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論文名稱(外文):Systematic Innovation and Patent-around in the Assistive Walker Design for the Elderly
外文關鍵詞:Innovation AlgorithmTRIZWOISPatent around DesignProblem Domain MatrixWheelchair Design
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創新與專利被視為新產品開發的一體兩面,如何在產品開發過程中,同時兼顧專利迴避與設計創新是近年產、學界爭相研究的議題。創新法則最常被採用的方法為萃思法(TRIZ)與合議思法(WOIS)等兩種創新理論;TRIZ創新法則在於以39個工程參數與40個發明法則進行創新研發,屬於由下而上(Bottom Up)的展開,較侷限於細節,見樹不見林,無法因時、因地制宜;WOIS創新法則,係由上而下(Top Down)的構思,透過問題領域矩陣以發現矛盾、解題,更達成系統化解決產品創新研發的方法。本研究提出以結合TRIZ之改良式WOIS創新理論,藉整合專利分析與迴避技術之系統化創新產品設計,達成新產品開發上能兼具創新與專利迴避之目標。研究上,提出二款助行器創新結構設計(Walker Structure)於手動輪椅設計之開發案例,具體完成藉由專利迴避,以結合TRIZ之改良式WOIS創新理論於產品概念設計,並達成發明專利申請之目標。
Innovation and patent are often regarded as two of the most crucial aspects of new product development. Taking into account of both patent around and design innovation during product development is one of the main topics of current academic research. Innovation methods most commonly used are the TRIZ and WOIS innovation theories. TRIZ innovation theory uses the 39 engineering parameters and 40 inventive principles for innovative research and development. However, it cannot apply a global view to the whole system. WOIS theory uses systematic approach with problem domain matrix to find contradictions and compensate for shortcomings from the TRIZ theory. This is considered a more consistent method for product innovative development. In this study, we combined the WOIS innovation theory and engineering parameters from TRIZ, using patent analysis and patent around techniques to improve existing product design concepts and development. This served to achieve the goal of both innovation and patent around design for new product development. In this paper, two cases of manual wheelchair designs with walker were investigated using the TRIZ and WOIS innovation theory during the conceptual design phase to achieve the goal of patent around design.
誌謝 i
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究方法 3
1.4研究範圍及限制 4
1.5研究架構與流程圖 4
第2章 文獻探討 7
2.1 TRIZ創新法則 7
2.2 WOIS創新理論 13
2.3專利迴避設計 16
2.4輪椅設計 19
2.4.1輪椅使用族群 19
2.4.2手動輪椅種類 20
2.4.3標準輪椅的基本構造 20
2.4.4標準輪椅的基本分析 21
第3章 研究方法 23
3.1專利分析與摘要表建構 23
3.1.1專利分析 23
3.1.2專利摘要表建構 24
3.1.3專利技術與功效 27
3.2改良式WOIS創新理論 30
3.2.1 WOIS創新與專利迴避之結合 30
3.2.2 WOIS問題領域矩陣 32
3.3完整案例解說 33
3.4 WOIS、TRIZ與一般創新設計之差異 36
第4章 創新實作與驗證 39
4.1改良式WOIS創新法則之輪椅助行器 39
4.2案例驗證一:複合式多功能輪椅助行器 44
4.3案例驗證二:輕便攜帶型輪椅助行器 44
第5章 結論與建議 48
5.1結論 48
5.2建議 50
參考文獻 51
附錄一 TRIZ法之39項工程參數 56
附錄二 TRIZ法之40項創新發明法則 58
附錄三 矛盾矩陣表 61


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