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研究生(外文):Lee, Yu-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Application of M-estimation Techniques for Anti-Spoofing GNSS Navigation
指導教授(外文):Jwo, Dah-Jing
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-ShengJuang, Jyh-ChingWang, He-ShengJwo, Dah-Jing
外文關鍵詞:GPSSpoofingRoubst estimationM-estimationExtended Kalman FilterUnscented Kalman Filter
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The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) has been widely used by militaries as well as civilians. The use of GPS in mission-critical applications demands not only precise navigation solutions but solutions which can be used with absolute confidence. Spoofing is a deliberate interference that aims to coerce global navigation satellite system receivers into generating false position/navigation solutions. The GPS system is generally lack of immunity against spoofing attack. As such, spoofing and anti-spoofing algorithms have become an important research topic within the GPS discipline. Currently, Spoofing mitigation technique of anti-spoofing is mainly on positioning solution. This thesis to solve the problems of spoofing signal of robust estimation, using MEKF and MUKF, which are EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) and UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter) combined with M-estimation. And joining the detection mechanism, so that using optimal estimate when did not suffer spoofing signal; on the other hand, if suffer spoofing signal starting M-estimator and using robust estimate to solve position/navigation solutions. MEKF and MUKF can not only solve the nonlinear problems but also against spoofing signal, which have greatly improved the robust of estimation, and positional accuracy.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 GPS導航系統介紹 3
2.1 GPS導航系統 3
2.1.1 GPS訊號結構 3
2.1.2 GPS接收機架構 4
2.1.3 訊號擷取與追蹤 5
2.2 GPS定位原理 6
第三章 欺騙式干擾(Spoofing) 11
3.1 欺騙式干擾訊號產生 11
3.2 抗欺騙技術(Anti-Spoofing) 11
第四章 卡爾曼濾波器 16
4.1 散型卡爾曼濾波器(The Discrete Kalman Filter) 16
4.2 擴展型卡爾曼濾波器(Extended Kalman Filter,EKF) 18
4.3 無跡卡爾曼濾波器(Unscented Kalman Filter,UKF) 22
4.3.1 UT轉換(Unscented Transformations,UT) 23
4.3.2 無跡卡爾曼濾波器(Unscented Kalman Filter,UKF) 25
第五章 M-估測 28
5.1 M-估測權值分析 28
5.2 快照式(Snapshot approach)抗欺騙式干擾之強健M-估測導航解 29
5.3 基於強健M-估測之抗欺騙式干擾卡爾曼濾波導航解 30
5.3.1 M-估測之擴展性卡爾曼濾波導航演算 31
5.3.2 M-估測之無跡卡爾曼濾波導航演算 32
第六章 結果與分析 33
6.1 實驗模擬概述 33
6.2 檢測機制 37
6.2.1 CASE 1:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 38
6.2.2 CASE 2:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 40
6.2.3 CASE 3:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 43
6.2.4 CASE 4:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 45
6.2.5 CASE 5:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 48
6.2.6 CASE 6:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 50
6.2.7 CASE 7:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 53
6.2.8 CASE 8:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 55
6.2.9 CASE 9:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 58
6.2.10 CASE 10:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 60
6.2.11 CASE 11:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 63
6.2.12 CASE 12:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 65
6.3 強健M-估測於擴展性卡爾曼濾波器之比較 68
6.3.1 CASE 13:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 68
6.3.2 CASE 14:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 70
6.3.3 CASE 15:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 73
6.4 強健M-估測於無跡卡爾曼濾波器之比較 75
6.4.1 CASE 16:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 75
6.4.2 CASE 17:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 78
6.4.3 CASE 18:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 80
6.5 M-估測導航解之比較 83
6.5.1 CASE 19:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 83
6.5.2 CASE 20:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 85
6.5.3 CASE 21:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 88
6.6 Huber M-估測導航解之比較 90
6.6.1 CASE 22:當第4顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 90
6.6.2 CASE 23:當第4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 93
6.6.3 CASE 24:當第2.4.6顆衛星遭受欺騙式干擾訊號 95
第七章 結論與未來展望 98
7.1 結論 98
7.2 未來展望 100
參考文獻 101

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