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研究生(外文):James Ohisei Uanhoro
論文名稱:A quasi-experimental study on the effect of badges on timeliness within an undergraduate physics course.
論文名稱(外文):A quasi-experimental study on the effect of badges on timeliness within an undergraduate physics course.
指導教授(外文):Young, Shwu-Ching
外文關鍵詞:badgestimelinessdistributed practiceonline homework system
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Badges in education are an increasingly popular phenomenon, and given the relative recency of this phenomenon, a variety of questions exists as to the abilities and effectiveness of
badges. In this study, the effect of digital badges within a Moodle-based online homework system was studied for an undergraduate general physics course at a large research-based university in northeast Taiwan. Students (N=162) self-selected themselves into two course sections; students in one course section (N = 68) were able to earn one badge per assignment for turning their assignments in earlier than the assignment deadline – treatment group, while students in the other section (N = 94) could not – control group. In addition to submission before a special badge deadline, students in the treatment group were also required to obtain
maximum scores to get these badges. However, assignments were designed to be easy enough for students to earn the maximum grade (which students generally did). Additionally,
students in the treatment group were able to earn higher-level badges by combining the assignment badges. Students in the treatment group were intended to be fully aware of
badges, and badge requirements; moreover, the badge design was visible.

The study results showed that students in the treatment group turned in their assignments earlier than students in the control group did, and this difference was statistically significant. However, the fact that students in both groups came from markedly different departments weakened the internal validity of the study’s results. Further analysis showed that students in the treatment group spaced their assignment practice more than students in the control group
did, and the difference was statistically significant. Additionally, students in the treatment group actively attempted to earn badges, as there was a statistically significant increase in the number of badges earned by students in the treatment group over those in the control group. Based on a questionnaire given to study participants towards the conclusion of the study, the study found that students’ perception of badges was positive. All of the aforementioned gains were observed despite an absence of any statistically significant differences in the learning
outcomes of both study groups.

These findings corroborate earlier findings by other researchers that badges can be used to motivate specific behaviours in students whilst requiring minimal changes to the course structure. However, further corroborating earlier research is the finding that badges may not be particularly useful to motivate students towards challenging tasks. An earlier study of this course, in a preceding academic year found that students are appreciative of the online homework system; and it appears from this study that the primary function of badges within the system is to enhance the experience of students, as well as to motivate timely engagement with assignments.
Badges in education are an increasingly popular phenomenon, and given the relative recency of this phenomenon, a variety of questions exists as to the abilities and effectiveness of
badges. In this study, the effect of digital badges within a Moodle-based online homework system was studied for an undergraduate general physics course at a large research-based university in northeast Taiwan. Students (N=162) self-selected themselves into two course sections; students in one course section (N = 68) were able to earn one badge per assignment for turning their assignments in earlier than the assignment deadline – treatment group, while students in the other section (N = 94) could not – control group. In addition to submission before a special badge deadline, students in the treatment group were also required to obtain
maximum scores to get these badges. However, assignments were designed to be easy enough for students to earn the maximum grade (which students generally did). Additionally,
students in the treatment group were able to earn higher-level badges by combining the assignment badges. Students in the treatment group were intended to be fully aware of
badges, and badge requirements; moreover, the badge design was visible.

The study results showed that students in the treatment group turned in their assignments earlier than students in the control group did, and this difference was statistically significant. However, the fact that students in both groups came from markedly different departments weakened the internal validity of the study’s results. Further analysis showed that students in the treatment group spaced their assignment practice more than students in the control group
did, and the difference was statistically significant. Additionally, students in the treatment group actively attempted to earn badges, as there was a statistically significant increase in the number of badges earned by students in the treatment group over those in the control group. Based on a questionnaire given to study participants towards the conclusion of the study, the study found that students’ perception of badges was positive. All of the aforementioned gains were observed despite an absence of any statistically significant differences in the learning
outcomes of both study groups.

These findings corroborate earlier findings by other researchers that badges can be used to motivate specific behaviours in students whilst requiring minimal changes to the course structure. However, further corroborating earlier research is the finding that badges may not be particularly useful to motivate students towards challenging tasks. An earlier study of this course, in a preceding academic year found that students are appreciative of the online homework system; and it appears from this study that the primary function of badges within the system is to enhance the experience of students, as well as to motivate timely engagement with assignments.
Abstract I
Acknowledgements II
Table of Contents III
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VIII
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background – An Introduction to Digital Badges in Education 2
1.2 Rationale for Study 3
1.3 Context of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Limitations of the Study 7
1.6 Glossary of Terms 7
1.7 Summary of chapters 7
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 The Teaching of Introductory Physics 9
2.1.1 A Review of Physics Education with Higher Education Institutions 9
2.1.2 Teaching of Introductory Physics with Web-based Homework System 12
2.2 Graduate Attributes 16
2.2.1 The Evolution of the Concept 16
2.2.2 Definition and Selection of Competencies: Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations (DeSeCo) 17
2.2.3 Towards a Framework for Graduate Attributes 20
2.3 Digital Badges 23
2.3.1 The Origins of Digital Badges 23
2.3.2 Revisiting the Utility of Badges – Badges to Develop Lifelong Learning Skills 24
2.3.3 The Perception and Potential of Digital Badges in Formal Higher Education 25
2.3.4 The Social Psychology of Badges 26
2.3.5 Quantitative Studies on Badges in Education 28
2.4 Distributed Practice 34
2.4.1 Experimental Studies on Distributed Practice for complex learning tasks. 34
2.5 Summary of Literature Review 36
CHAPTER 3 Methods 38
3.1 Study Design 38
3.1.1 Overview 38
3.2 Sample 39
3.2.1 Setting and Sample Size 39
3.3 Experimental Procedure 41
3.3.1 Procedures prior to experimentation for both groups 41
3.3.2 Procedures following commencement of experimentation for both groups 42
3.4 Summary of Instruments 42
3.4.1 End of Semester Survey about Badges 43
3.5 Data Management 43
3.6 Data Analysis 44
3.6.1 Primary Outcomes 44
3.6.2 Secondary Outcomes 45
3.6.3 Additional Outcomes 45
3.7 Contamination 46
CHAPTER 4 System Design 47
4.1 Chapter Outline 47
4.2 Formative evaluation survey of badges 48
4.2.1 Sample 48
4.2.2 Survey Layout and Key Findings 49
4.3 Badge Design 54
4.3.1 Visual appearance 54
4.3.2 Requirements 56
4.4 Homework System 59
4.4.1 Technical Details 59
4.4.2 Assignment System 60
4.4.3 Badges 68
CHAPTER 5 Results 71
5.1 Chapter Outline 71
5.2 Analysis of Study Sample 73
5.3 Research Question: Timeliness 75
5.3.1 Analysis of Raw Timeliness Data 75
5.3.2 Analysis of Categorized Timeliness data 80
5.3.3 Panel Data Model 82
5.4 Research Question: Distributed Practice 86
5.4.1 Calculation of Distributed Practice 86
5.4.2 Analysis of Raw Inter-session Interval data 87
5.4.3 Hypothesis Testing: How is study group related to distributed practice? 87
5.5 Additional Outcomes 89
5.5.1 Research Question: Badges 89
5.5.2 Research Question: Students’ perception of badges 92
5.5.3 Research Question: Performance 100
CHAPTER 6 Discussion and Conclusion 104
6.1 Timeliness 104
6.1.1 Sample 104
6.1.2 Modelling 105
6.1.3 Summary 106
6.2 Distributed Practice 107
6.3 Additional Analysis 108
6.3.1 Badges 108
6.3.2 End of Semester Survey about Badges. 109
6.4 Conclusion 111
6.4.1 A summary of findings in relation to research questions 111
6.4.2 Overall Significance of the Study 112
6.5 Future research 113
References 115
APPENDIX A Visualization of Database Logs 120
APPENDIX B Survey Instruments 121
APPENDIX C System Artefacts 130

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