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研究生(外文):Hsu, You Ren
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Dendritic Patterns Formation through Nanopost-Guided Organization: Experiment, and Numerical Simulation
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chih-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Dendritic PatternsNanopost
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This thesis can be concluded in two parts. In the first part, we use experiments to

explore how to use an efficient way to fabricate dendritic structure. In this article, we

found through nanopost arrays arrangement can develop a passive component to

induce the branching distribution of self-organization dendritic inorganic salt

structures. It needs expensive equipment to work on these nanostructures related

topics because fabrication process is difficult. We found the structure arrangement in

nanopost array can affect the branching angle distribution in micro-scale dendritic

structure and in a very short time without complicated environment control. In our

experiment, we chose inorganic salt to create the DP because inorganic salt is

low-cost, and easy to be obtained.

The second part of this thesis, we use an independent numerical simulation

research to study how to use precursor passive geometric structure or active induction

to affect the formation process of dendritic structure. Microstructure formation can be

mainly categorized in two ways: (1) active: such as using electric field to control the

arrangement of molecules (using external force to change the morphology of

molecules or material; (2) passive: material structure forms through pre-designed

components. On the issue of engineering, the most difficult part of self-organization

structure in fabrication is there are only limited strategies can be utilized in the

fabrication control.We hope we can propose another strategy to modify this process through appropriate artificial disturbance
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................3

Chapter 2. Background Review: Nano-fabrication Technology, and Formation of

Dendritic Pattern Self-organization ..................................................................................7

Chapter 3. Experiment: Generating Dendritic Pattern through Nanoposts –

Guided Crystallization ....................................................................................................13

Chapter 4. Improvement of DP Fabrication, and Transferring Pattern using


Chapter 5. Numerical Simulation: Two-dimensional Phase Field Model..............25

Chapter 6. Environmental Setting of Simulation.........................................................33

Chapter 7. Arrangment of Nanopost Arrays for Simulation ....................................36

Chapter 8. Boundary Condition and Mesh ...................................................................41

Chapter 9. Simulation Results and discussions............................................................43

Chapter 10. DP Growth Under Passive Design and Active Nanopost Heating.....49

Chapter 11. Conclusions.....................................................................................................53

References ...........................................................................................................................55


Figure 1 The fabrication procedure of nanoposts and salt crystallization patterns..................17

Figure 2 Dendritic inorganic salt crystallization patterns formed on Au-deposited

substrates with nanoposts. ....................................................................................18

Figure 3 Inorganic salt crystallization dendritic patterns (DP) formed on Au-deposited

nanopost substrates created by two sequential LIL exposures with the rotation



. ...............................................................................................................19

Figure 4 Branch angle distributions of salt crystallization on nanopost substrates. ................19

Figure 5 The SEM analysis of dendritic structure ...................................................................20

Figure 6 Images of DPs made from PBS buffer, and NaCl solution. ....................................23


Figure 7 Images of DPs made from PBS buffer using spin-dry method. ..............................24

Figure 8 Schematic diagrams of soft-lithograph we used for transferring the pattern to a

polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface. ...................................................................24

Figure 9 The phase field and corresponding temperature field of the dendritic structure at

interface thickness W0 = 0.25 on the surface without nanoposts. ....................34

Figure 10 Dendritic structure at different interface width. .............................................35

Figure 11 Analogy for exposure angle 90 circle arrays. .................................................38

Figure 12 Analogy for exposure angle 28 elliptical arrays. ............................................39

Figure 13 Analogy for exposure angle 38 elliptical arrays...............................................40

Figure 14 The computational domain boundary condition .............................................41

Figure 15 The phase field and corresponding temperature field of dendritic structure on the

surface with circular nanoposts in 0-25sec. ..........................................................46

Figure 16 The dendritic structure area- expanding speed on the surface with different density.


Figure 17 The dendritic structure at circle, ellipse 28, and ellipse 38 at the condition of

high density. .........................................................................................................47

Figure 18 The dendritic structures with two initial starting points at the surface without

nanopost and with 3 different kinds nanopost. .....................................................47

Figure 19 Two initial nucleation points on the surface. ..................................................48

Figure 20 The phase contour in three different nanopost arrays at density condition 2

when negative heat flux is introduced to the nanopost at t=60s. ...................50

Figure 21 The ability of delaying dendritic structure expanding at 3 kinds of nanopost

surface is different..............................................................................................51

Figure 22 When a negative heat flux introduced at the specific nanopost structure, it

can induce the Chinese character formed at the area with lower

temperature. ......................................................................................................52


Table. 1 The number of circular and elliptical nanoposts in a free space within a fixed

outside boundary. ...................................................................................................31

Table.2 The ratio of W0 and gap at W0 = 0.25 for three different nanoposts. ...31

Table. 3 Setting of the mesh ..................................................................................................36
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