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研究生(外文):Kung, Chia-Chun
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Properties of Low Water/Cement Ratio and High Compressive Strength Pervious Concrete
指導教授(外文):Yeih, Wei-Chung
口試委員(外文):Yeih, Wei-ChungChi, Mao-ChiehChang, Jiang-jhy
外文關鍵詞:pervious concreteelectric arc furnace slaglow water-cement ratio
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透水混凝土目前仍然處於發展階段,雖許多國家已開始進行實際測試並且小規模地實際使用,但普及化地使用仍然尚需時日,其原因主要在於透水混凝土其具有高孔隙率,將導致產生諸多仍待解決之問題,如其結構體本身之強度、混凝土內部鋼筋的抗腐蝕能力等。過去進行之透水混凝土研究,使用之粒料佔絕大部分為天然石粒料。本研究將採用經處理後之煉鋼業副產品: 電弧爐爐碴為粗粒料,已達到節省工程成本與減少環境破壞及再生利用工業附屬品之目標。過去的研究當中,雖然嘗試過使用低水灰比,但是在強塑劑用量上並不恰當,造成漿體流動性過加,進而發生垂流現象,造成透水混凝土喪失透水性能。緣此,本研究利用降低水灰比並恰當地選用強塑劑用量,以達成具更高強度之設計,期望可以提高透水混凝土的應用範圍。
Pervious concrete was under development nowadays. Although some small scale applications have been conducted in many countries, to widely use it still requires further researches. Due to the high porosity of pervious concrete, some challenges remains such as low compressive strength and possible corrosion problems of embedded reinforcements. In previous researches, most researchers use natural aggregates to play as the aggregates. In this study, the electric arc furnace slag (EAFS) is adopted to make pervious concrete. The goal of using EAFS is to reduce the cost of making pervious concrete, to reduce environmental deterioration and to make EAFS a recycle material. In previous study, low water-cement ratio pervious concrete gas been tried. However, inadequate amount of the superplasticizer resulted in sag phenomenon and consequently the pervious concrete lost its permeability. Therefore, how to select an appropriate dosage of superplasticizer in making a low water-cement ratio pervious concrete will be studied. It is expected a high strength pervious concrete can be developed such that the applications of pervious concrete can be broaden.
Results showed no matter the size of aggregate and water-cement ratio are, the compressive strengths of pervious concrete using the filled volume ratio percentage of voids by binder equal to 90% all exceed 21 MPa. For water-cement ratio of 0.25, the 28-day compressive strength of the pervious concrete already exceed 37 MPa, which already satisfy the strength requirement of airport runway and super highway. When the water-cement ratio is lower, the flowability of paste becomes lower and the viscosity of paste becomes higher; consequently, the sag problem becomes negligible and the water permeability coefficient becomes higher.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的及範圍 2
1-3 研究方法 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 前言 4
2-2 透水混凝土之定義 4
2-3 透水混凝土之組成 5
2-3-1 粒料 5
2-3-2 水泥 5
2-3-3 摻劑 9
2-4 透水混凝土的應用 10
2-4-1 透水鋪面常見種類[8] 10
2-5透水混凝土之相關研究 13
第三章 試驗計畫 16
3-1 試驗變數 16
3-1-1 粒料種類 16
3-1-2  粒料粒徑 16
3-1-3 水灰比 19
3-1-4 漿體填充粒料孔隙體積百分比 19
3-1-5 水泥 20
3-1-6 強塑劑 21
3-2 配比設計 21
3-2-1 試驗配比 21
3-2-2 配比狀態 22
3-3 試驗方法 23
3-3-1 試體製作 23
3-3-2 單位重測定 25
3-3-3 連通孔隙率試驗 25
3-3-4 透水係數試驗 25
3-3-5 抗壓試驗 27
3-3-6 抗彎強度試驗 28
3-3-7 加速長度變化試驗 29
3-3-8 健性試驗 30
第四章 結果與分析 31
4-1 單位重測定 31
4-2 連通孔隙率試驗 34
4-3 透水係數試驗 36
4-4 抗壓強度試驗 39
4-4-1 填充孔隙率對抗壓強度之影響 40
4-4-2 同粒徑條件下,不同水灰比對抗壓強度之影響 42
4-4-3 同水灰比條件下,不同粒徑對抗壓強度之影響 46
4-5 抗彎強度試驗 51
4-6 加速長度變化試驗 54
4-7 健性試驗 66
4-8 羧酸系強塑劑使用於低水灰比透水混凝土之劑量分析 73
4-8-1 不添加強塑劑試體 73
4-8-2 添加0.1%wt強塑劑試體 75
4-8-3 添加0.2%wt強塑劑試體 76
第五章 結論與建議 78
5-1 結論 78
5-1-1 試體透水性能 78
5-1-2 試體力學性質 78
5-1-2 試體穩定性 79
5-2 建議 80
參考文獻 81
謝誌 85
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