), and a control group (n = 18). They were given a first writing task as a pretest, and a revision of the first writing and a second writing task two weeks later as an immediate posttest, and finally a third writing task six weeks later as a delayed posttest. The writing tasks all followed the same format, requiring the participants to write a three-paragraph passage with at least 300 words based on a four-picture story strip and some information provided. The groups all received feedback in the first writing only. The ratio of the accurate uses of the target structure to all those uses produced by each participant in each piece of writing was converted into a percentage for further t-test and ANOVA analyses. The results showed that both DC and MF were effective, and equally effective, in enhancing the participants’ accuracy of using Type III conditionals in revision and new writing in the immediate posttest. Furthermore, both types of WCF had long-term effects with MF demonstrating superiority over DC in the delayed posttest. Pedagogical implications and limitations and suggestions for further studies are also provided.
ABSTRACT (English) i
ABSTRACT (Chinese) ii
Background of the Study 1
Rationale of the Study 10
Purpose of the Study 12
Research Questions 12
Significance of the Study 13
Definitions of Terms 13
Types of Written Corrective Feedback 16
Focused or unfocused written corrective feedback 17
Direct or indirect written corrective feedback 21
The Effects of Written Corrective Feedback on Revision and/or New Writings 24
The effects of WCF on revised drafts 25
The effects of WCF on new writings 27
The effects of WCF on revision followed by new writings. 30
Direct Correction and Metalinguistic Feedback 34
Studies on effects of direct correction 34
Studies on effects of metalinguistic feedback 41
Different effects between direct correction and metalinguistic feedback 44
Studies of Written Corrective Feedback in Taiwan 48
Studies of Written Corrective Feedback on Conditionals 53
Participants 60
Instruments 61
Treatment 62
Scoring and Data Analysis 63
Data Collection Procedures 68
Results 70
Discussion 76
Summary of the Findings 85
Pedagogical Implications 85
Limitations of the Study 87
Suggestions for Further Research 90
APPENDIX A  A Sample of the Writing Task (English Version) 107
APPENDIX B  A Sample of the Writing Task (Chinese Version) 109
APPENDIX C  Samples of Direct Correction-1-1 111
APPENDIX D  Samples of Direct Correction-1-2 112
APPENDIX E  Samples of Direct Correction-2-1 113
APPENDIX F  Samples of Direct Correction-2-2 114
APPENDIX G  Samples of Metalinguistic Feedback-1-1 115
APPENDIX H  Samples of Metalinguistic Feedback-1-2 116
APPENDIX I  Samples of Metalinguistic Feedback-2-1 117
APPENDIX J  Samples of Metalinguistic Feedback-2-2 118
APPENDIX K  Samples of Content Feedback-1-1 119
APPENDIX L  Samples of Content Feedback-1-2 120
APPENDIX M  Samples of Content Feedback-2-1. 121
APPENDIX N  Samples of Content Feedback-2-2. 122

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