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研究生(外文):Lin, Ming-Lung
論文名稱(外文):Model simulation of dust emissions from river basins in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Fu-Jung
口試委員(外文):Huang, Shih-JenChen, Wei-NaiTsai, Fu-Jung
外文關鍵詞:riverbed emissionsAsian dust modelaerosolriver basin of Taiwan
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臺灣的河床揚塵常可造成河川附近高濃度的大氣懸浮微粒產生,其懸浮微粒小於10 µm(PM10)濃度在臺灣中部常可達400-500 μg m-3, 為空氣品質標準的3倍之多。本研究於東亞大陸沙塵模式TAQM-DUST中加入臺灣八大河川流域的河床分佈,來探討河川起沙揚塵對於臺灣空氣中懸浮微粒PM10總濃度的貢獻,其中八條河域包含大安溪、大甲溪、大肚溪(烏溪)、濁水溪、高屏溪、蘭陽溪、卑南溪與曾文溪。模式所需的起沙風速與溼度的臨界條件是經由分析河床附近的測站監測數據而得,包含每個月的最低風速值與最高溼度值。模式的河床起沙量參照模式中的大陸沙塵起沙公式計算,唯河床起沙權重依臺灣監測結果做修改。模式針對兩個個案的模擬結果顯示揚塵起沙在河床附近及臺灣西部下游地區易造成PM10濃度增高,其濃度大小視風速大小而定,當東北季風強時,沙塵起沙所增加的最高濃度可高達200-300 μg m-3,揚沙影響範圍可達臺中以南至整個南台灣地區。以高度而言,台灣中部的河床揚塵可在幾個鐘頭內在離地面1-2公里的高度增加10 μg m-3的濃度,而台灣南部的河床揚塵最高濃度多集中在地面附近,PM10達100 μg m-3以上的高濃度可在近地面1公里內持續1-2天之久。以全臺平均而言,河床揚沙對臺灣大氣顆粒的貢獻依東北季風強度而不同,在個案一東北季風較弱時,貢獻量對全臺懸浮微粒影響量在10%以內,但在個案二東北季風較強時貢獻量可達30%。
Dust emissions from the river basins of Taiwan often lead to high aerosol concentrations nearby the rivers. The observed PM10 concentrations can be as high as 400-500 μg m-3, about three times more than the value of the air quality standard. This study incorporates the dust emissions from eight major riverbeds of Taiwan into the Asian dust model, i.e., TAQM-DUST, in order to understand the impacts of riverbed emission on the aerosol concentration of Taiwan. The eight major river basins of Taiwan include Da-an, Da-jia, Ta-tu(Wu), Juo-Shui(LTK), Gao-ping, Lan-Yang, Bei-nan and Tseng-wen rivers. The critical values of wind speed and relative humidity required by the model for dust emission are analyzed from the data obtained from the nearby stations of the river basins. These critical values include monthly minimum wind speeds and maximum relative humidities. The dust emission of the eight major riverbeds of Taiwan is parameterized with the same equation as the Asian dust emissions in the model, except that the riverbed emission weighting factor is modified according to the local observations. Model result of two dust emission cases show that the dust emissions from the eight major river basins of Taiwan will enhance the PM10 concentrations nearby the riverbeds and the downstream areas in the western coast of Taiwan. The maximum PM10 enhancement depends on the wind speeds of the northeasterlies. When the northeasterly is strong, the maximum PM10 enhancement can reach 200-300 μg m-3 and the concentration covers a wide range of areas from south of Taichung to whole southern Taiwan. About the emission height, the riverbed emission can reach 10 μg m-3 of maximum PM10 enhancement at about 1-2 km above the ground over central Taiwan. Over southern Taiwan, the maximum PM10 enhancement are concentrated below 1 km above the ground and can last for 1-2 days. When average over the whole island, dust emissions from the eight major riverbeds can contribute up to 10-30% of the aerosol concentrations in Taiwan, depends on the cases and the strength of the wind speeds.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章.前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
第二章.文獻回顧 3
2.1起沙模式 3
2.2沙塵計算公式 4
第三章.研究方法 6
3.1模式介紹 6
3.2河床資料 7
3.3個案挑選 8
3.4流域網格化 9
3.5決定臨界條件 10
第四章.結果與討論 11
4.1懸浮微粒濃度分析 11
4.2個案分析 14
4.3臨界值分析 17
4.4河床網格分析 26
4.5個案天氣分析 27
4.5程式流程 30
4.6模擬結果 30
4.7模擬結果驗證 35
第五章.結論與建議 39
5.1結論 39
5.2改善建議與未來展望 40
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