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研究生(外文):Chang, Yung Chun
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Mixing LRC and RAID5 on Software-Defined Storage to Reduce Energy Consumption
指導教授(外文):Shih, Wei Kuan
外文關鍵詞:Software Defined StorageEnergy-efficientCloud StorageData Fault toleranceMultilevel Data Fault Tolerance
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In the era of digitalization, people store their data digitally on local or remote storage. With the rapid growth of storage demands, traditional storage techniques are considered inefficient. Therefore, Software Defined Storage (SDS) become a viable option since it includes a centralized controller to process data requirements. Although studies and services has been proposed and implemented to exploit the benefit bought by SDS, there is little discussion on how to enable multilevel data fault tolerance on SDS to satisfy different level of fault tolerance requirement. In addition, applying two or more data fault tolerance mechanisms on a same disk group could be problematic and not energy efficient. To address above issues, this study enables multilevel data fault tolerance on a single disk group with energy-efficient considerations. A series of experiments show that the proposed scheme could reduce the storage system energy consumption significantly when compared with the original architecture.
Abstract iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background and Motivation 6
2.1 Software-Defined Storage 6
2.2 Data Fault-Tolerance Mechanism 8
2.3 Motivation 10
Chapter 3. Energy-Efficient Multilevel Data Fault Tolerance Design 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Multilevel Data Fault Tolerance 17
3.3 Cache Policy – Hot Data Identification 20
3.4 Storage Volume Adjustment Policy 22
3.5 Energy-Efficient Data Placement Strategy 24
Chapter 4. Performance Evaluation 27
Chapter 5. Conclusion 32
References 34

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