The Study of the Relationship between High School Entrance Mock Rankings , Interest Test Results and the Educational Choices of the Third-Year Junior High School Students Abstract This study investigates the trends of 276 third-year junior high school students’two mock rankings of high school entrances as well as the correspondence between their Interest Test and the educational choices. Descriptive statistic,one sample T-test,and paired samples T-test,chi-square test were employed to examine the research data. The study found that the main factor in students’career decision-making was personal factor.Interest was the most commonly considered factor and students reported their academic performance was the most important factor. With time gets near the decision point, educational promotion activities and assistances from school promoted students to consider information factors, though the importance of information factors in career decision-making did not change. Though Interest Test results increased students’awareness of interest. the correspondence between the Interest Test results and the educational choices was not affected by the implementation of the test. These results identified the efficacy of career assistance to promote students’ awareness of interest and career information. The study also suggests further study to investigate 1)how to promote the effectiveness of the interest test results, and 2)whether the test reflects the interest of the students. Key words: High School Entrance Mock Rankings,Interest Test, Further studies Choice