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研究生(外文):CHIU, TSUN-MEI
論文名稱(外文):Effects and Related Factors of Chest Vibration Physiotherapy on Cerebral Perfusion for Brain Injury Patients
外文關鍵詞:brain injurychest vibration physiotherapycerebral perfusion
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects and the related factors of the chest vibration physiotherapy on the cerebral perfusion procedure, including intracranial pressure, mean arterial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, oxygen saturation of influence brain injury patients. This study utilized a longitudinal study to collect a total of 40 patients. These patients were treated according to the study design by conducting bedside chest vibration physiotherapy, collecting patients’ medical information, and analyzing their physiological data. The results were analyzed statistically with paired-t test, ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation, and multivariate linear regression. The result of this study includes:
(1) The intracranial pressure of the brain injury patients receiving the chest vibration physiotherapy were the lowest before the treatment, and were the highest during the treatment. The intracranial pressure was increasing along with the time of treatment, and was gradually recovered after the treatment. The intracranial pressure is significantly positive correlation with the chest vibration physiotherapy. The intracranial pressure after chest physical processes were significant differences and associated with the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), the days after surgery, and surgical resection of the skull. Therefore, our predicting model is as follow: The intracranial pressure before the chest vibration physiotherapy =12.11-3.57× days of surgery (0,1) + 4.63 × craniectomy (0,1); The intracranial pressure during the chest vibration physiotherapy = 18.07-3.99 × days of surgery ( 0,1) + 3.43 × craniectomy (0,1); The intracranial pressure after the chest vibration physiotherapy = 17.02-5.46 × days of surgery (0,1).
(2) The mean arterial pressure of the brain injury patients receiving the chest vibration physiotherapy process were the lowest before the treatment, and were the highest during the treatment. The mean arterial blood pressure positively associated with the increased intracranial pressure. However, the factors influencing mean arterial pressure remain to be further investigated.
(3) The cerebral perfusion pressure in the brain injury patients receiving the chest vibration physiotherapy were the lowest after the treatment, and were the highest before the treatment. Although showing a gradual decrease during treatment, the cerebral perfusion pressure was still sufficiently high to maintain an adequate tissue perfusion in brain. The days of surgery significantly affected the cerebral perfusion pressure to the patients receiving the chest vibration physiotherapy.
(4) The brain injury patients receiving the chest vibration physiotherapy showed decrease oxygen saturation in blood. Although not of significant differences, the results also suggested that the chest vibration physiotherapy does not cause the hypoxia in the patient’s brain tissue.
The results of this study provides a preliminary patient care guideline for the neuro-surgical intensive care unit on brain injury patients who receive chest vibration physiotherapy. The pre-treatment assessment and the reassurance of the intracranial pressure, keeping head and neck in a straight line, maintaining a modified postural drainage, closely monitoring the intracranial and the cerebral perfusion pressure, standardizing the chest physical tremor therapy, and estimating the degree of potential changes of the intracranial pressure using our proposed model, can reduce a repeated brain injury and establish a safer patient care.
目  次
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………………………… ⅰ
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………………………… ⅲ
目次 ………………………………………………………………………………… ⅴ
表次 ………………………………………………………………………………… ⅶ
圖次 ………………………………………………………………………………… ⅸ
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 ……………………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的、研究問題與研究假設……………………………………… 2
第三節 名詞定義………………………………………………………………… 3
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 腦部損傷與腦組織灌流………………………………………………… 4
第二節 腦部損傷病人之肺部護理……………………………………………… 7
第三節 胸腔震顫物理治療……………………………………………………… 9
第四節 腦部損傷病人胸腔震顫物理治療對腦組織灌流之影響……………… 11
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構………………………………………………………………… 14
第二節 研究設計………………………………………………………………… 14
第三節 研究對象及場所………………………………………………………… 15
第四節 研究測量方法…………………………………………………………… 15
第五節 資料收集步驟…………………………………………………………… 18
第六節 資料分析………………………………………………………………… 20
第七節 研究對象之權益保護…………………………………………………… 22
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 研究對象基本資料……………………………………………………… 23
第二節 胸腔震顫物理治療時腦部損傷病人顱內壓之影響…………………… 25
第三節 胸腔震顫物理治療時腦部損傷病人平均動脈壓之影響……………… 33
第四節 胸腔震顫物理治療時腦部損傷病人腦灌流壓之影響………………… 40
第五節 胸腔震顫物理治療時腦部損傷病人血氧飽和度之影響……………… 47
第六節 胸腔震顫物理治療過程對於顱內壓改變之關係……………………… 54
第七節 討論……………………………………………………………………… 61
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………………… 68
第二節 護理上的應用…………………………………………………………… 70
第三節 研究限制與建議………………………………………………………… 71
中文部分 ………………………………………………………………………… 72
外文部分 ………………………………………………………………………… 75
附錄一 資料收集表…………………………………………………………… 80
附錄二 人體試驗委員會通過證明…………………………………………… 81

表  次
表4-1-1 個案基本資料 …………………………………………………………24
表4-2-1 胸腔震顫物理治療時顱內壓之變化………………………………… 26
表4-2-2 胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓與基準值之變化…………………… 27
表4-2-3 昏迷指數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓之影響………………… 28
表4-2-4 手術日數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓之影響………………… 29
表4-2-5 鎮靜劑對胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓之影響…………………… 30
表4-2-6 呼吸器對胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓之影響…………………… 31
表4-2-7 顱骨切除術對胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓之影響……………… 32
表4-3-1 胸腔震顫物理治療時平均動脈壓之變化…………………………… 33
表4-3-2 胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓與基準值之變化……………… 34
表4-3-3 昏迷指數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓之影響…………… 35
表4-3-4 手術日數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓之影響…………… 36
表4-3-5 鎮靜劑對胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓之影響……………… 37
表4-3-6 呼吸器對胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓之影響……………… 38
表4-3-7 顱骨切除術對胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓之影響………… 39
表4-4-1 胸腔震顫物理治療時腦灌流壓之變化……………………………… 40
表4-4-2 胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓與基準值之變化………………… 41
表4-4-3 昏迷指數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓之影響……………… 42
表4-4-4 手術日數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓之影響……………… 43
表4-4-5 鎮靜劑對胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓之影響………………… 44
表4-4-6 呼吸器對胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓之影響………………… 45
表4-4-7 顱骨切除術對胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓之影響…………… 46
表4-5-1 胸腔震顫物理治療時血氧飽和度之變化…………………………… 47
表4-5-2 胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度與基準值之變化……………… 48
表4-5-3 昏迷指數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度之影響…………… 49
表4-5-4 手術日數對胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度之影響…………… 50
表4-5-5 鎮靜劑對胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度之影響……………… 51
表4-5-6 呼吸器對胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度之影響……………… 52
表4-5-7 顱骨切除術對胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度之影響………… 53
表4-6-1 胸腔震顫物理治療前、中、後顱內壓相關性……………………… 59
表4-6-2 胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓預測模型…………………………… 60
表4-7-1 研究假設與研究結果彙總表………………………………………… 61

圖  次
圖4-2-1 胸腔震顫物理治療過程顱內壓趨勢圖……………………………… 27
圖4-3-1 胸腔震顫物理治療過程平均動脈壓趨勢圖………………………… 34
圖4-4-1 胸腔震顫物理治療過程腦灌流壓趨勢圖…………………………… 41
圖4-5-1 胸腔震顫物理治療過程血氧飽和度趨勢圖………………………… 49
圖4-6-1 治療前與治療中右側臥10分鐘顱內壓散佈圖……………………… 55
圖4-6-2 治療前與治療中左側臥10分鐘顱內壓散佈圖……………………… 55
圖4-6-3 治療前與治療中20分鐘顱內壓散佈圖……………………………… 56
圖4-6-4 治療前與治療後顱內壓散佈圖……………………………………… 56

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