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研究生(外文):Huang, Chin-ji
論文名稱(外文):Leakage Management of Water Supply Networks and Lead Pipeline Improvement in Taipei Water Department
指導教授(外文):Chern, Shuh-Gi
口試委員(外文):Huang, Tsan-HweiChang, Ku-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Leakage RateDistrict Metering Area (DMA)Pipeline ImprovementFull-line excavationLead Pipeline Improvement
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The average annual precipitation in this region, Taiwan, is up to 2500 millimeters, about three times than the amount of the world, while everyone only divides 12 percent of the water resources, which there is a average quantity around the world every year. It is ranked as NO. 18 in water shortages.Recent years, the requirement for water grows fast due to the sharp development of the Taipei. At the same time, with the drastic global climate change, the situation is more drastic than ever. As a result, many places in Taiwan will face the shortages of water resources in the near future . Therefore, it is no time to waste in the current water resources management.
In view of increasing scarcity of water resources, it is necessary not only to make good use of water resources but also to prevent systems from leaking and damage. In recent years, TWD had implemented Pipeline Network Medium Term Plan from 2003 to 2006, and further has been planning a long-term strategic program for 20 years from 2006 to 2025. Moreover, it is carried out that TWD invests NT$20.746 billion dollars in “Supply Pipeline Network Improvement and Management Plan”, divided into 4 phases.The Phase 1 between 2006 and 2012 was completed and the Phase 2 between 2012 and 2016 is undertaking presently. Meanwhile, the goal of leak rate is to be under 10% year by year.Compared with the figures, from 26.99% to 15.58% in 2003, the leak rate of the pipeline had dropped down by 12.58% since the end of year in 2015; however, it was still higher than Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan’s, which leak rate was under 3%, in Japan. There is still room for improvement of reducing the leak rate in Taipei. All the research wants is find out reasons and areas of pipeline leak loss and analyze weaknesses, used as materials; further, the priority in effectiveness is set up to check, repair, and replace pipelines in order.
Since studying in implementing DMA, TWD has gained experiences, knowledge and expertise in districtplanning, meter installing, pipeline improvements and long-term management, and has modified many innovative approaches, such as full-line excavation, directly lane-by-lane detection. Because repair and improvements of the pipeline network result from aggression, they are much more different from tradition’s ways in the past. In addition, the ability of the management and control about leak loss is reinforced. Speak to materials, Stainless Steel Pipes (SSP) and Stainless Steel Corrugated Pipes that have high resistance to quake, pressure and corrosion are adopted. And the distribution pipes are also replaced with high tensile and flexible Ductile Iron Pipes (DIP). By using feeding and distribution pipes, made of the excellent quality materials, the amount of the leak loss is reduced.What is more, the project is been carried on except the slight leak of the pipeline, made of the lead, and the materials, which aren’t the right of priority and applied to repair resulted from because of leak. Yet, people suspect that pipelines, made of lead, have great influence on safety of water quality. The following is deal with the events according to progresses and strategies of TWD. This article will provide TWD with methods, improvements of reducing the leak of pipelines, networks, and elimination of the pipelines, made of lead.
Keywords:Leakage Rate, District Metering Area (DMA), Pipeline Improvement, Full-line excavation, Lead Pipeline Improvement

目 錄
誌 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機與背景 1
1.2. 研究目的與問題 2
1.3. 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4. 研究內容及流程 3
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1. 供水管網漏水問題分析 6
2.1.1. 漏水現象 6
2.1.2. 管線漏水成因 7
2.2. 漏水改善措施 9
2.2.1. 台水公司漏水改善的推動 9
2.2.2. 北水處漏水改善的推動 10
2.2.3. 北京漏損控制工作及成效 12
2.3. 自來水管線鉛管沿革 13
2.3.1. 國外自來水鉛管之探討 14
2.3.2. 台水公司鉛管現況 16
2.3.3. 北水處鉛管現況 17
第3章 管網現況與漏水原因分析 19
3.1. 供水概況【26】 19
3.1.1. 供水區域 19
3.1.2. 輸配水設備 20
3.1.3. 配水情形 21
3.1.4. 輸配水管網監控管理系統 22
3.2. 自來水管線漏水原因分析 22
3.2.1. 管線材質修漏頻率 23
3.2.2. 漏水樣態統計 25
3.3. 管網弱點探討 26
3.3.1. 弱點分析方法 27
3.3.2. 歷年初評售水率分布 27
3.3.3. 歷年修漏點分析 28
3.3.4. 漏水潛能圖 29
3.4. 管材使用演進與採用檢討 31
3.4.1. 不銹鋼給水管(3彎頭+S型管) 31
3.4.2. 不銹鋼給水管(波狀管) 32
3.4.3. 大型波狀不銹鋼管 33
3.5. 結語 34
第4章 供水管網改善計畫歷程及成果 36
4.1. 供水管網改善相關計畫【28】 36
4.1.1. 管網改善中程計畫(2003~2006年) 37
4.1.2. 管網改善計畫(綱要) 38
4.1.3. 管網改善計畫-第一階段 (2006~2012年) 39
4.1.4. 管網改善計畫-第二階段 (2012~2016年) 41
4.2. 管網改善歷年成果 42
4.2.1. 漏損控制成效 42
4.2.2. 管線汰換 45
4.2.3. 主動檢測漏水 46
4.2.4. 修漏速率品質 48
4.2.5. 水壓管理 49
4.3. 結語 51
第5章 漏水管理-小區計量歷程及作為 53
5.1. 小區計量推展歷程及成效 53
5.1.1. 小區計量工法 53
5.1.2. 小區計量初期規劃 56
5.1.3. 小區計量現行策略 57
5.1.4. 運用小區計量評核之成果 58
5.2. 小區計量策進作為 59
5.2.1. 小區計量管控 60
5.2.2. 全線開挖工法探討 61
5.2.3. 管網規劃導入次分區理念 62
5.2.4. 直接法測漏之分段檢核 63
5.3. 小區漏水長期管理 65
5.3.1. 廣設流量計窨井 66
5.3.2. 回頭複評 67
5.3.3. 供水管網壓力分析-EPAnet應用【6】 69
5.4. 結語 73
第6章 鉛管汰換及管網計畫目標修訂 74
6.1. 鉛管沿革及飲用水鉛離子標準 74
6.2. 管網鉛管現況 75
6.2.1. 歷年鉛管汰換成效 76
6.2.2. 現存鉛管長度與分布狀況 77
6.3. 鉛管汰換計畫目標與策略 79
6.3.1. 鉛管汰換計畫期程與目標 79
6.3.2. 鉛管汰換施作範圍 80
6.3.3. 鉛管施作策略與方法 81
6.4. 鉛管施工之探討 83
6.4.1. 鉛管汰換面臨的問題 83
6.4.2. 施工問題處理對策 87
6.5. 漏水率計畫目標修訂 93
6.6. 結語 95
第7章 結論與建議 96
7.1. 結論 96
7.2. 建議 97

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