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指導教授(外文):Yu, Chang-youKuo, Hung-Chih
外文關鍵詞:edema diseaseenterohemorrhagic Escherichia colishiga-like toxinmultiple antibiotic resistancebacteriophage
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豬隻腸出血型大腸桿菌(enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,EHEC)可產生類志賀氏毒素II型變異體e型(shiga-like toxin II variant e type,Stx2e),導致水腫病(edema disease)發生,且此病發病快速,致死率又高,造成養豬業莫大的經濟損失,為世界重要豬隻疾病之一。根據國立嘉義大學獸醫學院附設雲嘉南動物疾病診斷中心所分離EHEC菌株之抗微生物藥物感受性試驗結果,可見EHEC對多數抗菌劑具有抗藥性,且某些抗菌劑之抗藥性比率較其他非EHEC之大腸桿菌更為嚴重,因此,本研究欲針對EHEC之多重抗藥性及Stx2e毒素之相關性進行研究及探討。
本研究從2011年至2015年送檢豬隻病例共收集65株EHEC,均由4-10週齡之保育豬所分離。依抗微生物藥物感受性試驗,發現有86%(56/65)的菌株同時對8種以上抗菌劑具有抗藥性,而僅有amikacin及colistin的抗藥性比率較低(分別為8%及22%),並選取其中6種抗菌劑(amoxicillin、cefazolin、ciprofloxacin、enrofloxacin、florfenicol與oxytetracycline)進行輸出幫浦抑制試驗(使用20 µg/mL PAβN,efflux pump inhibitor),結果於ciprofloxacin、enrofloxacin與florfenicol等藥物具有較高比例之菌株其藥物最小抑制濃度(minimal inhibitory concentration)的下降較為顯著,推測EHEC菌株對此三種抗菌劑之抗藥性機制與輸出幫浦有關。此外,以次世代定序分析5株EHEC的染色體全序列,並使用PCR及定序的方式針對stx2e鄰近基因序列進行分析,發現上述基因與噬菌體P27的核苷酸序列相似度為97.5%,且基因組間並無抗藥性基因的存在,因此無法得知stx2e與抗藥性基因間是否相互影響。同時以即時定量聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測stx2e基因於不同抗菌劑環境中之表現量,結果enrofloxacin可造成EHEC之stx2e基因表現量顯著性下降(p <0.05)。
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) can cause oedema disease in swine, because EHEC can produce shiga-like toxin 2e (Stx2e). Oedema disease makes huge economic losses in pig industry due to its rapid progression of infection and high fatality rate. It is one of the major pig diseases in the world. According to the results of the antimicrobial susceptibility testing performed in the Animal Disease Diagnostic Center of National Chiayi University, EHEC were found to be resistant to most antibiotics, and the antibiotic resistance rates of EHEC are higher than that of other non-EHEC strains in some antibiotics. Therefore, it was speculated that the high antibiotic resistance rates of EHEC may be associated with Stx2e, and this study was performed to identify the reasons and the impacts.
From 2011 to 2015, 65 enterohaemorrhagic E. coli were collected from clinical cases of swineaged between 4 and 10 weeks. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of EHEC showed 56 isolates (86 %) were resistant to 8 or moreantimicrobials, and only amikacin and colistin had lower resistance rates. 6 antibiotics (amoxicillin, cefazolin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, florfenicol, and oxytetracycline) were subsequently used to perform the drug efflux pump inhibition testing with 20 µg/mL PAβN. It was found that the isolates with high antimicrobial resistance rates showed significant decrease in minimal inhibitory concentration for ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin and florfenicol. It indicated that the antimicrobial resistance was associated with efflux pump. The next-generation sequencing was also employed to analyse the whole sequences of these 5 isolates, and the gene of stx2e and its neighbouring genes were also analysed with the conventional PCR. The result showed that stx2e and neighboring genes had a 97.5 % similarity of nucleotide sequences to the prophage of bacteriophage P27. It was also found that there were no antimicrobial resistance genes in stx2e-flanking regions of EHEC. Therefore, it is not clear yet whether there are interactions between stx2e and antimicrobial resistance genes. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the gene expression of stx2e with different antibiotics, and the result showed enrofloxacin was able to reduce the expression of stx2e gene (p <0.05).
Based on the results in this study, it is still unable to determine the interactions between antimicrobial resistance genes and stx2e gene. But from this study, it was found that it was difficult to treat odema disease with a single antimicrobial in ECHC with high antimicrobial resistance. Based on the result in this study, enrofloxacin is a promising candidate antimicrobial to be clinically administered to prevent the oedema disease due to its reduction of expression of stx2e gene.
摘要......................................................................................................................... i
Abstract.................................................................................................................. iii
目次......................................................................................................................... v
表次......................................................................................................................... ix
圖次......................................................................................................................... x
附錄......................................................................................................................... xi
縮寫表.................................................................................................................... xii
致謝......................................................................................................................... xv
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................... 3
 第一節 大腸桿菌.......................................................................................... 3
  2.1.1 大腸桿菌介紹........................................................................................ 3
  2.1.2 大腸桿菌之血清型................................................................................ 3
  2.1.3 大腸桿菌之病原型................................................................................ 4
 第二節 腸出血型大腸桿菌....................................................................... 4
  2.2.1 類志賀氏毒素II型變異體e型........................................................... 4
  2.2.2 豬水腫病................................................................................................ 5 F18ab纖毛...................................................................................... 6 離乳後之飲食改變......................................................................... 7
  2.2.3 抗藥性概況............................................................................................ 9 越南................................................................................................. 9 中國................................................................................................. 9 臺灣................................................................................................. 10
 第三節 細菌抗藥性機制及大腸桿菌常見之抗藥性基因............... 10
  2.3.1 細菌抗藥性機制.................................................................................... 10
  2.3.2 乙內醯胺類抗菌劑之抗藥性基因........................................................ 12
  2.3.3 胺基醣苷類抗菌劑之抗藥性基因........................................................ 12
  2.3.4 四環素類抗菌劑之抗藥性基因............................................................ 13
  2.3.5 磺胺類及三甲氧芐氨嘧啶抗菌劑之抗藥性基因................................ 13
  2.3.6 奎諾酮類抗菌劑之抗藥性基因............................................................ 14
  2.3.7 氯黴素類抗菌劑之抗藥性基因............................................................ 15
  2.3.8 台灣大腸桿菌常見之抗藥性基因........................................................ 15
 第四節 輸出幫浦及多重抗藥性.............................................................. 16
  2.4.1 MFS家族............................................................................................... 16
  2.4.2 ABC家族.............................................................................................. 17
  2.4.3 SMR家族.............................................................................................. 17
  2.4.4 RND家族.............................................................................................. 18
  2.4.5 MATE家族........................................................................................... 19
  2.4.6 輸出幫浦抑制劑.................................................................................... 19
 第五節 可動式遺傳因子............................................................................ 19
  2.5.1 吸收破碎之基因片段............................................................................ 20
  2.5.2 質體........................................................................................................ 20
  2.5.3 轉位子及整合子.................................................................................... 20 轉位子............................................................................................. 20 整合子............................................................................................. 21
  2.5.4 噬菌體.................................................................................................... 22
 第六節 抗菌劑對類志賀氏毒素基因表現量之影響........................ 23
 第七節 基因定序.......................................................................................... 24
  2.7.1 傳統定序法............................................................................................ 24 Maxam-Gilbert定序法................................................................... 25 Sanger定序法................................................................................ 25
  2.7.2 次世代定序............................................................................................ 25 Illumina(Solexa)系統................................................................ 26 次世代定序的應用......................................................................... 27
  2.7.3 三代定序................................................................................................ 27
第三章 材料與方法.................................................................................... 29
 第一節 菌株來源.......................................................................................... 29
 第二節 腸出血型大腸桿菌鑑定.............................................................. 29
 第三節 血清型別鑑定…............................................................................ 30
 第四節 抗微生物藥物感受性試驗......................................................... 30
  3.4.1 最小抑菌濃度試驗................................................................................ 30
  3.4.2 輸出幫浦抑制試驗................................................................................ 31
 第五節 stx2e基因及抗藥性基因位於染色體之相對位置.............. 31
 第六節 stx2e基因之鄰近基因分析........................................................ 32
 第七節 抗菌劑對stx2e基因表現量之影響........................................ 32
 第八節 統計分析.......................................................................................... 33
第四章 實驗結果......................................................................................... 34
 第一節 菌株來源.......................................................................................... 34
 第二節 血清型別鑑定................................................................................ 34
 第三節 抗微生物藥物感受性試驗......................................................... 34
  4.3.1 最小抑菌濃度試驗................................................................................ 34
  4.3.2 輸出幫浦抑制試驗................................................................................ 35
 第四節 stx2e基因及抗藥性基因位於染色體之相對位置.............. 35
 第五節 stx2e基因之鄰近基因分析........................................................ 36
 第六節 抗菌劑對stx2e基因表現量之影響........................................ 37
第五章 討論.................................................................................................... 38
 第一節 EHEC好發週齡分析................................................................... 38
 第二節 EHEC血清型別分析................................................................... 38
 第三節 抗藥性分析..................................................................................... 39
  5.3.1 EHEC之抗藥性.................................................................................... 39
  5.3.2 腸道源性及腸道外源性之EHEC抗藥性差異................................... 40
  5.3.3 EHEC之抗藥性基因............................................................................ 40
  5.3.4 輸出幫浦對EHEC抗藥性的影響....................................................... 41
 第四節 stx2e基因之鄰近基因分析........................................................ 42
 第五節 抗菌劑對stx2e基因表現量之影響........................................ 43
第六章 結論.................................................................................................... 45
參考文獻.............................................................................................................. 46
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