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研究生(外文):Chen, Chien-Hao
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of the Obligations in Verified Gross Mass Between Shippers and Carriers
指導教授(外文):Chung, Cheng-Chi
口試委員(外文):Bao, Jja-YuanTseng, Wen-JuiYu, Hui-Lung
外文關鍵詞:ShippersMaritime LawVerified Gross Mass (VGM)International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
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1. 分析國際海運公約、國際海運組織及我國關於載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範,皆認為提供貨櫃重量責任在於託運人身上,且運送人沒有必要再次驗證託運人提供之貨櫃重量。

2. 關於載貨貨櫃總重驗證方法二,經本文研究後提出具有安全認證優質企業(AEO)認證類別之海運業者(Sea)、承攬業者(Forwarder)以及倉儲業(Warehouse),於作業程序上皆符合SOLAS公約規定之「完成貨櫃包裝所在國主管當局批准的認證方法」。

3. 有關SOLAS公約制定之載貨貨櫃總重驗證規範,經本文研究發現對於我國海商法第55條託運人保證責任有法源不足的情形,因此建議修正如表5.8所示。

When shippers deliver goods to carriers for the container loading, the cargo weight which provided by shippers on shipping document is the basis of stowage plan made by carriers. However, the cargo weight was not verified but just declared from shippers who hold the liability of warranty. Possibly result in safety anxiety from mis-declaration by shippers, Maritime Safety Committee, structured of International Maritime Organization, approved the “Guidelines regarding the verified gross mass of a container carrying cargo,” which requests the shippers has to provide a verified gross mass (VGM) for packed container. If without a verified gross mass, the packed container shall not be loaded aboard ship, and this rule will be effective from July 1, 2016. Purpose of the thesis gathered the main international maritime convention, included the Hague Rules 1924, the Hague-Visby Rules 1968, the Hamburg Rules 1978, UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods 1980 and the Rotterdam Rules 2009 to study legal basis of verified gross mass, and summarized the latest guidelines with regard to the method of verified gross mass from international maritime group, included International Maritime Organization, the European Chemical Industry Council, World Shipping Council and United Kingdom Maritime & Coastguard Agency. Results demonstrate as follows:

1. To analyze the international maritime convention, international maritime group and the guidelines regarding implementation of the verified gross mass of a container in Taiwan, all of them deem it necessary that the shippers should be liable for providing a verified gross mass, and carriers do not even to re-verify it.

2. The research of the thesis with respect to method 2 of VGM is proposed that only Sea, Forwarder and Warehouse which approved by AEO is qualified to what SOLAS concerning “using a certified method approved by the competent authority of the State in which packing of the container was completed.”

3. According to the thesis, we have found that Maritime Act, Taiwan, Article 55 is not applicable to the SOLAS guidelines regarding verified gross mass, so it is recommended to amend as shown in table 5.8.

謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 2
1.3 研究內容與方法 2
1.4 研究架構與流程 4

第二章 載貨貨櫃總重驗證之探討 6
2.1 載貨貨櫃總重驗證之源由 6
2.2 載貨貨櫃總重驗證之意義 6
2.3 載貨貨櫃總重驗證之立法理由 7
2.4 綜合評析 8

第三章 國際海運公約對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範 9
3.1 1924年海牙規則之規範 9
3.2 1968年海牙威士比規則之規範 10
3.3 1978年漢堡規則之規範 10
3.4 1980年聯合國國際貨物多式聯運公約之規範 11
3.5 2009年鹿特丹規則之規範 13
3.6 綜合討論 16

第四章 國際海運組織對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之最新建議 18
4.1 國際海事組織(IMO) 18
4.2 歐洲化學工業理事會(CEFIC) 22
4.3 世界航運理事會(WSC) 23
4.4 英國海事暨海岸防衛署(MCA) 26
4.5 綜合討論 28
第五章 我國現行規範對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之分析 30
5.1 我國現行法規對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範 30
5.1.1 海商法對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範 30
5.1.2 船舶法對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範 31
5.1.3 商港法對載貨貨櫃總重驗證之規範 32
5.2 我國實施載貨貨櫃總重驗證指導原則 32
5.3 綜合評析 34
5.3.1 建議修正海商法 34
5.3.2 我國載貨貨櫃總重驗證方法二之建議作法 37

第六章 結論與建議 38
6.1 結論 38
6.2 建議 39

參考文獻 40

【附件一】SOLAS Chapter VI Carriage of Cargoes and Oil Fuels 42

【附件二】IMO Guidelines Regarding the Verified Gross Mass of A Container Carrying Cargo 43

【附件三】WSC Guidelines for Improving Safety and Implementing the SOLAS Container Weight Verification Requirements 51

【附件四】MCA Cargo Safety – Guidance on the Implementation of the SOLAS VI Regulation 2 Amendment Requiring the Verification of the Gross Mass of Packed Containers 62

【附件五】我國實施載貨貨櫃總重驗證指導原則 78

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