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論文名稱(外文):Automatic generation V-style paper folding model building
外文關鍵詞:Pop-upFold upPaper Dome.
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Folding motion closed model is a very complex exercise in space. Because each vertex model motion would involve other vertices, you may have to increase a lot of creases, or cut some of the edges to make the model is completely folded. Although there are many fold in the past about the papers, but most of them are stacked use some shape model to determine the composition can be folded. No one summed up the folded generalized terms and limitations so that model as much as possible without destroying the original shape when model is folding. In this paper we summarize a number of conditions and restrictions in V-fold and make model does not produce too much crease in folding. Without setting any conditions, any model can be folded. Fold over and over again makes the model generates multiple folds, makes the model not easy to maintain rigidity, so we gave some limitations, making possible the necessary resulting crease falls on the sidelines model and try to reduce the generation of crease. We will read the want to fold the original model, and generating a model as close as possible to the original and new models to meet the conditions and limitations of our fold.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅴ
2. 文獻探討 4
3. V-style摺疊限制 8
3.1 體素化 8
3.2 摺疊運動 10
3.3 折線落點 11
3.4 柱體限制 13
4. 演算法 15
4.1 體素化 15
4.2 切割 16
4.3 投影 19
4.4 調整至讓模型滿足限制 21
4.4.1. 對角柱調整使折線落在邊線上 21
4.4.2 . 同層相鄰柱體 26
4.4.3 . 不同層相鄰 30
4.4.4 . 柱體 33
4.5 總結 34
5. 成果貢獻與體素化的比較 36
6. 未來展望 40
6.1 體素化 40
6.2 調整過大 40
7. 參考資料 41

Figure1: 組合式折疊折出的玫瑰花束 1
Figure2: 愛麗絲的夢遊仙境     1
Figure3: 英國編年史        1
Figure4: 三等分角      2
Figure5: 倍立方       2
Figure6:(a)城堡(b)折疊      4
Figure7:(a)紙階梯建築(b)設計圖樣 5
Figure8:(a)使用者設計 V-style 模型(b)自動生成v-style模型 6
Figure9:(a)凱旋門模型 (b)折疊模擬 (c)設計圖樣 7
Figure10:(a)原模型 (b)體素化  9
Figure11:(a)折疊前 (b)折疊後(側)(c)折疊後(前)  10
Figure12:(a)不符合條件的角錐 (b)折疊 (c)折疊側視  12
Figure13:(a)符合條件的角錐(b)折疊(c)折疊側視    12
Figure14:(a1)四個側面交於一點(b1)兩面交於一線兩面平行(c1)四個側面兩兩平行(d1)兩兩交於不同的兩線      13
Figure15:展開圖       14
Figure16:(a)劇院 (b)體素化 15
Figure17:(a)有凸出的形狀輪廓 (b)折疊 1 (c)折疊 2  16
Figure18:(a)切割好後(b)模擬折疊   17
Figure19:(a)凹凸邊形的切割 (b)切割方法  17
Figure20:只投影最外圍的錯誤結果示意圖   19
Figure21:(a)正確投影示意圖(b)原模型(c)體素化(d)投影  20
Figure22:(a)原模型(b)投影後  21
Figure23:(a)經過上下兩層對應的頂點直線(b)找出離四條線最近點  22
Figure24:(a)平均角錐(b)調整後形成符合限制的角錐  24
Figure25:符合限制的新柱體   25
Figure26:側面產生衝突的相鄰柱體    26
Figure27:側面無衝突的相鄰柱體     26
Figure28:(a)原模型找出最近點並求平均角錐(b) 找出最近點並求平均角錐..…28
Figure29:(a)每個頂點投影至對應的角錐邊上得出新模型(b)模擬折疊側視圖(c)模 擬折疊上視圖   29
Figure30:(a)角錐展開圖 (b)角錐折疊後的平面   30
Figure31:(a)兩頂點共平面角錐塔建 (b)折疊測試圖 30
Figure32:(a)頂點在不同平面上的兩柱體塔建 (b)折疊測試圖  31
Figure33:上圖是四塊角錐部分黏再一起       32
Figure34:(a)調整前(b)調整後(c)模擬折疊       33
Figure35:(a)原模型(b)體素化後   34
Figure36:(a)法向量(0,1,0)(0,-1,0)的面(b)投影後  34
Figure37:(a)頂點與第二層角柱兩個角錐部分的平均角錐(b)調找角錐至符合條件   35
Figure38:(a)平移到對應的遍後 (b)新模型    35
Figure39:(a)4x4x4 體素化(b)8x8x8 體素化(c)新模型(d)模擬折疊(頂)(e)模擬折疊(側)    36
Figure40:(a)101原模型 (b)新模型 (c)折疊側面(d)折疊頂部  37
Figure41:(a)101原模型(b)體素化(c)新模型(d)折疊模擬    38
Figure42:(a)劇院(b)新模型(c)折疊左側上視(d)折疊右側上視(e)折疊前視   39
Figure43:(a)原模型梯柱(b)新模型   40

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