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研究生(外文):Chang, Yu-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Optimization for Hydrodynamic Performances of Flapper Wave Energy Converters
指導教授(外文):Chow, Yi-Chih
口試委員(外文):Chen, Bang-FuhYen, Chih-WeiLin, Chen-ChouTzang, Shiaw-YihChen, Jiahn-Horng
外文關鍵詞:capture factorbottom-hinged flap-type WECPTO’s dampingratio of flap body’s geometry and incident wavelengthflap body’s inertiatheory-simulation-experiment
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海洋能源是眾多綠能中開發難度較高與商業化成熟度較低的能源型式,但其能源潛勢非常充足。波浪能源屬於海洋能源中的一種,因其高潛勢的特性吸引了許多學術研究者及開發設計者的關注,因此相當多類型的波能轉換器(wave energy converter, WEC)概念隨之產生。為因應臺灣特殊的極端氣候(颱風),本論文選擇了在發展概念上能避開海水表面因颱風所產生之巨大波浪能量的衝擊,也就是所謂的”底部鉸鏈推拉板式波能轉換器”(bottom-hinged flap-type WEC)來進行研究並期望將來能應用至類似臺灣這種相對波能潛勢較低的海域。
本論文以二維勢流理論結合數值模擬(WEC-Sim)的方法探討底部鉸鏈推拉板式WEC的基本水動力特性與波能捕獲係數(capture factor),並以實驗輔助驗證其所預測之趨勢。底部鉸鏈推拉板式WEC的波能捕獲表現受到三個重要參數的影響:推拉板慣性(轉動慣量)與恢復力矩(restoring moment)、功率輸出系統(Power Take-Off ,PTO)阻尼以及推拉板幾何尺寸與波浪特性(波長)之相對比例。
本論文從理論分析獲得了數個重要的底部鉸鏈推拉板式波能轉換器之設計原則,包含推拉板板體本身因浮力所產生的恢復力矩效應與慣性效應之間的抵消(阻抗抵消,impedance cancelling)、波浪幅射效應(radiation effect)與PTO阻尼效應(damping effect)之間的對應(阻抗匹配,impedance matching)以及在近岸海域(coastal water)的條件下,PTO阻尼無須因應不規則波浪(irregular wave)中的週期(波長)變動等等。之後則進一步地藉由WEC-Sim數值模擬針對臺灣東北海域(國立台灣海洋大學海洋能測試場)最常出現的波浪波長進行板體幾何最佳化,改變推拉板板體的幾何尺寸(板寬與板厚)再計算相對應的波能捕獲係數,結果顯示當板體寬度約為入射波長的三分之一時(約為21公尺至23公尺之間),搭配合適的PTO阻尼可達到最高的波能捕獲係數(約為0.8)。二維理論與三維數值模擬結果之對比顯示波浪繞射效應(diffraction effect)為推拉板表現的最關鍵因素。從本論文所引發的底部鉸鏈推拉板式WEC之小型化與更進一步的量測WEC週圍流場之波浪幅射/繞射效應,是未來可以延續發展的重點目標。

Wave energy as a major type of renewable energy from the ocean has considerable potential to be exploited. Therefore, so many kinds of wave energy converter (WEC) have been conceptually proposed for different applications in recent years. This thesis studies the bottom-hinged flap-type WEC, which can be folded to submerge to avoid impacts of huge waves caused by the extreme weathers of Taiwan like typhoons, aiming to maximize its energy capture for the application in the sea area around Taiwan with relatively low wave resources.
This thesis combines the 2-D analytical theory and 3-D numerical simulations (WEC-Sim) to elucidate how the hydrodynamic characteristics affect the capture factor (CF) of the bottom-hinged flap-type WEC, along with conducting experiments to validate the predicted trends. The wave-energy-capturing performance of the bottom-hinged flap-type WEC can be attributed to three important parameters: the (moment of) inertia and restoring moment of the flap body, the damping of the power take-off (PTO) and the ratio of the flap body’s geometry and the incident wavelength (L).
Derived from the 2-D analytical theory, several important design principles are obtained, including the impedance cancelling involving the restoring moment and inertia effects, the impedance matching between the PTO’s damping effect and the wave radiation effect, and the negligibility of the influence of the wave variability on the bottom-hinged flap-type WEC’s performance under the costal-water condition for irregular waves. After that, we are able to optimize the geometry of the flap body based on the characteristic wavelengths in the northeast of Taiwan (the test site of the National Taiwan Ocean University) using WEC-Sim. WEC-Sim simulations for different widths (B) and thicknesses (d) of the flap body show that the maximum CF can be as high as about 0.8 with B/L around 1/3 (B ranging from 21m to 23m) at an appropriate PTO’s damping coefficient. The comparisons between the 3-D simulation and 2-D analytical results indicate that the wave diffraction effect is a key factor to the trend of CF. The issues of the size minimization of the bottom-hinged flap-type WEC and the measurements of wave radiation/diffraction effects in the flow field around the WEC can be further addressed in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 III
圖目次 IV
表目次 VI
詞彙或特殊符號說明 VII
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2文獻回顧 8
1-3研究目標與方法 12
1-4本文架構 14
第二章 二維推拉板式波能轉換器之解析理論 15
2-1理論推導 15
2-2理論分析 28
第三章 推拉板式波能轉換器之最佳化數值模擬 35
3-1 WEC-Sim方法原理 35
3-2推拉板原型尺寸之WEC-Sim數值計算 42
第四章 推拉板式波能轉換器之模型試驗 61
4.1推拉板模型與實驗水槽設置 68
4.2推拉板WEC動態特性之輔助驗證 72
第五章 結論與建議 82
參考文獻 85
附錄A-勢流函數之待定係數 91
附錄B-WAMIT基本原理與使用說明 93
附錄C-WAMIT網格驗證 95
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