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研究生(外文):Pei Jhe Lo
論文名稱(外文):The study of metal-organic-sputtering process for fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell
指導教授(外文):Yung Jane HsuHuey Liang Hwang
外文關鍵詞:CIGS solar cellselenizationsputtering
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本研究主要藉由製程機台的設計與改裝,實踐有機金屬濺鍍製程,利用RF-Sputter沉積Cu-In-Ga( 44.70 : 38.12 : 17.14 at%)合金前驅薄膜,本研究利用EDS與拉曼光譜證實了外接攜出三甲基鎵氣體流量與薄膜中鎵元素的調整的正相關,接著利用固態硒粉加熱後進行硒化,過程中可以藉由改變升溫速率、溫度、持溫時間與硒粉量優化CIGS層,再利用化學浴沉積一層具透光性與覆蓋性的CdS,進而得到最佳化的主動層;此外,在我們的研究中,我們對三元前驅層硒化與四元薄膜退火進行比較,其中以三元前驅層硒化後的結構與特性上較為良好;最後在太陽電池的製作,我們以SLG/Mo/CIGS/CdS/i-ZnO/AZO/Al的結構去堆疊,其中硒化製程以500℃鋒值溫度、40分鐘持溫時間與50mg的硒粉得到最佳化太陽電池,其開路電壓(Voc)為0.16 V、短路電流(Jsc)為22.90 mA/cm2、填充因子(F.F)為0.29,效率為1.018 %。
In this study , we design the new process for fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell to prove the assumption of the metal-organic-sputtering process . Firstly , we use RF sputter to deposit the CuInGa thin film which can control the components of Ga as the function of TMGa flow with measurement of EDS and the Raman spectrum and then and carry out the selenization process with selenium powder by furnace . And then , we can optimize the selenization process by the parameters , such as rate of heating , top temperature , duration time and amount of selenium powder. Furthermore , we obtain the CdS buffer layer with good coverage and high transmittance by a chemical bath deposition way . In this study , we also compare the difference between CuInGa and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film by different annealing process . And we find that , the selenized CuInGa thin film is better than the other on micro-structure . Finally , we fabricate the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell with SLG / Mo / CIGS /CdS / i-ZnO / AZO / Al structure . In selenization process , we optimize the parameters and show the efficiency of 1.018 % with an open circuit voltage of 0.16 V , short circuit current of 22.90 mA/cm2 and fill factor of 0.29 as the best cell in our study .
1-1 前言---------------------------------1
1-2 太陽電池分類--------------------------2
1-3 光的二象性----------------------------3
1-4 能帶的形成----------------------------3
1-5 太陽電池-結構與操作原理----------------4
1-5-1 開路電壓--------------------------7
1-5-2 短路電流--------------------------7
1-5-3 填充因子--------------------------8
1-5-4 轉換效率--------------------------8
1-6 太陽電池-等效電路----------------------8
1-7 太陽光譜------------------------------9
1-8 研究動機-----------------------------11

2-1 CIGS太陽電池介紹----------------------13
2-2 CIGS太陽電池探討----------------------13
2-2-1 Cu(In,Ga)Se2特性-----------------13
2-2-2 鎵元素對CuIn1-XGaXSe2的影響-------14
2-2-3 CIGS太陽電池結構------------------16
2-3 各層薄膜特性--------------------------17
2-3-1 鈉基板---------------------------17
2-3-2 背電極Mo-------------------------17
2-3-3 主吸收層-------------------------17
2-3-4 緩衝層---------------------------18
2-3-5 本質透光層i-ZnO/透明導電層AZO------18
2-3-6 鋁電極 --------------------------18

3-1 實驗流程圖---------------------------19
3-1-1 濺鍍製程-------------------------20
3-1-2 退火製程-------------------------21
3-1-3 鈉玻璃基板Clean步驟---------------21
3-1-4 鉬電極的製備----------------------22
3-1-5 主吸收層製備----------------------22
3-1-6 緩衝層製備------------------------22
3-1-7 透光層與導電層的製備---------------23
3-2 實驗儀器------------------------------24
3-2-2 真空濺鍍系統與TMGa流量控制器--------25
3-2-3 硒化爐管--------------------------26
3-3 量測儀器------------------------------27
3-3-1 四點探針系統----------------------27
3-3-2 X光繞射儀------------------------28
3-3-3 SEM場發式電子顯微鏡---------------29
3-3-4 紫外光/可見光光譜儀---------------30

4-1 機台改裝後之工作情況------------------31
4-2 鉬電極-電性與物性結果-----------------32
4-3 CIG前驅層與CIGS薄膜------------------37
4-4 退火與硒化製程之討論------------------47
4-5 CdS層製備與討論----------------------56
4-6 透光層(i-ZnO/AZO)之製備與討論---------60
4-7 元件結果與討論------------------------65

5-1 研究結論-----------------------------71
5-2 未來展望-----------------------------72

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