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研究生(外文):Tsai, Wan-Rung
論文名稱(外文):Applying Meta-frontier Approach to Evaluate the Operating Efficiency of Depots: A Case of a Home-delivery Service Provider in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chao, Shi-Liang
口試委員(外文):Yu, Ming-MiinLu, Jin-Long
外文關鍵詞:home-deliveryefficiency evaluationnew profit efficiency modelNerlovian profit indicatormeta-frontier model
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臺灣自2000年導入宅配服務,受到電子商務崛起與消費型態之轉型影響,宅配業平均集貨量呈現逐年增長的趨勢,深具發展潛力。本研究以國內某大型宅配物流業者為研究對象,選取其2012年臺灣本島70個營業所為受評單位 (decision making unit, DMU),並根據不同的配送技術區分為鄉鎮型、混合型、都會型三個群組。本研究從利潤的角度分析其經營績效,以五項投入(車輛維修與保養、車輛油耗、人力成本、廠房面積、其他費用)及兩項產出(集配件數、代收費用)作為衡量的指標,結合Sahoo et al. (2014)新利潤效率模型與Chamber et al. (1998) Nerlovian利潤指標,將利潤無效率拆解為技術無效率與配置無效率。再藉由共同邊界法衡量共同邊界下之效率值,及其利潤缺口、技術缺口與配置缺口,以瞭解不同類型營業所相對的營運優劣勢,作為研擬營業所策略與調整資源配置之參考。


In Taiwan, home-delivery service (HDS) was initiated in 2000. The emergence of E-commerce changes the shopping habits of customers and booms the cargo throughput of home delivery industry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of main operation depots of the largest HDS provider in Taiwan in 2012. Based on different level of delivery technique, all decision making units (DMUs) were classified into three groups: Urban, Country and Mixed. In terms of profit efficiency, five inputs (maintenance and repair of vehicles, fuel consumption, labor, operation area and other expense) and two outputs (collected and delivered parcels and collection fees) are taken into account. By linking new profit efficiency model of Sahoo et al. (2014) with Nerlovian profit indicator of Chamber et al. (1998), this study proposes a new model called new Nerlovian profit inefficiency (NNPI) indicator to decompose the profit inefficiency into technical and allocative inefficiency. Then meta-frontier model is also applied to measure the efficiencies, accordingly, profit gaps, technical gaps and allocative gaps can be measured.

According to the empirical analysis of this study, most country depots are approaching the profit level of the frontier of this group However, there is a gap between the frontier of country depots and meta-frontier, implying that the profitability of country group is far beyond the meta-frontier. On the other hand, most urban depots are the most inefficient based on group-frontier and meta-frontier but there are no gaps between both frontiers. That is, urban group is the leading group whose frontier is overlapping with meta-frontier. It’s suggested to enhance the technical capability and reallocate the resource of each depot in urban group to improve the inefficiencies. Besides, no matter which frontier is adopted to measure the efficiency, the results indicate that profit inefficiency is mainly resulted from allocative inefficiency. Depots should review its allocation of resources and adjust their operating strategies to enhance the overall performance.

謝辭 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research purpose 2
1.3 Research scope and limitation 3
1.4 Research procedure 3
2.1 Related literature about operating performance of home-delivery 6
2.2 Application of meta-frontier function 11
2.3 Literatures related to profit efficiency model 15
2.4 Summary 17
3.1 Concepts of DDF, NPII, and meta-frontier 19
3.1.1 DDF 19
3.1.2 NPII 20
3.1.3 Meta-frontier function 22
3.2 Comparison between traditional and new profit inefficiency models 24
3.2.1 Traditional profit inefficiency model 24
3.2.2 New profit inefficiency model 26
3.3 NNPI indicator 29
3.3.1 New group efficiency model 29
3.3.2 New meta efficiency model 32
3.4 New profit, technical, and allocative efficiency gap 35
4.1 Company introduction and selected DMUs 36
4.2 Selection of input and output variables 38
4.3 Results 44
4.3.1 Inefficiencies comparisons based on the specific- group frontier 44
4.3.2 Inefficiencies comparisons based on meta-frontier 45
4.3.3 Inefficiency gaps 50
5.1 Conclusions 52
5.2 Suggestions 53
Reference 54

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